Chapter 8

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You had spent the past hour multitasking between your phone, homework and scrolling through your text messages and social media. You had almost forgotten what was to come.   Marshall had slept soundly for the past hour and a half, barely stirring even when your annoying neighbors turned on their lawn mower. You couldn't remember if you had ever seen him look so comfortable.

Due to all this it was quite easy to forget about the appointment that loomed over you and Marshall's heads. It was only when Clarence texted you a blunt reminder that it all came rushing back. You glanced over to the clock and sighed in dismay as you saw how close it was to six. You stood up and walked over to Marshall, hesitating to wake him up. He had drawn the blanket up so high that only his nose and eyes peeked out. He was curled up slightly and his hands were folded under him. He looked so peaceful and you didn't want to be the one responsible for disturbing that peace.

"Marshall.." you prodded him quietly, before remembering that that wouldn't wake him up. You grabbed a pillow from the couch over and lightly hit his arm with it. "Marshall!" You tried again. Marshall stirred lightly, groaning and turning away from you as though he didn't want to wake up. "It's 5:45."

Those simple words were enough to shake the male from his sleepy state. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking anything but ready to go. "Aight, let's just get this over with then."

You nodded and followed after him, slipping your shoes on at the door and following him out. You made sure your front door was locked, always the one to feel slightly more responsible whenever your mother was away. You slipped into the car wordlessly and started it. "I wonder why he wanted to meet out of town." You mumbled, mostly to yourself. Marshall glanced over at you as he heard this.

"Probably 'cus he can't show his face anywhere around town without getting bitched at anymore. That's what happens when you try to play both sides." He spoke. You hummed in agreement but in reality you had no idea whether or not this was true. There was still a lot about both sides you were still learning, and oddly enough Marshall had let a few things slip over the past few days that you would have never been able to imagine. You had tried asking him about it a few more times after, but each time he had promptly changed the subject.

"Now that you've mentioned it, I haven't seen him around school much." You said, keeping your eyes on the road. "In fact, the last time he was at school was the first time he'd been there in a while."

"Sounds like someone's takin notice." Marshall half joked, rolling his eyes as he stared out of the window.

"Sounds like someone's jealous." You teased back, a faint smile on your lips.

Marshall gave a short chuckle and shook his head. "Not jealous, but I am curious." He said, looking over at you. "How'd someone like you end up being friends with someone like that? And was he really all that good at hiding what a snake he was?"

You drummed your fingers on the steering wheel as you thought about it. "Well, at the school district that I attend, you pretty much stay with the same group of students until you reach the eighth grade." You said. "I think I met him in the third grade, I just moved here." You added. "It was the typical story of having no friends, eating alone every day, blah blah.." your voice trailed. "He was awful to me at first, now that I'm thinking about him. He and his friends made it a game to steal my homework on the walk home from school, because they knew I did it early in class. Then in the fourth grade, this other kid named Angelo came into the class. I still didn't have friends, I think I was always annoyed at how quickly Angelo made friends even though he was newer than I was. He was worse to me than Clarence was.." your voice trailed off.

"Again.. ya lost me." He said. "This doesn't sound like friendly terms to me."

"Stay with me, because I'm getting there." You said, shooting him a look. "One day after class, I volunteered to clean the whiteboards. Mostly because I wanted to avoid Angelo and everyone else. I didn't mind getting home a little later either." You said. "But.. Angelo volunteered too. I'm not sure what he planned to do to me that day. The teacher wasn't there, and neither was the other students. All I can say is that he didn't get a chance." You said.

Infinite (Eminem x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin