Jacob Chapter

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Jacob's POV
I sat on the beach thinking about (Y/n)'s funeral, a crying Charlie walking up to her casket, looking over her perfectly pale unmoving body... The thought made me sick. I desperately missed my best friend.

    "Maybe they'll say she was in a car crash. Or tripped and fell off a cliff." I suggested the sort of excuses they could use. So she'd never have to see her father again.

Seth and Embry sat next to me, while the other wolves played soccer or just on the beach with their beloved imprints.

    "At least I'll get one thing out of it." I smirked. Thinking about ripping Emmett's head from his shoulders.

    "No you won't." Sam said, after catching the soccer ball in his hands. I looked to him angrily and annoyed. "The Cullen's are not a danger to the town or to the tribe."

    "Well he's either gonna kill her or change her. And the treaty says..."

    "I say, Jacob. I say." Sam snapped at me.

Leah walked over as Sam walked away.

    "You know, if you wanted things different, you should have become Alpha." Embry said.

    "Turning it down seemed like a good idea at the time." I grumbled.

    "Jake, you really think you could kill (Y/n) if she comes back as a vampire?" Seth questioned me seriously.

    "No, make one of us do it, then hold a grudge against us." Leah started as she sat down.

    "Oh, shut up, Leah." I snapped at her.

    "Would you just get over it? It's not like you imprinted on her." Leah snapped back.

I thought about what she said looking around to the others around the beach. She was right, there was no imprint on (Y/n). But there was certainly a pull between us, specially after my change. I couldn't understand why I was so drawn to her like I was. I've loved her for my entire life, so maybe that was effecting me somehow. But it just seemed like so much more. But I'd give anything to be happy. I just wanted it to be with her...

    "At least they seem happy." Seth said bringing me out of my thoughts. We looked to the imprinted couples who sat together laughing, loving, enjoying each other's company.

    "Yeah, some people are just lucky, I guess." Embry commented.

    "Lucky?" I scoffed. "None of them belong to themselves anymore. And the sickest part is their genes tell them they're happy about it."

    "At least if you imprinted on someone, you'd finally forget about (Y/n). I mean, being any kind of happy is better than being miserable about someone you can't have." Leah said sadly watching Sam and Emily.

I really wanted to be happy. But I wanted my happiness to be with her. With (Y/n).

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