Chapter 46: Into the unknown

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I could smell it.

Not the blood pouring out of my arm and leg. Not the wolves right in front of me.

They say that when you're about to die, your life flashes in your head. But I didn't have any flashback, all I could sense was my mate's scent. It's a nice break from the chaos.

As I watched the growling wolf move to bite my neck, a majestic big brown wolf lunges in its direction and knocks it off its course. The wolf barely had time to get back up and the brown wolf darted for the attack. It tried to defend itself with a loud bark, but the brown wolf wasn't having it.

It jumped on the wolf and bit its body with full force. Over and over, all I could hear was the wolf wince and cry. Suddenly, it's covered in blood. The brown wolf had its mouth full of the first wolf's blood. But it's not satisfied. After delivering the final blow, a bite to the neck, it turned its attention to the second wolf, who by now was surrounded by several other wolves with nowhere to run.

As I stood there frozen and hurt, I was no longer afraid. I might not know who this wolves are but the big brown wolf I'd recognize anywhere. It's my mate, Daniel.

As Daniel approached the second wolf, salivating for more, one of the other wolves started shifting back. The noise of his bones rearranging distracted us all and we looked at the scene confused, especially Dan. A few minutes later, what I could only assume it's a pack warrior emerged.

"Please Alpha, don't kill her! She is my mate! I just realized it!" - He pleaded, kneeling and bowing his head. But still I could tell his eyes are pitch black.

That threw everybody off. Obviously no one saw it coming. A rogue mate? That's not something we see everyday. Daniel also shifted back into human form.

"I'm sorry Johnson, I can't forgive her for hurting my mate. I just can't!" - Daniel told him, I could see that he's conflicted but he's still very much angry.

"An attack on the Luna is an attack on the pack, I can't let it go, I'm very sorry!" - He continued in a somber tone. He walked to where the warrior was and lifted him up.

"She didn't attack me, I think she tried to get the other one to see that I'm mated to a werewolf." - I interjected, making everyone look at me. Daniel rushed to my side.

"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry!" - He spoke. He took off my shirt and ripped to make a tourniquet to stop the bleeding of my arm and leg. The warrior who had stood up helped him.

At this, I hear another wolf shift back into human.

"I'm sorry, Alpha. Once I knew he's mated, I tried to stop the attack, I swear!" - She pleaded, trying to cover herself with her hands while still bowing her head. But I could see her eyes were also pitch black just like his.

"I'll decide your fate later. The only reason I didn't kill you yet is out of respect for my warrior!" - Daniel barked from beside me.

"I thank you, Alpha." - Johnson said. I could tell he's trying very hard NOT to go to his mate.

"I'll give her a trial later, but if anything happens to Felix I'm not responsible for my actions." - Daniel stated, he's very distraught. Understandably so.

"Now, help me carry him to the pack house. The rest of you escort her to the compound. You can shift back now, woman." - Daniel commanded. And so everyone obeyed.

Daniel didn't need help carrying me anywhere. I'm a bag of bones and he's a sculpted muscular god. But he ordered so that maybe the trip would be faster, it wasn't. So, he carried me alone back to the compound, while still stark naked. The other warrior shifted back into wolf.

Thankfully, the pack compound is secluded from the rest of the town. That would explain why wolves can walk in and out of the territory without much notice. That also came in handy when a naked man comes barging in carrying someone bleeding.

Immediately after Daniel reached the gate, the warriors who were at the front handed him his clothes and took me from his hands.

"Put him in the car. I'll drive him to the hospital now. Tell Nate as soon as he comes back to see me." - Dan commanded. - "Put her in the cellar. Give her food, water and clothes, but she's not to be disturbed, especially by Johnson!" - He ordered the wolves. And so they obeyed.

As soon as we arrived at the hospital, Daniel yelled at the receptionist in the front desk.

"Get Dr. Ford now, tell her it's her son!" - His voice was extremely distraught as he placed me in a gurney. A nurse came in to attend me.

"What happened?!" - My mom shouted as soon as she saw me. She rushed to tend to my wounds.

"Animal attack. He was walking alone in the woods and got jumped by a wolf." - Daniel explained, pain dripping from his voice.

At this, she rushes me to a room with the help of the nurses. She told Daniel to wait for her in the lounge that she would update him as soon as she could. Before I knew it, I was going through examinations and tests and all sorts of medical jargon. All I could see was my mother's worried face as I went through it. Something in it told me my condition was more serious than I imagined it.


Angry doesn't begin to describe how I was feeling. I accounted for a lot of things since I became Alpha. I had to be aware that I was going to suffer more challenges than any other Alpha would. I accounted that since my mate is human, things would have to go about differently that how it would if he was a wolf, especially one with parents such as his.

I took in the fact that I had to convince the council, convince my pack members. Hell, I even had to convince my own dad! No to mention that I had to contend with the fact that I could die from any of these challenges. And still can. The only thing I knew for certain is that I would have Nate's support and my mate accepted me. That was paramount.

But the only thing I didn't contend with, the thing I didn't imagine it's the possibility that I could lose my mate. That never registered with me. Especially not from a freaking rogue attack. And I was furious.

It's been a few hours since I brought Felix to the hospital. Daphne and Nate had arrived and she's desperate for information. She cried from the moment she found out and hasn't stopped crying since. It was heartbreaking, especially to Nate.

Dr. Ford appears in the lounge, she had full surgery gear on her. She took off her mask, but Daphne couldn't wait to question her.

"Mom, what happened? How is he?" - Daphne asked her, but all of us were next to her, paying attention.

"Unfortunately, he lost a lot of blood from the injuries. We gave him blood transfusions and sutured his wounds, but he lost consciousness and..." - She said and paused. Tears started falling from her face and my heart sank.

"What, mom? What happened?" - Daphne nearly shook her for answers. She was shaking from nervousness.

"Felix fell into a coma. He hasn't awaken since and we don't know if he will." - She said and I dropped to the floor.

"No, no, no..." - Daphne cried in her mother's arms.

"Daniel!" - I could hear my mom's voice from the other side of the lounge. She's just arriving at the hospital and rushed to me as soon as she saw me. My dad was with her.

I completely unraveled in my mother's arms. I was a wreck. I couldn't stop crying.

"His wounds were very severe, there was a lot of blood loss, it's too much for his body to handle it." - I could hear Dr. Ford telling Chief Ford, who was also in the lounge.

"Now, all we can do is wait and see. But if he loses brain activity, then it's possible he never wakes up again." - She continued, through tears. I could tell Chief Ford and Daphne were also crying. I took comfort in my parents' arms as I'm inconsolable.

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