Reporter (Pt. 2)

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⋆ ⋆—~—~—~ Info About One-shot ~—~—~—⋆ ⋆

Short Summary: Steve is a reporter on exposing celebrities' sexualities.

Side ships: None

Trope: Fluff, Angst

Word Count (including info abt one-shot and A/Ns):

Timeline: Sometime after Avengers 1

Other - A/Ns: So, Steve isn't a superhero, just normal Steve Rogers (though he doesn't look like pre-serum Steve and looks like Avengers 1 Steve.) Also makes sure to read part 1 first!!

Warning: This contains homophobic (Not really tho?) language. You have been warned! Stop reading now if this makes you uncomfortable.

⋆ ⋆—~—~—~ 3rd Person POV ~—~—~—⋆ ⋆

Tony stared at Steve for a little while as Steve's eyes darted through the room. Eventually, Tony buried his face into Steve's neck once more. This time, Tony shifted himself on top of Steve and wrapped his arms lightly around Steve's neck, cuddling softly.

As Tony laid on top of Steve, Steve's hands didn't know where to go so they were placed on the mattress since Steve didn't really want to touch Tony. He was still processing the situation.

Tony's legs parted to make his position on top of Steve more comfortable. Both of them were naked which made Steve very uncomfortable as his heart raced faster than it ever has during his life span.

"So, how did we end up here?" Tony said, chuckling playfully as he spoke. Steve didn't really want to think about that. He couldn't accept what had happened last night but he knew he had to.

Steve gave into Tony's playful manner as he wrapped his arms around Tony's waist and throwing his head back into the pillow, staring at the ceiling. "Well, I can't remember anything from last night's events... it's all just a blur." Tony said, sighing sluggishly as he buried his head further into Steve's neck, finally getting the right amount comfortable he wanted in the morning.

"The drinks... the alcohol... the hangover," Steve said, annoyance at himself brewing in his voice as he retracted one of his arms from Tony's waist and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Tony placed his hands lightly on the chest of the blonde in an attempt to comfort the clearly distraught individual. "Are you alright?" Tony said softly, worried. Guilt swarmed Steve's heart realizing that Tony Stark was actually a nice person. A great person.

"God! What... what am I gonna do!? Either way, it's a loss for me! If I extract the information from him and give it to my boss, Tony will find out and get very upset. If I don't give the information to my boss soon I will surely get fried? ...So... a human I barely know or a job I love? Right now, the clear choice is my job but I can't really decide right now. I barely know this man but for some reason, I'm just... drawn to him. It's like our paths were meant to cross."

"Yeah... yeah, I'm fine. Just fine." Steve scoffed playfully, smiling at the man whose face was buried in his neck. "That's good. Hungry?" Tony said, lifting his head up to look at the blonde he was on top of.

"I thought you'd never ask." Steve chuckled, rolling over to topple Tony and pin into the messy mattress. Steve smiled deviously, kissing the smaller man. He felt... something... different as he briefly laid his lips on the other man.

Tony chuckled playfully at Steve, "Well, if you want food you're gonna have to let me get up to make food." Steve raised his eyebrows abruptly, "You can cook?" He said, his mouth already drooling a little with excitement.

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