Chapter 15

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A/N: I don't usually post videos/pics with my chapters cuz I find it corny at times LMAO. However this one was too good not to share. SO y'all, I'm an avid anime fan and I was watching one piece the other day. There was this character named Enel/Eneru and I was like hmm why does homeboy look so DAMN FAMILIAR. Turns out Eneru, the lightening God from one piece is based off of Eminem (at the very least his design is). Oda (the writer) is an Eminem fanatic lmfao. I inserted an edit up there in case y'all were curious but^ lol I thought it was funny and wanted to share.

"Marshall, where are we?" You questioned. At this point the two of you had been driving for at least fifteen minutes.

"You told me to take a longer route, remember? To clear your head an all that." Marshall said, briefly glancing at you before focusing on the road once more. "We're almost there, chill out." He told you.

"Oh, yeah right." You said, rubbing your forehead for a moment as you remembered. You looked through the window, ogling at the sky. It was a burst of different oranges, purples and reds. The sun was beginning to set, and you knew that sooner or later it would be dark. "Have you heard from Lily or the others?"

Marshall nodded briefly, making a turn before speaking. "Yeah. I had a brief conversation with her dad over the phone." He said. "I could hear her in the background. She'll be alright there."

"Is she staying over?" You questioned, and Marshall nodded. It took you another moment to realize the car was no longer moving, he'd already parked. You wanted to ask where the two of you were. The parking lot was huge, yet it was completely empty. Trees surrounded every side from where you looked. You snapped out of your thoughts as Marshall opened your side of the door.

"Where are we going, Jesus!" You laughed, narrowly hopping over a log as you grabbed onto Marshall.

"You'll see." He repeated, for what seemed like the hundredth time this evening.

"You just love repeating yourself don't you." You huffed, though there was hardly any heat in your voice as you rolled your eyes and smiled. You surveyed your surroundings for a brief moment. All you could really see were trees all round. In a few corners and crevices there were cabins, however all of them looked and seemed as though they were locked shut.

"We're almost there." He reminded you, a small smile making its way to his face as he barely managed to steer you away from a hidden rock. "We might've gotten there a little faster if you weren't tripping over everything in front of you." He teased

You huffed, rolling your eyes and shaking your head. "It's not like-" you cringed as you felt yourself almost trip over what felt like nothing once more, "I'm doing it on purpose." You finished, your face red as he began to laugh.

"Chill out, I know." He chuckled, grabbing your hand once more as he looked ahead. "It's just up there, past those trees."

You nodded, allowing him to guide you through towards where he had pointed. You weren't sure what you had been expecting to see. These past few days as he'd been recovering, Marshall had spent more time on your side of the world than you had on his. You frowned at the idea, you found it somewhat ridiculous. Yet, it was hard to deny the fact that the two of you had experienced two different sides of the same coin.

Yet, as you peered out at what he had to show you, those thoughts seemed to immediately quiet. The trees no longer engulfed your surroundings. In front of you was a wide cliff side. You could hear the sound of rushing water below you, and you realized at once the two of you were standing over a river.

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