𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 :

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Third Person's POV:

Inside the study room, there seated Kaiden with blueprints scattered around her and also the one she is currently working on. Full of different ideas for the upcoming program for the school she will be going to attend.

Too focus on her work under the morning sunlight coming from the big glass window. Everything is peaceful not until it got interrupted by a knock coming outside the door she was currently in.

Kaiden look up from her work and look at her bot who enter the room.

"Yes?" Ask Kaiden as she put down her pencil and scale before looking at her bot properly.

"Your uniform just got arrive master but i think they've gotten you the wrong uniform." Raising a questioning brow, her bot hand her the said uniform.

Indeed it is the wrong uniform for her, but to her delight she will not be going to wear a freaking skirt for goodness sake.

"Should i inform them about your uniform master? It's the male uniform after all."

"No need Gin. I much prefer wearing this than to wear the hideous girls uniform. Their skirt is way to short for my own liking. It makes me shudders just thinking of wearing one." Gin just nod his robotic head with that said.

"If you don't mind Gin could you make me some food? I'm quite starving."

"I don't mind at all master and there's no new about that, you're always hungry anyway." And with that said, his out of the room leaving Kaiden with her grumbling stomach not denying what her bot just commented about her.


It's another day for Kaiden, a day with nothing but work in mind. And as per usual she's at her work, serving and taking orders of each customers.

"Kai! Change with me here for awhile please. Strawberry rolled cake are almost out of stock I'll be helping with the baking." Her co-worker said as he rush to go at the back not even letting Kaiden speak, making her sigh but get at the counter without complaining.

Taking her turn at the counter to take customers order, Kaiden immediately take the customers order with a nonchalant look and just speaking when she have to ask for order and answering if the customer ask something about the item they ordered.

Looking at the menu to get something to drink, Kurt just choose to settle with an americano and a cheesecake.

Having his turn to order, Kurt told the  staff in the counter the orders he wanted. Sliding his card for his payment while making an eye contact for a second with the person behind the counter.

Electric bluebell clash with hazel coloured eyes for a second, making Kurt raised a brow but let it be as he goes to find a seat for himself.

'Such a rare eyes colour..' He thought as he make his way at the right corner of the shop to have some quiet time alone away from the other customers.


For all those three days of preparing, the beginning of the school year have finally arrived. What a busy day to start for every new students especially for every scholars that have been chosen this year. Each having their planned invention ready in their school bag that will be made in the program that will happening in Ryō High University.

The program will be held in the auditorium, in that way every students of Ryō High could watch the event.

Ryō High is a well known school in the Philippines, that have so many connections in and out of the country. A prestigious school that many students dreams to attend at but couldn't because of its high standards.

Ryō High is a very well known because of it's advance high-tech materials. And this are the, holographic computers, AI robotics, enhance mechanical machines and many more advance mechanisms.

But even so they still produced the same as any other schools have such as sports like basketball for every students. A normalize industry that the students will surely like such as clubs after school. A free time to relax in the garden. And it's open field for every outdoors students and a library for every indoors students.

This school will absolutely give what the students needed indeed.


In the other hands, on there way to go to school each students have something on their mind.

Inside the black car there seated a guy looking outside the window. Fixing his glass at the bridge of his nose.

'This program would be a piece of cake' He thought to himself confidently. Gazing with a glint in his eyes outside the tinted window of the car.


"Hurry up will you?! I don't want to be late at the program!" Shrink the girl to the mid thirty years old man who's driving the car.

"Y-yes ma'am!"

"Tsk. My mom will surely hear about this" She said then flip her hair irritatedly while the driver is sweating nervously.


"Hey Austine! Why do you have two lunchbox?" His older brother ask.

"Oh! Remember the guy I've been telling you?"

"Yeah the guy who score with flying colors from the special exam. What's with him?" He said with a furrowed brows.

"I befriend him!" I said puffing my chest out confidently.

"Good to know. Good luck with the program bro." His older brother said and ruffles his hair making him whine.

"Stop that bro! Yeah and thanks! Gotta go!" And he made his way out and get on his car while fixing his ruin hair.


"Morrel! Come on man! We need to be early to watch the program!" Kian shouted impatiently while tapping his foot.

"Fine...fine you impatient monkey..." Morrel said and hurriedly go where his friend is.

"Tsk! I'm not a monkey you lazy maggot!"


"Professor Castro, make sure to keep an eye on that one particular scholar." A deep voice said with authority while gazing outside the window.

Watching the students make their way in there designated building courses, up at his office with his back facing Mr. Castro.

"Will do, Sir." Professor Castro said before excusing himself out of the office.

As the man turn to his desk where a picture of a student rest there along with it's profile.


Looking around the school ground, there could be seen too many students entering the infamous structures left and right.

Some are making their way peacefully on their own, while the others are chattering with their group of friends and the others are just quietly making their way inside.

Like this one person that was casually making their way inside the school ground with their invention electric scooter.

The look of this person got the attention of every person they pass by but here they are just minding their own business without a care in the world and didn't even know that they're making a scene of their own.

'This place is so big just like when I first step foot here at the day of special exam...' They thought while looking around with a bored face on.

Still not catching the attention of people around them as they may their way calmly. With a collective manner, a demeanor that never failed to catch attention no matter what.

Even with a bored and blank face they displayed in front of many people.

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