The Decision

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Being it was a long journey Bella and I both went straight to bed when we reached home. After being scolded and punished by our father of course.

I woke up in the early morning from a nightmare. It was a mixture of the screams of those people, the night Emmett left, the night he returned but it was as if it was all some crazy dream. I woke up in a cold sweat and looked around my room, only to be turned over by a large hand. Emmett. There he was laying in my bed just like old times as if he had never spent anytime away from me.

    "I thought, I'd wake up to find out it was just a dream." I mumbled into his chest gripping his shirt tightly.

    "I'm here. I'm real. I won't be going anywhere." He ran his hand's through my hair and held me closely to him. "I meant what I said."

Bella suddenly walked into my room.

    "You're coming with me, get dressed now." She said sternly.

I looked at Emmett curiously and he looked back at me just as confused. We skipped off, out of the house unnoticed by our Dad who had grounded us both when we got home, for skipping town like we did. Bella wanted us all to gather at the Cullen's house for something.

    "Oh, (Y/n). I missed you." Rosalie said as I walked through the door. She gathered me into a big hug. "Emmett was a mess without you, I hope you know that. I hope you know we didn't want to go..."

    "It's okay, Rosalie. I know, he explained it. I don't blame anyone for it." She nodded and walked away.

    "You were a mess without me?" I teased Emmett, as we entered farther into the house, which I'd missed so very much.

    "Hey, what can I say. You're my forever." He shrugged and picked me up with a mischievous grin, throwing me over his shoulder.

    "Emmett!" I squealed.

    "Okay, enough you. Put my sister-in-law down, so I can hug her." Henry teased from across the living room. Emmett lightly put me on my feet for barely two second's before I was scooped up again.

    "Hi, Henry. I missed your bright personality and your face!" I laughed as we hugged.

    "Ah, I missed your bubbly personality and presence around here." He grinned setting me on my feet.

    "(Y/n), it's so wonderful to see you, sweetheart." Esme said, hugging Carlisle's waist with one arm as the pair walked over to us.

    "Esme, Carlisle. I'm so happy to see you both again." They engulfed me in a hug together. I was feeling very much love in this moment, more than I had since the moment they all left.

    "All right, so what's this little gathering about?" Rosalie asked as Bella and Edward walked into the room. Each set of couples stood by their respective partner.

    "Okay. I called you all here to talk. You all know what I want. And I know how much I'm asking for. The only thing I can think of for it to be fair is to just vote." Bella spoke to the group of us.

    "You don't know what you're talking about." Edward said quietly, a small distance away from Bella.

I gathered they must have had an argument over her decision again already. Even though they've only been together for two days.

    "Shut up." Bella said to him slowly, while shaking her head. "Alice?" Bella turned her attention to her.

    "I already consider you my sister." She walked towards Bella and hugged her. "Yes."

    "Thank you." Bella nodded happily at her.

    "I vote yes." Jasper said quietly keeping a distance, but having a smile on his face. "It would be nice to not want to kill you all the time."

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