-Chapter 1-

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Ariana's pov
So today's my first day of high school. I woke up real early cause I forgot to fix up my outfit . But no need to worry I got it all planned out. I said I was only changing my style a bit. Not into some bad ass but into something else that still shows who I am. I got my towel and went into the shower.
Once I got out of the shower I put on my outfit.(outfit above) after I did my hair into a half up half down ponytail I did my makeup. Not too much . Just the mandatory. Which is eyeliner mascara and lipstick . I only settled for a light pink lipgloss today . I heard my mom call my name saying that it was almost time to go. So I grabbed my bag and my phone and went downstairs . I grabbed a granola bar so I can eat in the car . Then me and my mom went outside and got settled in her car. I couldn't wait to see what the high school life was all about. New friends . New people . It just excites me so much. To get a new start. I got taken out of my thoughts when my mom stopped the car. Telling me that we were already at the school. once I stepped onto the sidewalk I heard my mom drive off . Ugh! As in standing here looking at the school I'm not so excited anymore. What if I look ridiculous ? What if I fall or trip? What if? Oh ariana stop with the insecurities and go inside! No! Yes ! No! Yes!Ok ok o k. As I was walking inside the school some people just stared and some jaws dropped. I immediately started walking fast to the main office. I need to be more confident. Ok ! As of now when I walk in to my class I will have my head held up high. I look nice. Right? Whatever. As soon as I got my schedule I started to look for my class. I had geometry first with mr.nelson . As I got there I noticed I was the only one there. That gave me a privilege of finding a good seat. I walked in and greeted the teacher and sat in the back. I don't know I just like the back for some reason. But even though i sit in the back i still pass all my classes. So once I got all my stuff out . Everyone started filing into the classroom . All of them looked at me then carried on to their seat. Gosh! Why does everyone keep looking at me . Once the teacher started someone came in bursting through the door. "Um sorry I'm late. Where do I sit.?" The boy asked . Mr .nelson pointed to the seat next to me . Once the boy looked my way I noticed it was a very handsome boy named Henry apparantly.
Who am i? Handsome ? hes cute is what i meant .

Shit!shit!shit! Why. Why. Why. oh and now he is coming your way. Of coarse he is! He sits right next to you. Ugh. Stop overthinking. Once he sat down I just looked down at my notebook trying to avoid staring at him like a creep. what can I say he is so hot. And I'm so not! Ugh! Life is so hard! I know I'm a drama queen but you'll learn to live with it .
-lunch time-
I got to the lunchroom . It was pact. As I looked for a table some girl was in front of me. "Um can I help you " I asked . " yes, I'm Evelyn . And I'm new." . "Hi Evelyn , I'm ariana . And I'm new also." I said. "Great so can we sit together cause I didn't really make any new friends and I'm trying to " she said. She seemed nice so I told her yes and we went off to find a table. Once we found a table we immediately started eating our lunch and talking about ourselves. We agreed to hang out more later . Once lunch finished we had to go to our last class and we had it together. We had Ms.Victoria. Once we got there only half of the class was there so we were able to find good seats. Once we sat down everybody else came in and sat down. Ms.Victoria started teaching us the basics of living environment. And I started to feel like someones eyes were on me. So I started looking around till my eyes landed on perfect bright brown eyes. They were really light and easy to stare at. Once I was done admiring his eyes I looked at the person . He was awfully gorgeous .perfectly chiseled jawline perfect hair in a quiff. Smooth kissable pink lips. I was snapped out of it when I saw him wink at me. That made me get butterflies in my stomach . I looked away and once I looked back I saw him checking out the teacher. Ugh! Disgusting pig. I looked back down at my desk. Thinking about what I was going to do once I get out of here .when Evelyn tapped me and gave me a note .
I looked to my side and mouthed an ok to her and nodded showing i understood.30 minutes passed and the bell finally rang. I packed up my things and waited for Evelyn to finish so we could go once she was done we made our way out the classroom . We were by my moms car "bye Evelyn see you tomorrow ." We exchanged numbers and waved goodbye.
| at home|

Once I got home I took a shower and started my homework . Once I finished I ate and got ready for bed. I checked my phone to see I had a message from Evelyn
(a-Ariana. E- Evelyn )
E:hay boo 💜💜
E:so I was thinking that we should hang out after school you know Starbucks mall .what do you say?
A:sure why not
E:yay!! So we'll be going straight after school!
A:okay . I'll see you tomorrow
E:goodnight 💜✌️
A:Gn 🌚💜
and with that I plugged in my charger and drifted off into sleep .

HAY GUYS SO I HOPE YOU LIKE MY FIRST CHAPTER ITS NOT MUCH BUT I HOPE IT GETS BETTER LATER ON AND It would mean the world if you would vote and comment what you think and share this with your friends and all . 😊😊 love -ely 💜💜

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