Charlie Swan

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We played with Emma for a couple hours and Jacob showed back up at the house. When he walked in Edward immediately glared at him. The four of us had been playing with Emalie on the floor. When he stood up, Emmett quickly intervened and held Edward back unsure of what was going on. I picked Emalie up on the floor and held her in my arms.

    "What's going on?" I asked looking between the three tense boys.

    "Jacob made a decision. Without us." Edward snarled.

    "Okay, okay. Let's just calm down." I looked around and saw Alice walk by the room. "Alice, can you take Emma please?" She stopped and her face lit up.

    "Yep. Come on, sweet pea." Alice cooed and took her from my arms.

Edward, Bella, Emmett, Jacob and I went outside.

    "Okay, now. Someone tell me what is going on." I crossed my arms looked between the boys with a raised eyebrow.

    "Jacob, told Charlie that you're alive and home." Edward said glaring at Jacob. Bella and I gasped and looked at Jacob shocked. Emmett glared at Jacob and huffed.

    "Look, I solved a problem." Jacob said simply. "You were leaving." He looked at me.

    "You don't even realize the danger you've just put him in." I said angrily.

    "The Volturi will kill anyone who knows about us." Bella said to him.

    "No, I didn't tell him about you. Just me." Jacob explained as if that made things better. "I only said you were both different."

    "You told him (Y/n) and Emmett adopted a baby." Edward said with a sigh, putting two fingers to the brim of his nose.

    "You what?" Emmett said wide eyed.

    "Jacob, my dad is never going to just let that go! Seriously? What the hell were you thinking?" I complained.

    "Did you ever even consider the physical pain you'll put Bella and (Y/n) through? Bella's still a newborn, (Y/n)'s been changed for four days. It'll be like sticking a white hot branding iron down their throats. And that's assuming they can control their thirst. They're both new to all this!" Edward said with a growl, stepping forward and Emmett hesitantly put a hand in front of him.

    "Look," Jacob sighed. "Charlie's been in hell. And I know you'll both be much happier with him in your lives."

    "Jacob, don't try and pretend you're doing this for her, or for them. You did this for yourself." Emmett snorted angrily.

    "Sorry you feel that way because... he'll be here in ten minutes." Jacob said calmly.

    "WHAT?!" Bella and I shouted.

I grumbled obscenities to myself and threw my hands in the air, walking off the porch to the forest and took a deep breath to calm myself. Running my hands through my hair and a few deep breaths later, I walked back onto the porch where the others were watching me curiously.

    "You need to tell me right now, exactly what you told my dad. Specially about Emalie." I demanded, needing to know the most important detail I cared about.

Jacob quickly explained everything. He explained that he told my Dad that while I was sick I found out I couldn't have kids, being that was something I always wanted. So, when I got better Emmett and I decided to adopt a baby girl. I told him he clearly didn't think that through because Emalie looks so much like me he was sure to notice. He then explained that Charlie only wants to know the bare minimum. At least that was what he told him about the wolf thing.

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