Reporter (Pt. 1)

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⋆ ⋆—~—~—~ Info About One-shot ~—~—~—⋆ ⋆

Short Summary: Steve is a reporter on exposing celebrities' sexualities.

Side ships: None

Trope: Fluff (?)

Word Count (including info abt one-shot and A/Ns): 7631 (Please still read this, I know its so long, I spent way too long on it...)

Timeline: Sometime after Avengers 1

Other - A/Ns: So, Steve isn't a superhero, just normal Steve Rogers (though he doesn't look like pre-serum Steve and looks like Avengers 1 Steve.) Also, Steve is kinda mean at first... *gasp*... this story does take a while until Steve and Tony interact but I SWEAR it's worth it!!!!

Warning: This contains homophobic (Not really tho?) language. You have been warned! Stop reading now if this makes you uncomfortable.

⋆ ⋆—~—~—~ 3rd Person POV ~—~—~—⋆ ⋆

"So... you're saying that if I do this I'll get the promotion?" Steve said, hopefully, to his boss, "Yes, Steve, yes you will. Though, not to ruin your excitement, there is a very slim chance that you will actually even go so far as getting into his party." Steve's boss said as he set down a set of files on the oak wood desk he had.

Steve sighed,

"I'm probably the best writer in the company, not just because of my descriptive essays, but because of the lengths I'm willing to go in order to write the perfect story."

His boss admired his confidence, "This project is optional, so you don't have to do it."

He took a deep breath, "Of course," he cleared his throat, "If you really want to take the job then I have no right to stop you." He winked at Steve playfully as he got up from his chair.

His boss picked up a set of files on the right side of his desk and handed them to Steve on the way out, "Those should provide you everything you would need to know about Tony Stark. And, of course, if you have any other questions that aren't covered in the file don't be shy to ask me about it... preferably through text."

His boss spoke, nearly out the door. Steve nodded, sure that he had all the information he required as he scanned through the 11-page file filled with pictures and essays.

"Catch you later." Steve's boss waved at him as he exited his office. "Page 6, filled with photos of him 'flirting' around with male celebrities... 'Tony Stark was caught making out with multiple actors as well as songwriters yet his army of lawyers continuously denied these claims until the raging crowd of fans, enraged with this or not, died down.' This is going to be an interesting project, to say the least." Steve thought to himself, chuckling a little bit.

"First order of business, how do I get in contact with Tony Stark yet without him being suspicious of me." Steve swam through all of the ideas in his mind and finally came to one that seemed enough to get close to Tony Stark to be able to form an essay around the information Steve had gathered but not have him be skeptical of Steve.

"Parties." Steve accidentally thought out loud, "He has many parties. If I could just sneak into one, or even acquire an invite, then I may be about to get the data I need in order to write an article my readers will surely love." Steve smirked devilishly.

He walked over to his suitcase which rested on a chair left of his boss's desk. Steve carefully placed the file into his suitcase, being sure that he didn't crumple the paper.

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