Chapter 7

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"What do you mean I, Marshall?" You asked him incredulously. "You aren't going alone, besides he said he wants me come as well." You told him. He stood up from the couch and walked towards the living room looking considerably stressed.

"Fuck, Y/n I don't know okay!" He said, his jaw set in exasperation. "All I know is I don't have time to fuck around with Clarence. If he wants to tell me something he should just get straight to the fucking point instead of going to you!" He shouted. You looked up at him with wide eyes, and for a moment you saw him falter. He sighed deeply and shook his head, you knew it was the closest he'd get to apologizing for yelling.

"Whatever it is, it really can't be that bad can it? I mean it's Clarence." You reminded him after several moments of silence. Before you could stop yourself you placed your hands on his shoulders and gently pushed him into a sitting position onto the couch. He didn't swat at you or even make a snarky comment, a testament to how tired he really was. "Marshall, seriously. Something's been going on with you.." you said, your eyebrows furrowing in concern as you addressed him. "What's wrong?"

He looked away stubbornly and said nothing. For a long moment you were sure he was going to just ignore your question entirely.

"This is how it always is." He stated, still not really looking at you as he talked. He leaned forward on the couch a little and slipped his hat off. He rubbed at his tired face for a moment and sighed. "This is how it always is when I'm living with my mom." He explained with a stifled eyeroll. "Like I said I'm taking care of Lilly right now, or at least damn well trying to. My mom doesn't work, and she doesn't give a fuck whether or not the kid eats." He mumbled. "Doubled with.. paying the rent so she doesn't get kicked out, it all means longer shifts and no time for anything else."

You thought about this for a moment. You realized with a start that you hadn't heard him talk about battles or even any new ideas in several days, another thing that was unusual for him."Rapping?" You asked, turning to face him on the couch and crossing your legs.

"Rapping, sleeping, an' all the other crap I used to do before I moved back in." He said. You frowned as you listened to him.

"So, in other words, you're tired?" You asked him gently, deciding to just put it in simple words. He glanced away stubbornly and scoffed.

"I'm not tired." He contradicted. He crossed his arms and kept his gaze away from your questioning one. You knew that if you could get him to look at you, he'd tell the truth. You tentatively brought your hand up to his cheek and turned his head to face you. Though you turned his head, he kept his gaze trained somewhere else.

"Marshall." You said knowingly, your eyebrow slightly raised. His eyes finally trailed over to meet yours. They looked dull, stifled and generally just not like Marshall's eyes at all. You understood at once that the problem was something bigger than just sleep.

"Yeah. I'm tired." He admitted, his voice slightly hesitant. "I'm fucking exhausted. I can't stand being in that crap trailer."

You knew that if he was admitting it then it was worse than you thought. He truly did look exhausted. Though he always seemed to have dark circles under his eyes, it seemed a lot worse than usual today.

"Marshall I know you don't want to hear this, but I really think you should take the night off." You suggested quietly. He looked like he could barely keep his eyes open, you knew that working would be an impossible feat.

He shook his head and looked away again. "Y/n, I can't. If I'm staying there, I gotta work. That's just the way it is."

You thought about his words for a moment before an idea came to mind. "Just come stay with me for the week, or however long you need to catch up on.. sleep, life, all of it." You offered.

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