Chapter 48: Un-break my heart

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That's it. This is the day the mighty Huntingtons, a dynasty that had survived for more than 100 years would be destroyed by a puny human.

Not only would I never recover from losing my mate and therefore would have to abdicate my Alpha position. Nate would also never recover cause his mate would never recover from this. Not from losing her twin, her only brother.

As we were forced back to the hospital lounge, Daphne and I found little solace in each others' arms. Nate didn't have time to go back to the pack as he heard the events unfold and also waited next to us, but he didn't dare coming close to Daphne, not until she asks for him. He is a gentleman, after all.

After what it felt like half an hour passed, Chief Ford arrived winded like he didn't take a breath in a while.

"Daphne, what happened?" - He shouted at her as soon as he saw us.

"Felix's heart stopped beating. Mom and her team is at the room right now, trying to resuscitate him." - Daphne explained, barely getting a word out she was so nervous. It was difficult hearing her trying to catch a breath.

"Oh my God!" - Felix's dad screamed. - "I can't believe this is happening to my son! He's only 17 years old!" - Chief Ford gasped, winded.

At this, Daphne cried harder and fell, instinctively Nate went and grabbed her before she reached the ground. It was so fast anyone barely had time to react. He pulls her up and hugs her. He cries too.

After what it felt like forever, Dr. Ford appears at the lounge and Chief Ford immediately goes to her. She looked very distraught.

"We tried to reanimate Felix's heart but..." - She starts but stops. And my whole world ended.

"Oh my Goddess! No, please, no, no, no..." - I shouted, crying desperately at her words.

"But his heart was too weak from the injuries..." - She continued and I knew what she was going to say. So I did the only thing left for me to do.

In a swift move, I grabbed Chief Ford's gun from his holster and pointed at my heart.

"Dan, what are you doing?" - Nate yelled at me, wide eyed. He was incredibly scared.

"Son, give me my gun back. That is not a toy. You can't mess with it!" - Chief Ford exclaimed as he tried to approach me. Everyone looked at me shocked. Daphne and her mom gasped.

"I'm sorry. I can't live without Felix. Nate, tell my parents I love them. Tell Denise I love her. I'm  so sorry!" - I spoke, tears streaming down my eyes, but everyone is staring at the gun pointed at my heart.

"Dan stop, please. Don't leave me this way! Don't make me watch my own brother kill himself!" - Nate begged me, he's in tears too. That's the most distraught I've ever seen him in his life aside from when his parents died, at 5 years old.

"I'm sorry, Nate. I'm sorry everyone, I can't live without him. I just can't!" - I said, crying hard.

"Son, this is not the answer! That's not what Felix would've wanted!" - Chief Ford tried to reason with me. But I wasn't listening to everyone. I rather die than live without him.

"Listen to me Daniel, Felix didn't die! I was just saying that his heart wouldn't start so we had to put him on ECMO. But it's fine now. He's back!" - Felix's mom spoke with conviction.

"You're lying! I know that's not what you're going to say. You're just lying to me so I don't kill myself!" - I rebuked, deeply upset.

"I'm not lying. He's awake now and he has asked for you." - She stated with a soft smile. Damn, she's brilliant! I was almost believing her. But then again, I wanted to so desperately.

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