The First Sleep Over

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A week after our time with Edward and Emmett at their house had gone by. Bella and I had been in the truck driving to meet Dad at the usual restaurant for dinner. He had been really busy lately with tracking the 'animal' that had killed Waylon. Bella and I knew better though. We knew it was a vampire. Which made us worry for Charlie's safety.

    "I hope he hasn't found anything..." I said quietly twiddling my finger's in my lap.

    "I know. I don't want Charlie getting hurt either." Bella placed a hand over my fidgety ones. She glanced over and softly smiled before returning her attention and hand's back on the wheel.

    "Maybe, they've moved on from the area." I shrugged in my seat. "Emmett seems to think they might have. Their hasn't been any new killings since earlier this week. And the last one was outside of town this time."

    "He's probably right. Kinda suck's we know about all of this, and Charlie doesn't. Of course it's ironic that our father is the chief of police and here we are fraternizing with the kind of thing he's searching for." Bella pointed out and I nodded.

    "Yeah, but it's for his own safety and for their's."

We pulled up to the diner and could see the entire Forks basketball team outside messing around. We both groaned quietly and got out of the truck.

    "Arizona!" Mike shouted happily seeing both of us. "Yo, what's happening?"

    "Hi, Mike." Bella and I responded. Trying to make our way into the restaurant.

I think if Bella wasn't so infatuated with Edward she would probably have a crush on Mike. I couldn't help but think.

    "So you both and a Cullen, huh?" Mike not so casually brought it up.

Boom there it is. The confrontation neither of us wanted. Emmett and I had of course made it official, Bella and Edward are together but nothing's really been official so you could say.

    "That's none of your business." Bella sneered and pulled me forward with her trying to escape the conversation.

    "That's... I don't like it." Mike said to us.

I stopped dead in my tracks and glared at him.

    "Good thing, it's not for you to decide." I remarked with crossed arms and an angry glare.

    "Look, you're both my friend's. And I don't know, they look at you guy's like your something to eat." Mike explains and I snorted, rolling my eyes at his comment. Bella scoffed and we just walked away without saying another word.

We walked inside and waved at Cora. We turned to see Dad sitting at our usual table and we made our way over to him. Bella sat on his right, I kissed his temple and sit on his left.

    "Sorry, we're late. Biology project you know." Bella lied to him. We had of course been with the boy's since this morning.

    "It's fine. I ordered you both a spinach salad. I hope that's okay." He said putting down the paper he had been reading.

Cora walked over in that moment and brought us our food. She placed two salad's down and then a steak plate in front of Dad.

    "You should order one for yourself next time." I joked. "Cut back on the steak."

    "Hey, I'm as healthy as a horse." Dad grinned at me and I playfully rolled my eyes.

    "Say, Chief..." Cora's voice cracked a bit. We all look up at her. "Boys wanna know, did you find anything down by Queets River today?"

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