Chapter 11

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A/n: I can't even remember how old Lily was in the movie, and I can't find if I ever mentioned it in earlier chapters. So I just want to put the disclaim here that for this series, she'll be eight. Also, ya'll crack me tf up with these comments 😭 but I'm a little concerned that some of you might be waaay younger than I thought. Which tbh is none of my business. I don't plan on writing straight up smut or anything sexual like that. However, it will be implied throughout the story as you've seen in some instances. So yeah, enjoy but also keep that in mind! Also, I forgot to add that as soon as I started this series back up, I got two messages from accounts saying pretty hateful shit towards my writing. If you don't like how I write my books, no one is forcing you to read it. However I will continue to write how I want, regardless if you might dislike it. You're always welcomed to leave your opinions, but I draw the line at death threats.

Also TW: Mentionings of child abuse

"When's the last time we drove around here?" You found yourself wondering out loud. Slowly, the familiar streets that you called home had begun to fade out. Even when the two of you had driven after Clarence and Randle, it had been in the opposite direction of town.

"Hmm?" Marshal murmured, and you glanced at him from the corner of your eye. He was resting his head against the window. Unlike the other times where you were unsure of whether or not he was actually listening to you, this time you were sure that he wasn't. His face held a somewhat rosy complexion, unnatural for the usual paleness you were used to.

Although there were very few instances where you could describe Marshall's eyes as bright, they were never usually as dimmed and dull as they seemed now.

"Are you sure you want your sister to see you like this?" you found yourself questioning. The majority of the car ride had been spent in a somewhat comfortable silence, and now it felt as if you were talking to yourself.

"Like what?" Marshall questioned, feigning ignorance as he continued to keep his gaze out of the window. You couldn't tell if his detachment was due to the fever or the fact that you were creeping closer and closer towards his moms trailer.

You turned on your phone camera and handed it to him. He briefly glanced down at his complexion, scowling slightly that that was what you had chosen to show him.

"Hey, don't get mad at me. It's your face.." you teased lightly, though it was clear there was concern in your voice. As you glanced at yourself in the mirror, you became acutely aware of the fact that your eyebrows had remained furrowed for a duration of the trip. Marshall finally looked at you, the annoyance immediately leaving his features. He looked away from you for a moment, an expression you'd never seen on him before filled his face.

"I'm sorry." He eventually mumbled out, his gaze still planted on the window besides him. His voice was somewhat raspy as if it threatened to cut out at places. "She won't notice, really. She's a kid, in her own little world and shit." He said, rubbing his face a bit. "I won't be out long anyways. I just need to talk to her, then we'll go back." He agreed.

"And you'll actually listen to me?" You pushed hopefully.

He shot you a look, and you shot him one back. He eventually sighed, leaning back in his chair with another scowl and closing his eyes. "Fine." He gritted, "but this'll be the one and only time, aight?"

You nodded, your shoulders eventually dropping with relief. It was as if the tension that had been slowly building up had ebbed away.

It didn't take long before the two of you had reached the trailer. The familiar smell of burning plastic and other unrecognizable fumes filled the air. As you parked, you wondered how your friend Cindy was doing.

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