Chapter 22: Guilt V.S. Love

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{Valerie's POV}

"Oh my God, Becky you will not believe what just happened to me!" I shouted, as I made my way through the crowded hallway to my room.

The second I entered the room, I was encountered with a big fat slap across the face.

After I recovered from the shock of the attack, I rubbed my right cheek victim, and shouted, "What was that for?"

"That is for not calling. I was worried sick, you didn't come home last night. I couldn't sleep a wink and when I saw you weren't here this morning, I nearly lost my mind. I had to ask for help from Neil and Todd like I was some unhinged girl. Of course, Todd wasn't there, his friend Knox was. So you know how perfectly embarrassed I was. And then-"

I slapped Becky in the face. I held her by the side of her shoulders and shook her strenuously.

"Calm the fuck down." I screamed in her face, " I'm okay."

Thankfully, that was enough to screw back some nails in her head. After both of us were completely calm, and sore on the face, I told her everything about yesternight.

"Oh my, You slept with him again." Becky said, sounding unusually proud.

I nodded and smiled at her approval.

"And Charlie was going to tell you he loves you? Are you sure?" She asked.

"I think so. It seemed like he would. Until Neil and Knox showed up." I said.

"That's good then isn't it. Because he'll be sure to try again and once he does this bet will be off your back forever." Becky said, then she couldn't resist but to add, "Of course, you will have to do the inhumane thing and break his heart which is likely to affect him forever and not-"

"Will you give it a rest! I'm perfectly fine giving him what he deserves. What's a little heartbreak?" I said, not completely believing myself.

"You're in love with him." Becky said.

"No I'm not." I denied.

"You're in love with him."

"No I am not."

"You are in love with him."

"Oh God, I am." I gave in.

I totally was in love with him. Everything makes sense now. Charlie is so different to me now which only means that I'm changing as well. Gross, am I growing kind? How can I be kind when I'm running pools on an innocent guy's heart. In my defense he wasn't innocent to me three months ago.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I called in frustration, "How the hell did this happen? This was not supposed to happen."

"Shall I refresh your memory?" Becky began mocking me by mimicking my voice, " 'ThErE iS A ThIn LiNe BetWeEn LoVe AnD HatE, ReBeCca...' "

I stared at her, with hate in my eyes until she was finished.

After Becky was done with her one woman show, she turned to me and said in a more serious note, " You have to tell him the truth V, if you truly love him. Otherwise, if Charlie finds out from someone else, he might never trust you again."

I nodded as she said all the right words but none that comforted me. We put the topic aside and went to get some breakfast while dishing over new gossip topics that weren't about me. When we got to the cafeteria, Charlie wasn't where he usually was, with his friends. I turned my head left and right like a weasel yet still could not find him.

After breakfast, Becky and I went to the library to study. She went to the library to study. I went to pretend to study. A long while went by and I got bored from not studying so I took a look around the books. I found Stacey sucking on some guy's face in the Fiction aisle, so I skipped that for today. I noticed that we have a "Self-Help" aisle in the library. How pathetic do you have to be to read a book to figure out your life affairs.

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