Chapter 30: Fighter

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I fell to the ground. It was like all the air had left my lungs but none came in. I was floored. Felix came rushing for my aid, but I could barely move. Nate helped me up. All I could hear was my father's words: 'I'm not gonna be Alpha.'

"What?! Why?" - Nate asked dad, he was fuming.

"They said the pack can't have a human Luna." - Dad replied in his ever serious, somber tone.

"That's bullshit and you know it!" - Nate spat at him. - "What you mean is the pack can't have a male Luna." - He was so angry he was feral.

"What else did they say?"- Mom asked dad.

"They said that either Nate will ascend as Alpha or we'd have to wait for Damon." - He informed. Damon was our younger brother. He was 8 years old.

"That's crazy! Damon's 8! We'd have to wait 10 years for a new Alpha!" - I yelled as I got up. Nate was shocked as I watched him with his mouth agape.

"I'm not going to accept it! This is such bullshit! My mate is also human! If Felix can't be Luna so can't Daphne!" - Nate shouted as he looked at us. Felix was listening to all of the conversation but his face was blank.

"Did you fight it?" - I asked, looking at my dad. - "Did you argue in my defense?"

Dad took a breath.

"Of course, I did. You're my son!" - He claimed.

"Did you do this to me because you wanted to keep being Alpha?" - I questioned him, looking him deeply in the eyes.

"Of course not. I don't have anything to do with this. This the council's decision." - Dad explained. But I wasn't buying it.

"I told you, Nate. I told you he was going to block me from being Alpha! I can't believe this is happening!" - I said looking at Nate, who went to hug me.

"This is not gonna stand. We're gonna appeal. I'll unite the whole entire pack if I have to!" - Nate whispered in my ears.

"There is no point in fighting amongst ourselves. Let's going to take a moment and discuss this later when everybody has calmed down." - Mom pleaded. Her voice was sweet and soft as ever.

"I can't believe you did this to your own son!" - I exclaimed to my dad, tears streaming down my face. I took Felix's hand and went to my room.

"How can they do this? I thought it was your birth right to be Alpha!" - Felix said as we sat in my bed.

"It is!" - I replied, still sobbing. "It is my birth right! It's what I've being training my entire life to become!" - I told him, shaking I was so nervous.

"I'm so sorry, Daniel. If you weren't mated to me none of this would be happening!" - Felix spoke in a sad tone.

"This is NOT your fault! This not any of our faults! We can never apologize for something that is out of our control! We're born this way!" - I spoke in a reassuring voice. A while passes as we take some water to calm ourselves, especially me.

There's a knock on the door. I move to open it and Lauren, Mike, Tom, Carl and Denise entered.

"We came as soon as we heard it!" - Lauren said to me as they all spread throughout my room.

"Thanks guys for being here." - I said, with teary eyes.

"Of course, bro. We got you! You will always be our Alpha!" - Mike said, reassuring me.

"You are my Alpha, big brother. I know I've always gave you crap but that's only because I love you. You were born to be Alpha. And though I would make an excellent Alpha, I know this is your path to follow!" - Denise said with a soft smile.

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