Chapter 12

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At first you weren't sure what it was that woke you up. Your first instinct was that Lily had gotten up, and was somehow walking around the house. You opened your eyes quietly, realizing immediately that your face had been buried against Marshall's chest
Your cheeks heated at the realization, but you pushed it to the back of your mind as you listened deeply for Lily. All you could hear however, was the sound of Matthew lightly scratching his post. You smiled, unalarmed as at first you found nothing.

You held your hand around Marshall's, and you were immediately shocked when you felt him lightly grasp back. You were used to Marshall sleeping like a rock, you realized that must have had to do with what had woken you up. You turned on your phone, allowing it to slip between you so you could get a better look at his face.

His cheeks were still somewhat rosy, although you could barely see them underneath the blanket. His expression was somewhat pinched, you could tell he was still asleep.

"Marshall?" You questioned softly, unsurprised when you received no response. His jaw quivered slightly, his brows furrowing with what looked like anxiety and fear. He shifted from where he was laying, his hand twitching slightly as he let go of yours. "A nightmare?"

This was something else you weren't used to. You wondered if this had happened before, but you had been so deeply asleep that you'd never noticed. Storms always seemed to make you sleep lighter, coupled with the crackling of fire, it wasn't a surprise you had caught it now.

He groaned quietly, his voice cutting out with both sleep and fear. You held your hands out to wake him up, but stopped at the last second. You had been warned against waking someone up amidst a nightmare before. You hadn't truly believed the warnings until you had watched a friend get swung on at a slumber party.

You held onto his arm, slowly laying back down as you enveloped him in a half hug. You could feel him tense up immediately underneath you, and you wondered what it was he was dreaming about.

It seemed that even unaware he tried to control the nature of his mannueriems. One of the only things that indicated to you that things weren't okay was rigidness of their posture and the horror on their face.

A few moments later, Marshall sat up quickly. He held his chest for a moment as he swallowed lung fills of air. It was almost as though he'd been holding his breath through the dream.

He grunted, bewilderment and alarm etched on his features as he glanced around. When his eyes finally settled on your concerned ones, he seemed to still. He ran a hand over his face, turning away from you.

You started to say something, but stopped as you sensed that this wasn't the time. He was looking at the door, but he made no move to start for it.

You continued to say nothing as you carefully wrapped your arms around him again, pulling him back down so that he was facing you.

He didn't bother to fight you as you did this, but he did finally meet your eyes.

"You okay?" You asked him, frowning a bit as you tried to keep your voice leveled.

Marshall said nothing as he wrapped his arms around you aswell, his chin finding it's place against the top of your head. Even though he was wide awake now, you could still feel how tense he felt against you. "You don't have to worry about it." He finally answered.

"You think that's gonna stop me?" You asked, looking up at him.

He looked down at you. "I don't know, y/n. I'd hope."

You shook your head, mustering a quiet smile. "I won't push you to tell me why you're shaking so bad."

"I'm not." He denied.

Infinite (Eminem x reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara