The Bike Ride

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Another week blew by. Bella had started to get close to Mike at school, which I thought was cute. Of course, she assured me they were only friends. But it was almost like the fog that had been set upon her eyes was beginning to lift. I couldn't possibly ask for anything more.

Jake and I got closer, which was always fun and of course, Bella teased me about it as always. Saying the same thing, that there was a twinkle in my eyes when he was around and she enjoyed how happy he seemed to make me. We would get pizza and eat that while working on the bikes. Jacob showed me more mechanic's which was interesting to say the least. He said I had a knack to become a female mechanic. I, of course, rolled my eyes at him. I had no idea what I wanted out of life. But something about being with Jake made me feel better. It almost made me feel like everything was going to be okay.

    "So, Quil keeps asking to come over. I think he likes you." Jacob teased Bella.

    "Oh, well I'm really not into the whole cougar thing, you know?" Bella joked and laughed.

    "What's up with you and age?" He asked throwing a friendly arm around my shoulder. I twisted and got out from under his arm and we grinned at each other playfully. "I mean, how old was that Cullen guy anyway?" Jake asked innocently. Unaware of the simple consequences even saying their last name bring's.

    "Jacob!" I scolded him quietly.

Bella almost immediately was ready to shut down at the mention of him. It created a twinge in my own heart to think of my Cullen... or used to be...

A few days later the bike's were done. Bella had gone to Mike's house to study with him, Eric and Angela. Jess had been kind of avoiding her I guess since the bike incident. So she wasn't there. I took the truck and drove to pick up Jacob and the bike's. After we loaded them up, or... Jake did. We drove off to pick up Bella.

    "Can I ask you something?" Jacob questioned me from the passenger seat.

    "Yeah, of course." I glanced at him for a minute before retuning my attention to the road.

    "If I had told you I couldn't have fixed these bikes, what would you have said?" He asked curiously.

    "Are you doubting our handiwork?" I teased him.

    "No." He chuckled. "Definitely not. I mean they'll run fine. It's just, uh... maybe if I was smart I would have dragged out the rebuild a bit..." He said the last part quietly with a hint of sadness in his voice. I looked over to him to see his face had dropped.

    "Bella had this crazy idea, that the bikes would bring a little bit of thrill into our lives. I was slightly against it at first. I only agreed because it was important to her. So if you had told me you couldn't fix these bikes, I would have said that's too bad, but that we're just going to have to find something else to do." I smiled and looked over again at him to see a smile growing on his face.

    "Good to know." He laughed softly.

    "Bella might have been crushed though." I joked. "But it seems like she's getting better, with each passing day. Which I'm grateful for."

    "I know you don't like to talk about it, but how about you? How are you holding up?" Jake asked curiously. Always so concerned about me and I really appreciated it.

    "I'm.... Adjusting." I said trying to find the right word.

     "Just know you can't bottle it all up inside. I'm always here for you to talk to if you need to." I nodded at him and my hand instinctively went to my locket.

I played with it in between my finger's nervously. It seemed to be a habit that whenever I thought about him or he was brought up, I'd do and it gave me a bit of comfort. The only piece I had to prove that he actually existed. Although, I hadn't dared to open the locket since the night he left. I wasn't sure how'd I'd do if I looked at the picture I knew was inside. I knew Jake noticed but it seemed he wasn't exactly sure how to bring it up.

Our Eternity : Emmett Cullen x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt