16. stage one: pretending.

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Violet's POV:

There are 3 floors in this estate, the rooms are on the third one. There's a big hallway with so many doors that it seems like a hotel, Blake's room is at the end of the hallway, while mine is right next to his.

I step into my room and almost gasp when I see the inside. There's a queen sized bed in the middle, with silver black covers and pillows that seem so soft. The walls are in a shape of white, a beige wardrobe opposite the bed and a door that leads to what I assume is the bathroom.

The bathroom has a shower and a bathtub, a beautiful sink with a mirror right above it.

There's a window in the room, on the right side of the bed, where I can see the huge back garden with a pool and a black jacuzzi. That's pretty.

A knock on the door startles me as I shout a 'Come in' and hope it's anyone but him.

Sadly, my hopes are ruined when I see Blake coming in. He has a black t-shirt that makes his muscles pop out and reveals a part of his tattoos, which I suppose cover most of his upper body, and a pair of jeans.

"Tell me what happened there." he states pulling me out of my thoughts and I frown, what happened to hey? What happened to how are you? Just kidding, I know what he's like.

I sigh sitting at the edge of the bed and look at the window. I hear his footsteps coming closer until he's in front of me, shivering when I feel his hand grabbing my chin and making me look at him, tho it was almost gentle.

"What?" I say before continuing, answering to my own question "You want to know? Well I had a boyfriend and I really liked him, and I honestly thought he liked me too, but turns out I was wrong because while he takes a shower in my bathroom, I hear his phone buzz. I obviously respect his privacy but after another buzz I decide to see and read two messages from a number I don't know." I stop to breathe before continuing.

"They said: 'Did you sedate her?' 'Remember. Boss wants her by tomorrow and if you want your girlfriend alive you better bring the target in time.' And I said 'Yeah my boss is an asshole but he wouldn't ' so I thought of Sebastian. Is our conversation done now?" I finish and he seems angrier than usual. Nice thing. I think I was angry too, when I was talking.

"Who is he?" he asks furious while I stare at him in confusion. Does he want to kill Christian? The question is, does Christian deserve to die?

I want to tell him but I also don't want to. After all Christian had a reason, they held his girlfriend hostage. But my mouth betrays me.

"Christian Davis." I blurt out and he storms out of my room the second I answer him. Not so fast big guy.

I stand up and run after him, almost at the beginning of the hallway, and shout his name. He stops and turns around, his eyes throwing knifes into me. "Don't." Is all I say while stepping closer to him. He stands still, until I'm only about two feet from him.

"But I will." He states looking down at me. I could feel the warmth of his body and I wanted to hug him and tell him he doesn't have to do that, that he doesn't have to do anything at all, just keep me here.

But I didn't. Instead I spoke "If you do it, I will leave and you'll never see me again." I say as if he cares about me, but I see a look of disappointment and hurt in his eyes. He curses in italian looking around us, before looking back at me.

"Well then." he stops and sighs before speaking again "Be my guest little one." And walks away, leaving me in the middle of his hallway, feeling a lot of things at once. Mostly hurt.

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