12- Panic

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Kaminari pov~

It was now the end of the school day and we were all headed back to the dorms. And yay, I was getting a lot of questioning...

It was all fine until they started cornering me, thats when I started to feel panicked. However I didn't let it show even as my breathing picked up again.


"What happened?"

"Are you alright now?"

"What triggered it?"

"Was it an anxiety or panic attack?"

"Congrats with the new mentor by the way!"

This wasn't good, I needed to get away as quickly as possible before things escalated.

Why did they even care?

They don't, right?

This is just some sick joke.

Shinsou pov~

As soon as class was over and we returned to the dorms, my classmates immediately began bombarding Kaminari with questions, with only a few giving him space and minding their own business. I sighed and grabbed two cups of coffee from the fridge, walking over to the microwave to heat them up. One cup was for me, and the other was for my dad (Shota Aizawa) who had just sluggishly walked into the common room and slumped down on the sofa, barely regesturing the continuous chatter from one corner.

I looked up and noticed that the questioning students were beginning to corner Kaminari, and he was starting to panic. I hurriedly placed one of the coffee infrount of dad but left mine on the counter top, not taking my eyes off the electric boy. 

All of a sudden he bolted past his classmates and ran though the door leading to the boys dorms, not bothering to shut it as he dashed down the corridor and out of sight. Immediately a few people tried to follow but Todoroki created an ice barrier at the door, stopping anyone from following Kaminari. When they all looked at him, he glared,

"Leave him, your just going to overwhelm him if you keep asking questions." he hissed, narrowing his eyes as he slowly melted away the ice barrier, still glaring at the classmates who had corned Kaminari. Said classmates ducked their heads in shame and shuffled back to the available sofas while I was still staring at Todoroki.

Unfortunately he noticed and came up to me, "Go check on him"  he muttered, looking past me at dad for a second, "He trusts you." 

With that, the dueled wielder left the room, presumably going back to his dorm as he usually did after class.

I turned around to find dad staring at me, "Go, but tell me if anything happens while I have a word with the class."  he huffed, standing up ready to give a lecture. But I needed no further instructions as I too bolted out of the room and ran down the corridor, bumping into walls at every turn due to how fast I was moving. 

Before long I found myself outside Kaminaris door,

"Kami?" I asked, knocking on the wood, only to have it creak open- he must have been in such a rush that he didn't lock or even close it properly. I pushed open the door, hearing gasped breathing and muffled sobs, 

"Kami? You ok?" I tentatively asked, that was when I saw him.

Kaminari was in the corner of his room with his knees pulled against his chest and his back pressed against the wall. One of his shaking hands was chucking the fabric of his school shirt while the other was resting behind his knees so I couldn't see it clearly. His eyes were wide and panicked and he was breathing much to quickly all while tears were streaming down his cheeks.

I quickly rushed over to his shrunken form and wrapped my arms around his body, resting my head ontop of his, "Shh shh. Its ok, your safe. Shh, its ok Kami." I whispered, but it wasn't working. I reached over and pull the hand that was on his chest away and placed in it on my own, resting my hand above his as I focused on taking deep breaths, "Kami? Feel my breathing ok? Try and follow it." he gave a small nod, still gasping for air,

"In... out... in... out." I spoke softly, and even though it took a while, Kaminari eventually calmed down enough to not be at risk of passing out, though he was still crying and shaking, 

"Shin...sou...I'm..sorry." he gasped looking down, however I gently grabbed his chin and lifted it up, forcing him to look in my eyes,

"You have nothing to apologize for ok? This is not your fault, it's something you cant control." I smiled, "You really do apologize to much you know?" I said, hoping to lighten the mood, which it did as Kaminari gave a muffled laugh and gave a small smile,

"Sorry." he chuckled, making me give a mock gasp,

"Oh how dare you! No more apologizing young man!" This made his soft chuckles turn into a full on laughing spree and before we knew it, the two of us were cackling like hyenas. That was until a very irritated Bakugou shouted from across the hallway,

"OY EXTRAS!!! KEPT IT DOWN WILL YA OR I'LL BLOW YOU INTO NEXT TUESDAY!!" Right, I left the door wide open. 

I quickly stood up and scurried over to close it, successfully doing so before I turned around and noticed how tired Kaminari looked. I smiled,

"Go to sleep Kami." He gave a heavy nod but before he closed his eyes he spoke,

"Stay Shin?" I nodded and sat back down on the floor next to him, laying his head on my lap as I stared at the wall, gently stroking his hair as the electric boy slowly drifted off to sleep.

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now