Chapter 14

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Sai had successfully ignored VC the whole day. She had to decipher her own feelings. Though she was not getting time for even that. The movie was wrapping up and they had to shoot their final scene in 2 days. All that could happen was that they would see each other. Sai was getting afraid of her own feelings. The way she felt dependent on VC for even her smile made her fear. She managed to have a look at VC every hour or two but whenever she felt VC was coming to her she would just disappear from there.

Virat was confused and irritated with all this. He wanted to be with Sai. He had been dreaming of a life with her though knowing full well that at the most he could just be a friend. But Sai was distancing herself even from that. After trying a few times he decided to leave her. He decided to let her go. He knew he couldn't maintain the friendship alone. Sometimes it seemed as if she wanted him, it seemed that she wanted him to initiate a talk so he would go to her but the next second she would just go away.

He had wanted to give her everything she had missed. But now he seemed that he was just trying to stick around her unnecessarily. He now believed that Sai didn't want to be around him, he had known about her mood swings and now he believed that being with VC was also one of her mood swings. And now as the time has passed maybe she has gotten over with him. So he decided to let go of her.

The next day Sai came around Virat's set and looked at him through her sunglasses. She wanted to go to him. She wanted to talk to him, she wanted to get that night back and live in it. She knew if Virat saw her he would try to talk to her so she decided to move away soon but just then Virat looked up and saw her. But Sai felt something had changed. He didn't move. He just saw her with blank eyes and after staring at her for 10-15 seconds he lowered his head back in his script.

Sai was stunned. VC was ignoring her. Has he moved on? Virat would always come to her on seeing her but today he saw her clearly and still didn't even give her a smile. Is she not important. Are they not friends anymore. Has VC really forgotten her? The questions clouded in her mind.

She felt tears threatening her eyes. And she ran away from there. She entered her vanity and looked in the mirror. She removed and threw away her sunglasses to see her own self. Her eyes were red and tears were ready to spill out. Seeing herself, tears rolled down her eyes. She started to cry. She remembered Virat going away the last time she had been with him. The tears kept on rolling down her eyes, and she just stared at the mirror and The kohl draining down her eyes, along with the tears.

Just then Neha entered the vanity, "Mam we have a shoot in half an hour and..." she said as she stepped in but stopped on seeing Sai's condition.

Sai turned to look at her with painful eyes. She just stared at her.

"Ma'am... what happened are you okay," she said as she came forward and kept the script away on the table.

The tears increased even more in Sai's eyes as she heard her asking. She just dropped on the chair behind her.

"Please mam... please tell me?" Neha sat down beside her on the floor.

"Am I made to be lonely? " she asked Neha with tear stung dejected eyes.
"Lonely? No not at all... you are never lonely" she said trying to comfort her.

" Don't lie Neha... you know I am alone..." she said arguing with her.

"Why do you feel like that?" Neha gets restless.

"One friend... one friend I had tried to get... it was all I wanted and even he went away... When I had thought I have a person to call mine, he was taken away from me... Neha, again I am left here... here sitting alone... " she said restlessly.

"It's nothing like that... he is still your friend.." Neha said to her confidentially.

Sai looked at her with hopeful eyes like a child as if trying to believe her and Neha nodded her head.

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