Chapter 39: I Hear The Day Has Come

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I couldn't look! And I couldn't look away! I was a nervous wreck! And the worst part is there's nothing I could do! I can't believe I lost my mate the day I finally officially get him! I mean, I didn't even believe in soulmates to begin with and now I can't imagine my life without him!

The wolf that had already hurt Dan and left him bleeding went for the kill. And as he was about to bite Dan with its full force, Dan narrowly escaped its bite. But then he countered with a bite of his own. It must have hit an important place because the other wolf winced in pain. Then, Dan killed him. And I wept!

"We'll take a 5 minute recess until the next challenge!" - Nate announced it in the microphone.

"5 minutes!? That's it?!" - I exclaimed.

"It's in the regulation, there's nothing Nate can do but to follow the rules!" - His dad told me. He could sense my nervousness and so could I sense his. We all were gasping as we watched the love of my love fighting for his life!

Nate took care of Dan's wolf as best as he could, since he was the only one allowed at the podium. 5 minutes passed flying. But I just stood there watching, tearing up.

"Next challenger, please!" - Nate announced at the end of 5 minutes.

There was a massive wolf that emerged out of the guy in robes. I mean, Dan's wolf was not small but that challenger was fucking huge! I could see how this was gonna go. And I was crying hard already!

The massive wolf came at Dan guns blazing. He dripped blood as he tried to escape its attacks. It was hard to watch! The crowd was gobsmacked. I wish I could bitch slap the person who invented this barbaric rules.

So, the worse happened, the massive wolf bit Dan right in the middle of his body, he winced so loudly I could feel it! As he stood there, wincing, the massive wolf came up to him, towering over him and I could see he was about to deliver its final blow.

The massive wolf was above Dan and as it covered him, prancing about the fact that he was about to kill the Alpha, Dan's wolf bit its neck from under him. Its jaw kept locked on the massive wolf's neck, as it tried to pry it away. And then it hit Dan with its paws and it threw him over the podium to the floor, making the crowd gasp and back away from them. Obviously, no one could interfere. That much I understood. But I would if I could.

The massive wolf ignored the bleeding of its neck and continued down the podium to where Dan was, bleeding, wincing in pain, frozen in his place. I could tell there weren't many moves left for him. I could tell he was backed into a corner. The massive wolf was salivating it was so angry.

As the challenger approached Dan, all I could think to do was to say goodbye to him. I knew where this was leading. And my heart sank at the mere realization. I was shaking in nervousness.

"I love you, Daniel! I really do!" - It was all I could muster, the tears wouldn't stop falling from my face. Everyone, the entire surrounding crowd looked at me.

At this, the massive wolf turned its head to look at me too. Dan's wolf stood up and pounced at him with its open mouth. Dan's jaw locked against the huge wolf's neck from above him. The big wolf shook and shook, trying to get Dan off of him, but he wouldn't let go. He was angry, I could see it in his eyes!

The ferociousness, the will to go on. Eventually, the bigger wolf stopped moving as Dan's bite on it wouldn't subside. As it fell to the floor, Dan's wolf stood there on top of it, with his mouth full of blood. And then it growled. So loud it made everyone in the crowd bow their heads in submission. And I mean EVERYBODY!

Nate took to the microphone.

"We'll take a 5 minute recess and then the next challenger can come up!"

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