Chapter 8: My girl

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"Listen to me, creep!" - Her voice is ferociously angry. - "I can't believe you made me walk all this way for this! And you even dragged your poor sister into this!" - She pointed at Denise, who was pretending to be looking at her phone, but was actually laughing at my situation.

She could hear our entire conversation even from a distance because of wolf hearing.

"You disgust me! I never want to see you in my life! And If you ever come near me again, I'll have you arrested!" - She's so angry even I was afraid of her reaction. And I was gutted by it.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that! But I promised I would always tell you the truth!" - I tried to apologize, but it fell on deaf ears.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face!" - She barked at me, loud and angrily.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face!" - She barked at me, loud and angrily

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At this point, there was only one card left to play. Or I definitely would never see her again. And that would kill me. As she began to walk in the opposite direction from me, I took off my shirt and began shifting into a wolf. As I gasped in pain, the loud noise made her turn around to see me kneeling down, bones breaking, fur emerging from every pore.

"Stop!" - Denise came shouting at me, waving her hands. - "Stop it right now Nate or I'll call dad!" - She yelled, desperately.

At this, I stopped the transformation and began shifting back into human. I knew I had no business shifting form out in the open, but I felt like I had no other choice.

"Thanks, human! Now, you're going to get us exposed!" - Denise barked at Daphne, livid. She reached out to me and lifted me up. My pants were stretched but not yet ripped, thank Goddess. I just picked my shirt from the ground and put it back on me.

Last thing I needed was for her to think this was a stunt, which it was, but not for her to see me naked. And especially not in front of my own sister.

Daphne's face was cracked, mouth agape. She was in such shock she didn't move, except when she realized we were walking away from her. Back to school, actually.

"Wait, she is one too?" - She asked me, pointing at Denise, but could still barely catch a breath.

"Of course she is, my entire family are. Though we're not related by blood. I'm adopted, by the way." - I explained as my sister and I kept walking back to school. I see that Denise texted mom to come pick us up outside the gate.

"That part I figured it out. I mean, it's not as if you look like any of your siblings. Anyway, is that why you were weird yesterday? Because of your... wolf?" - She asked, uncertainty in her voice.

"Yes and no. It's difficult to explain, as I've said before. But basically each werewolf has a soulmate, a pair that they can only discover when they reach 18 years old." - I explained as we continued walking.

"Okay, but what does that have to do with me?" - She questioned, looking puzzled.

"Well... there's no easy way to tell you this... but you're my soulmate." - I basically blurted it out.

"What? What the hell! I'm not your soulmate! I don't even believe in soulmates!" - She shouted in disbelief.

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. You are mine." - I stated, confidently.

"How can you be so sure?" - She questioned, still not believing me.

"It's your scent. It drives my wolf crazy. That's why I acted the way I did yesterday, because I couldn't control it once I found my mate." - I explained, as plainly as I could.

"This is crazy! I'm 17 years old! Didn't you just say you only discover at 18?" - She replied, doubtfully.

"I am 18! I turned 18 a few months ago. I got held back a year at school. But that's not relevant. The important part is that you don't need to be 18 to be my soulmate. It's the werewolf that has to be 18 for them to discover it." - I elaborated.

"I can't believe this! So you're saying you're not a pervert?" - She genuinely asked me that.

"No, I'm not! I barely even got close to a girl until you. I'm actually very shy for a werewolf, we're supposed to be these confident beings, but I guess I missed the mark." - I admitted it, uncomfortably.

"And for how long this soulmate business is supposed to last? I have college plans, you know?" - She said, almost as if bargaining to accept it.

"Forever!" - Denise shouted before I could respond. She was annoyed at us, but mainly her.

"What? Forever? That's the craziest thing I've ever heard of! No one stays together forever! Especially since they're teenagers!" - She yelled, but again my brat sister couldn't leave it alone.

"My parents did. They've been married since they were 18. They've been together for almost 19 years now." - Denise stated, raising her eyebrow in annoyance.

Daphne gasped at hearing this. We reached the school and mom was already waiting for us by the gate. I could scent Daniel in the car too. They would have words with me about all this. Not to mention, dad.

As we walked to the car, I took one last look at Daphne and said with pleading eyes:

"Remember... you promised. You swore!" - I raised my voice before I approached the car.

Denise and I get in the car. Mom starts it and we leave, but not before I hear her talking to her brother:

"So, did he explain everything to you?" - Felix asked, quizzically.

"Wow dude, you have no idea!" - She replied, her tone was (still) shocked.

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