🧡- expelled.

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Dating. gxg

Autistic Nat.

Highschool au.

Tw ⚠️: light swearing

Nats pov.

I woke up today at 5:58 like every morning so I can plan my day out in my head and do everything before I actually do it.

By the time I finish planning my day it's 6:55 meaning it's time to get up, get dressed and do my morning routine the same thing I do every morning before my girlfriend Wanda comes around to my house so we can walk to school together. My mom works nights at the hospital and my dad is a builder so I never see them they leave mine and my sisters meals in the fridge.

I'm sitting at the breakfast bar in our house as yelena left early to go skateboarding this morning I was reading my book waiting for Wanda and she walks in just in time. "Good morning my love" Wanda says and we kiss. I get my backpack so we can walk to school, we get there an 30 minutes early to avoid crowds as it makes me nervous and I don't like the loud noises the other students make.

•°•°•°•°•°•time skip°•°•°•°•°•°

We are in the school library eating breakfast and doing our homework well Wanda does why I read as I finished my homework last night. The bell rings and I go to first period which is art with Mr Marshall.

It was a little loud in art but I was ok and able to handle it, but then it's math and we had a pop quiz so that made everything worse because I didn't plan that before and after that was break so I met up with Wanda but I felt like crying because of the unexpected things that happened but I didn't yet..

Wanda pov.

Nat was really overwhelmed at break I suggested we went home and chill and she said yes I know she likes her routine but she looks anxious and tired. We skipped the rest of the day and spent it making bread and cookies at Nats house after that we watched Netflix and ate our cookies at least Nat ate something she usually doesn't when she gets days like this. She was now asleep on my lap she was exhausted after this morning. I texted my mom to let her know I was staying at Nats and would be back home tomorrow sometime after 3pm. A little while later Yelena Nats younger sister came through the door with her skateboard she was shocked to see me and Nat on the couch as we don't usually get back till 4pm but it's currently 1pm so it looks like all three of us were skipping school today! "Hi Lena." I said "Hi wands why are you here?" " Oh Nat got overwhelmed at school so we came back after second period. "Do you know why?" Yelena asked "not really she didn't want to talk about it but I'm staying overnight tonight thank god tomorrow is a saturday!!" "Yeah" Yelena said getting a drink. "Why are you home then aren't you meant to be learning something?" I asked as it was unlike Lena to be home early. " I got suspended" Yelena said as she shrugged "how?!" I asked a little to loud causing to to whine in her sleep. " Hit a teacher " Yelena said quietly while she was content on eating her apple. "Which one? And why did you do it??" I asked her genuinely interested in who and why. "Mrs Hill tried to kick me of the archery team for no reason!!" She ranted "so I broke her nose" Yelena said while putting Brooklyn 99 on.
"she's a bitch anyway" I commented as she got under the blanket Me and Nat were under and snuggled into my other shoulder why I my lay my head on Nats. We all fell asleep there and slept peacefully.


I don't know wtf this is I got bored also I have autism and have experienced this type of situation I am aware that others may have completely different experiences with this as autism is a spectrum so I could only use what I have experienced.

I hope you enjoyed<3

Take care of yourselves and make sure to eat something, hydrate and take any medication you need to xx

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