10- Concern

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Aizawa pov~

To say I had been shocked at the battle and the aftermath was an understatement. i didnt even know that Kaminari had anxiety attacks, and the way he fought.... on top of that, how the hell had Todoroki known what was happening? To my knowledge he doesn't get anxiety attacks, maybe someone in his family does? I was really confused. Hizashi was practically sat on top of me, not wanting his favourite student to be suffering.

"Erasure?" Hawks asked, breaking the silence that was coating the room. I turned my head towards him and managed to peel Hizashi off me and deposit him in a nearby chair, "I think I know which student I would like." I blinked, I had completely forgotten that this was what the exercise was about,

"You know which ones are already taken right?" I asked and the pro hero nodded, "all right then, which one?"

"Denki Kaminari." Hizashi whipped his head around to face him, most of the teachers doing the same,

"I honestly would have thought you were going to go with Tokoyami, with the bird thing and all." I gestured to his wings, making him crack a grin, 

"Yeah well, I was thinking about him, but I would like our resident charger as a pupil." I cringed slightly at the nickname, not that Hawks was wrong. I nodded and was about to continue until Midnight noticed something on the screens,

"Wait a minute- Todoroki and Kaminari are headed this way." She exclaimed, making Vlad spit out his coffee before flicking a few switches to turn on the microphones so we could hear their conversation.

Kaminari was seeming leading the way, with Todoroki watching and following him. The electric boy sighed, 

"You ok?" Todoroki asked, clearly catching something we couldn't see over screens, that boy was very good at reading people.

Kaminari attempted to form words but quickly gave up, muttering a sentence under his breath, "Πραγματικά έχω μπερδευτεί μόλις φτάσουμε στους δασκάλους."

I honestly had no idea what he had said, so I looked over at Hizashi, who was only just containing his excitement,

"He speeks Greek!" my husband squeaked, making everyone turn to him,

"I'm sorry what?" Vlad asked, "Can you translate?" Hizashi shook his head, 

"I don't speek Greek, but clearly your student does Shota." He replied looking over at me.

Todoroki's voice crackling over the screen took our attention back to it, "Do you know where we are headed?" he asked Kaminari, who nodded, "May I ask how you know? Considering the fact that none of the squad started here." Kaminari merely reached up and tapped his ear,

"Can he hear us?!" Mirko squawked in disbelief, making me sigh,

"Apparently so."

"How?!" she replied, leaping out of her seat, 

"Like I said, clearly his ears are a lot better than he lets on." That answer seemed to satisfy her as she sat back down.

The two boys were now right outside the door, and some how Kaminari knew it was there. He placed his hand right on top of the electric magnet and a small fizz could be heard on our side. The door unlocked and he pushed it open, however Todoroki spoke before either of them saw us, but as the door was wide open we could see both of them,

"You know, I think you have a lot better control over your quirk than you let on." Kaminari cocked his head and replied,

"Is that a complement?" 

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now