Chapter 2: Two Sides of The Same Coin

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{Charlie's POV}

The phone call from God was received surprisingly well. Although I was kind of hoping for more girls. The most we got was 20 girls.

First day of term

I was completely shocked by how hot all the girls looked. I nudged Meeks in the elbow as he was literally drooling on the floor. Practically everyone was at this point. Even Knox, who had a girlfriend of his own was gawking at them Only a few of the girls were appropriate enough to look at without it being creepy. I think there were about 9 girls our age and the rest were younger.

"Hey, look at that one." I nod towards the girl with short, wavy brown hair. "I'm gonna go talk to her. Check me out." The guys all hyped me up as I walked towards her.

"Hey, I couldn't help but notice your beautiful smile, and I just had to come over here to introduce myself, I'm Dalton. Charlie Dalton. And you are?" I said charming her with my smile.

"Charlie Dalton? The Charlie Dalton, the one that made the stupid request to put girls in the school? That Charlie Dalton? The reason my parents forced me to go to this hell hole, Charlie Dalton?" She said rather quickly I was taken aback. I could sense that she wasn't happy to see me.

"Yes, that's me, alright." I said, " I love it when you say my name."

Her reaction wasn't the one I was expecting. She took the coffee in her hand and splashed it right in my face. Mind you, this was iced coffee, alright. Ice went places that did not belong.

"Son of a-" I looked up after getting the ice out of my shirt and she was gone. I didn't want to face my friends because their laughter already told me all I needed to know.

"Nice going Nuwanda." Yelled Neil across the courtyard.

Second day, while I was walking to Latin, I felt something cold and slimy fall on top of my head. The slimy substance fell and made its way to my mouth and down my chest. Turns out it was strawberry yogurt but I had no intention of finding out. I look up the staircase and I see none other than that girl who poured coffee on me.

"Oops'' she says, devilishly giggling.

Later that day I 'accidentally' on purpose poured orange juice all over her hair.

"Oops." I said. She was extremely mad, rumbling about how she had spent hours to make her hair look perfect.

"Please God tell me it's not the kind with pulp?" she screeched talking to herself.

I took it a step farther and pretended to be on a phone call by putting my thumb and pinky finger to my ear, "It's God, He says it's with pulp." I emphasized on the pulp part. She ran out of the cafeteria screaming and yelling obscenities at me.

"You know that phone call from God thing is getting kind of old." Said Knox.

"Yeah I know."

It seemed like her opinion was not an unpopular one. Most girls blamed me for going to Hellton and I have got to admit that this makes it hotter for me. It makes it harder to get with the girls which makes it more fun. Obviously I had warned the guys over the one particular girl and how she was not worth any of our time.

"Her name is Valerie Chase. She's actually pretty nice." Todd said in our meeting once.

"Valerie Chase, Huh?" I repeated subconsciously. "And how do you know if she's nice Anderson, because speaking from personal experience I have reason to think otherwise."

"Well uhm- I don't know about your experience, but I met her in the library once and she was interested in the book I was reading and we just talked for a while after that." His words got less detectable as his volume went down. A bad habit of his which I hope he'd quit.

Thin Line- Charlie Dalton Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz