Chapter 9

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You had patched Marshall up the best you could, neither of the two of you saying a word to each other as you did. You could tell his mind was racing, but you knew better than to ask what about. You could tell by the way he winced underneath your touch and shifted uncomfortably that a hospital would have been a better option, but again you knew better than to suggest that.

Now, the two of you were waiting in an unfamiliar hallway. The air smelled faintly of lavender and the other flowers that sat decorated. You weren't sure what you had been expecting when Marshall had gotten the address from, but it definitely wasn't this. You kept your comments to yourself though as you followed after him, remembering what you and B- rabbit talked about in the car. There were two people dressed in black standing guard of a glass door. The door was impossible to see through, and you wondered if it was the same on the other side. As you looked down at your shoes, Marshall kept his gaze up. A woman sat at the front desk, her nose buried in her laptop as she furiously typed away.

"Can I help.." the woman started, but stopped, her voice slowly trailing off as she finally caught wind of Marshall's face. Despite your best efforts, his cheeks were still heavily bruised, and his nose seemed to match the same color.

"I'm looking for Randle." Marshall said simply. "Tell him it's B-rabbit."

The lady paused the typing from her computer and briefly looked up, her eyes scanning both Marshall and you.

"Whose here to see Randle. You?" She asked, her voice skeptically as she studied both you and Marshall. You looked down at yourself, realizing now that you hadn't bothered to wash the blood off of your clothes. You'd just barely managed to wipe most of the blood off of your face, but you knew that there were still places you'd missed.

You glanced at Marshall, unsurprised to see the look of annoyance that filled his face. "Is it your job to bitch at people or direct them towards where they asked?" He shot back, sliding a card across the table. You studied it for a brief second, noticing that fingerprints of blood had been stained on the white sheet. The woman tilted her glasses as if it would help her see better, and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes.

"Just one moment." She said, giving the both of you one more look before she disappeared into a back room. The moment she left the area, Marshall allowed his eyes to wander and fully take in the scope of the room.

"The air smells... weird.." you murmured.

"That's just weed." Marshall grunted, his voice distracted as his eyes landed on a picture that stood over a few fake plants.

"Do you think.." you started, and Marshall nodded.

"Yeah, that's him. I'm sure of it. Who the hell else would have a forty by sixty photo sitting in this joint." He walked away from the plant, swaying on his feet lightly as he moved. Despite keeping a straight face, you could tell he was in another world of pain. You thought back to the beating, gritting your teeth slightly as the sounds from it rang through your mind.

"You should sit down.." you found yourself saying, watching as he placed a hand on the wall besides him to steady himself.

" 'N risk staining their perfect white couch? I'll take my chances standing." He questioned. He paused for a second, as though he were mulling over his own words. Before you knew it, a devious grin had had spread across his face.

"Y-you know what? You might me right. These are white and-" you started to backpedal, but stopped as the door swung open. Clouds of smoke evacuated the private office and quickly filled the lobby. Your nose twitched with irritation, but you refused to plug it and looked like a prude. You were beginning to learn how to control your somewhat judgmental mannerisms, but at times like this you found it difficult.

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