28- Sleep

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Kaminari pov~

I jolted awake, breathing heavily as I stared up at the ceiling.

I took a deep breath before sitting up, bringing my knees up to rest my head on them.

It had just been a nightmare.

It had just been a nightmare.

I've always had sleeping issues through my childhood, a mixture of my ADHD and constant nightmares. Heck I probably had some sort of sleeping disorder, but I wasn't going to go get it checked out. 

I didn't want anyone else wasting so much time and resources on me.

It had now been four days since Keigo took me in, and the only people to come round had been Aizawa, Mic and Hitoshi yesterday, and Dabi on day one and today.

While I was still wary around the villain, I had to admit that he didn't seem as bad as I originally thought, he seems much kinder and caring behind closed doors, and I could tell that he loved Keigo, and as long as he didn't hurt either of us, I was fine with it. 

I looked at the clock on my side table- 1.34 am. I sighed, groaning and throwing my head back on the pillow. I needed to sleep but I highly doubted that I would manage at this rate. 

Never the less, I closed my eyes in an attempt to drift off.

"YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS BRAT!! ITS YOUR FAULT THEIR DEAD!!" My father shouted at me, bringing his beer bottle over his head, "it would have been better if you died instead!"

"Please!! I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" My pleas went unnoticed or ignored as he brought the beer bottle down on my head hard. I felt warm liquid begin trickling down my head and dripping onto the floor, 

"YOU DISGRACE! DON'T JUST STAND THERE" I quickly scrabbled to pick up the glass only to have his hand grab my hair and rench my head up. I cried out in pain but was quickly silenced when he threw me against the wall. I hit it hard and could only watch from the floor as the man I called my father took off his belt and held it over his head, advancing towards me. 

And I knew. 






I opened my eyes screaming, but I managed to put my hand over my mouth to muffle the majority of it. I was sat upright in my bed, eyes wide and my breathing ragged.

Just a dream.

Just a dream.

Just a dream.

Just a-

No matter what I kept telling myself I couldn't stop the panic and fear creep into my mind.

Suddenly the darkness was threatening, and I could have sworn I saw a figure of a man with a belt by my desk.

I quickly ran out of bed, almost tripping over the tangled dovet, and switched on the lights, frantically looking over to where I saw him.

But there was no one except me.

I gave a shaky sigh and put one hand over my mouth, and used the other one to grip my hair as I slumped down the wall.

It was just a dream.

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep now. And I knew I wouldn't be able to turn off the lights without panicking. 

I looked over at the clock once again- 2.19 am. Too early to be moving around.

Then an idea hit me. Keigo and Dabi were just next door, I could sleep with them. 

I quickly shook my head and gave my head a quick zap to get the thought out, but it was still a possibility that was floating round my brain.

My stupid ADHD impulsive brain.

They would be fine with it right?


I mean Keigo slept with me after I had that panic attack yesterday.

Or did he only do it because I stopped him from leaving.

No he wanted to stay, people don't just fall asleep because they have too.

They'll be fine with it!

Before I could debate any further, I stood up and turned off the light. Immediately I felt a sense of panic and refused to look over by my desk, instead opening my door and using the soft hall lights to walk a few feet to my right and open the door.

The soft hall light illuminated the sleeping couple, both still fully clothed, laying on top of the covers. Dabi had his arms wrapped around Keigo's back and waist, while Keigo had one of his wings underneath him and the other acting as a personal mini blanket on top of him.

Suddenly Dabi stirred slightly and lifted his head up to look at me as I shut the door with a silent click. I looked back at him and fiddled with the cuffs of my hoodie, unsure of what to do. As my electrified eyes gave me pretty good night vision, I could see Dabi give a soft smile as he carefully lifted one of his arms and patted the bed infrount of Keigo. I took a small step and he nodded, so I quietly walked over to the bed and quietly clambered onto it, laying down facing Keigos sleeping face. I nuzzled my head into his chest and felt his wing move to cover my body as well and Dabis arm reaching over to protectively hug me as well.

My heart was probably racing, and my body was tense, Keigo must have picked up on this is his half asleep state as he murmured,

"Your safe here kid." Even just hearing that made me pause,

"No one can hurt you here." Dabi chimed in, his voice gravelly but caring, full of protective intent. 

I let out a shaky breath and let my body relax, feeling the warm of the others. Feeling the softness of Keigos shirt and his wing. Feeling the protective and grounding arm of Dabi lazily slung partially over my back. 

Maybe I truly was safe here.

And maybe the warmth that had started to flow through my core was... good?

Maybe I'd finally found another family.

And maybe this one wouldn't leave me.

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now