2- Reality

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Kaminari pov~

I woke up with a start and quickly checked my phone. I groaned as I saw that it was already 6 am, now I was going to be late.
I sluggishly heaved myself out of the caccoon I had created with my dovet and slowly dragged my feet to the bathroom, already accepting that I would be late.
However, just as I switched the light on, a pounding was heard on my door, probably a bakusquad member or something but I was too tired to care.
Sighing before shoving my signature smile on, I quickly opened the door to save it being knocked off its hinges, pulling a mock scowl as I took in my red haired friend,
"Kirishima! Your just as bad as Bakugou sometimes, honestly!" I huffed as a smirk danced its way onto Kiris lips,
"Well your going to be late! Hurry up, the rest of the squad are leaving in 10 and I cannot persuade them to wait." He chuckled, "see ya bro!" He called as he walked down the dorm hall.
As soon as I closed the door, I gave a sigh of relief, I would be able to walk by myself today which was good. I honestly was needing to mental trick my brain into seeming happy before school these days.

I was late, as expected. 6 minutes and 32 seconds late to be exact, but who was counting? Of cause I got the usual glare from Aizawa and a quick tsk from ilda, but it just went through me and like usual I pulled my mask up- hanging my head down and giving a sheepish grin before scurrying to my desk. 

No more looks were thrown my way and the lesson began like usual.

Hero Studies- my second favorite lesson, after English of cause. Midoriya is always top of this class, he just knows everything about every quirk, its honestly like he's a stalker or something! I still remember when he came up to me after learning the draw back of my quirk...


I was on my way back to class after lunch had ended, I was hungry but I wasn't going to eat anything. Suddenly Midoriya had jumped out from behind a pillar with a notebook and pen in hand. I had practically screamed at the top of my lungs. I'm jumpy ok? 

"Kaminari! Quirk is electrification, and after you reach a certain limit your brain gets fried correct?" he hastily asked, clicking his pen and raising the notepad, 

"Urhhhhh, ye-yeah?" I managed to stutter out, silently cursing myself. the shorter boy qucikly wrote something down before looking up at me, his eyes wide with interest and... concern? Even after the incident I still can't put my finger on what it was,

"Does it... hurt? After you burn out i mean."

I froze.

 I couldn't tell him the truth, he would just pity me and treat me different.

Possibly leave because of how weak i am.

Everyone knows how pathetic and stupid-

"Kaminari? you good?" Ok, now he definitely was concerned, but I played it off with a grin and rubbed the back of my neck to release some anxiety,

"Ah yeah sorry, zoned out there!" I chuckled.

Oh god, does he know that i have ADHD? 

Well now he probably knows.

He's going to think that i can't be a hero anyone.

That a screw up like me isn't worthy of being here.

Midoriya smiled and lifted his pen higher, the movement snapping me back to the present as he gave an indication for me to continue, "Oh right! Sorry, urmm... nah it doesn't really hurt, just like a small electric shock you get some touching somethings." yeah like nuclear batteries and lightning bolts, but I wasn't going to say that. 

My classmate gave a relieved smile before scribbling something down, "Thanks! Sorry for startling you, I didn't want to have to ask during lesson. Bye!" he waved before running off, still clicking that bloody pen.

End of flashback~

"Oh Midoriya, if only you'd known how close you were to the truth." I silently chuckled to myself.

But that's the thing- no one ever will...

 And I'm going to make sure of it.

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now