The Newest Threat

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One day, Emalie looking like an almost four year old now. Went for a walk into the woods, with Jacob, Bella and I. Of course, there'd been talk's about going to Brazil to search for answers there. But we promised we'd wait until after Christmas so we could spend it in Forks with Dad and Sue. Jacob wasn't thrilled and wanted to come with us, which was something we'd argued about. Though, I was on his side. I knew why we couldn't separate him and Emalie. Emmett, however, stayed back home to talk to Carlisle about the trip behind Jacob's back.

It was snowing and it was a beautiful day out today.

    "Look, Mommy. A snowflake." Emalie's little angelic voice said to me holding out her hand. I bent down and looked at her and the snowflake she'd caught.

    "Oh, baby. It's beautiful." I tucked her hair behind her ears. "Go find me another one, okay?" She smiled and walked off. I watched as my daughter leapt into the air in search of another snowflake.

She ran back with another one and crashed into Bella's open arms.

    "Aunty, aunty look." She showed her a snowflake.

    "That's wonderful, little bean. Can you find me one that is the biggest snowflake ever?" Bella tickled her belly making her giggle and Emalie nodded.

I just had a sense to scan the area of the forest around us. Emalie leapt into the air again after throughly scanning the sky. Her head whipped forward up toward's the distant hill's and there was a person standing there. Someone I didn't entirely recognize at first.

    "Emma." I called her and she quickly sped over to me jumping in my arms. "Bella." I looked at her worriedly and she nodding zooming after the retreating figure.

    "Who was that?" Emalie asked.

    "I think it might have been our cousin from Denali. Aunty Bella went to go see." I told her.

Jacob who was in his wolf form snorted. I placed Emalie on his back and ushered for them to head back to the house. I sped my way through the forest meeting up with Bella. She was looking over the edge of the cliff towards the water where little ripples were fading away.

    "It was Irina. I saw her from a distance. She jumped into the water before I could say anything to her." Bella told me.

    "Hmm." I hummed. "Strange. I wonder why she came all this way?... We should go back to the house. I sent Jacob there with Emalie."

Bella nodded and we raced home together. Reaching the back side of the house just as Jacob was carrying Emalie inside. I sped in and went straight to Emmett to explain to him and Carlisle what had just occurred. Carlisle got on the phone and called our cousins.

    "Tanya convinced Irina to come reconcile with us." Carlisle explained. Emmett stood next to me with an arm wrapped around my waist and I leaned into his side. Edward and Emalie sat at the piano, with Bella holding Edward's shoulders.

    "It look's like she changed her mind." Edward noted.

    "Seeing Jacob must have bee too much for her." Esme commented.

    "I wish I could have just spoke to her." I told them and Bella nodded.

    "She's family. She'll come around." Carlisle smiled.

    "Uncle Edward?" Emalie said looking up at him.

    "Yes, sweet pea?" Edward looked down, lovingly at her.

    "Can we play piano?"

Edward chuckled and gave her a nod. He played a couple of keys and Emalie copied soon after. He began to play the lullaby he'd scored for her and Emalie watched in awe of him. She had many Uncle's but Edward was for sure her favorite. The entire family had joined in the room as Emalie began to flawlessly play the tune after Edward had showed it to her.

Alice walked in with a new vase of flowers and she dropped it. It shattered on the ground, startling us all as she had a vision. Jasper quickly ran to her side.

    "What is it, Alice?" Jasper asked her concerned.

    "The Volturi. They're coming for us." Alice said alarmed. "Aro, Caius, Marcus, the guard and Irina."

    "Sweetheart, come here." I said to Emalie and she quickly climbed from her seat at the piano, down in between Emmett and I's legs. We each took one of her hand's worriedly.

    "Why?" Carlisle asked Alice confused.

    "What did Irina see in the woods?" Edward asked. Everyone looked to me.

    "We were just walking." I shook my head.

    "Em, was catching snowflakes." Jacob added, thinking about what we watched her do earlier and Edward's face turned solemn.

    "Of course." He muttered.

    "What?" Emmett asked with a furrowed brow.

    "Irina thinks Emalie's a immortal child." Edward said making the room still.

If there was ever a time for theme music this was it. It would be playing the death march. Dun, dun, dun.

Emmett picked Emalie up in his arms and sat her on his hip. He took her to her room, his old one in the Cullen house as we all gathered together.

    "What's an immortal child?" Bella and I asked at the same time.

Carlisle took us to his office showing us an old book.

    "The immortal children were very beautiful." Carlisle explained. "So enchanting. Much like Emalie. To be near them, was to love them. But their development was frozen at the age they were turned. They couldn't be taught or restrained. A single tantrum could destroy an entire village. Since the children couldn't protect our secret the Volturi ordered for them to be destroyed. The creators grew very attached and fought to protect them. Long established covens were torn apart. Countless humans were slaughtered. Traditions, friends, families, lost. Tanya, Kate and Irina were one of those families."

    "So, the Denali's mother made an immortal child?" I asked.

    "Yes. And she paid the price." He explained how they tore her head from her body and killed her along with the child, tossing their bodies into fire.

    "But, Emalie's nothing like those children. She was born, not bitten. She grows every single day." I stated, getting angry.

    "So can't you just explain that to the Volturi?" Jacob asked worriedly.

    "Aro now has enough proof in Irina's thoughts." Emmett said gruffly.

    "So we fight." Jacob said standing and shaking his head.

    "Their offensive weapon's are far to powerful." Jasper shook his head in disagreement. "No one can stand against Jane."

    "Alec's even worse." Alice said agreeing.

    "Well then we convince them. I won't let them wrongfully take my daughter from me." I stood to my feet in anger. Emmett came behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and tucked his chin on my shoulder.

    "They won't touch our daughter." He agreed.

    "They're coming to kill us, not to talk." Henry said stepping forward.

    "You're right. They won't listen to us. But maybe others could convince them." Emmett explained looking with a hopeful expression towards Carlisle.

    "Carlisle, you have friends all around the world." Edward agreed.

    "I won't ask them to fight." He shook his head.

    "Not fight. Witness." Emmett said. "If enough people knew the truth, maybe we could convince the Volturi to listen."

    "We can ask this of our friends." Esme reached up and held Carlisle's arm reassuringly.

Carlisle nodded. We talked out a plan, a place each of us was set to travel to. We were going to have to convince these people who and what Emalie was. I feared more so now for my daughter's fate. Nothing in our lives ever seemed to ease up. There was always some sort of fight ahead. And this was just the beginning of our newest threat.

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