Chapter 23: What's up

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It's late afternoon. I'm at my house, still reeling from what had happened in the bathroom at school today. I mean, that was crazy, right?

The whole scene at the bathroom kept playing over and over in my mind... really, was it just my imagination or he did say he could only be with me? Lonely old me!

Truth be told, there are worse things in life than having the hottest boy I've ever seen in my life saying I was his partner. Way worse! And I'm not gonna lie, I'm giggling at this like a little girl.

I just knew I had to talk to someone about it or I would go crazy! So, I barge into Daphne's room, much to her surprise. Plus, who else am I going to talk to? I do need friends, to be honest.

"Hey, what you're doing? Knock first! What if I was naked?" - She reprimanded me, shocked at my presence.

"Bitch, please! I already saw your boyfriend naked! You? Hard pass!" - I sassed her, playfully.

"Wait, what? How?" - She asked, curiosity dripping from her voice.

"In the locker room! Did you forget we all have P. E. together?" - I replied, surprised at her reaction.

"I can't believe you saw Nate naked before me!" - She whined, brooding.

"And let me tell you, girl, you're in for a treat!" - I said to her suggestively, looking mischievous.

"Really?" - She's gobsmacked, her eyes were glistening and wide.

"Yes! But that's not why I came here! I need to talk to you about something or I'm gonna explode!" - I blurted.

"Gee! Fine, spill!" - She was disappointed at first, but curiosity always gets the best of her. Of us, really.

"So, there's this boy I've been kissing..." - I started, a little flustered.

"Really? Yes, queen, way to go! Who is he?" - She asked, excitedly.

"Twin promise you're not going to say anything? Even to Nate?" - I pleaded, looking serious.

"Wow! This shit just got real! Who is he?" - Now she's really curious! She even comes closer to me.

"Twin promise!" - I yelled.

"Fine!" - She took my fingers and we did that thing we do before we tell each other secrets. A secret handshake, but with fingers.

"OK, Twin promise!" - She said, looking at me expectantly.

"It's Dan." - I said, nonchalant.

"Dan who?" - She replied, puzzled.

"Daniel Huntington!" - I stated, a little confused at her reaction.

She laughed hysterically at me for a minute. And then...

"No, seriously, who is it?" - She questioned me with a serious face.

"Daniel MOTHERFUCKING Huntington!" - I screamed, I was fuming she didn't believe me.

"You mean the Daniel who up until like yesterday dated basically a supermodel? The same Daniel who is captain of the wrestling team? Nate's brother, that Daniel?" - She inquired and I could tell she wasn't convinced.

"Yes!" - I shouted with my eyes open wide.

"Are you sure you're not dreaming about him and thinking it's real?" - Daphne wondered. And I got really pissed.

"Daphne Elizabeth Ford, I'm going to ignore the fact that you basically questioned my mental health and I'm telling you, for the last time, it is him! He kissed ME!" - I said to her as I get closer and look deeply into her eyes.

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