9- Student

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Kaminari pov~

The DekuSquad had won, mostly because they ambushed us after the EmoSquad had been taken out by Bakugou. with Kirishima and Mina preoccupied trying to help me, the five DekuSquad members easily overpowered us, scoring them the win as they other squads had already been defeated. Though I must say that I did lose control for a bit and managed to knock out four of the DekuSquad members, until I managed to wrestle back control and Todoroki had beaten me.

The horn sounded announcing the DekuSquads victory, making me jump, but I quickly regained focus and elegantly landed on the floor once Todoroki melted his ice. 

I put my arms on my thighs and bent over, trying to catch my breath due to having been hyperventilating not that long ago. Todoroki immediately ran over to me, asking if I was alright. I waved him off but he stayed by my side until I opened my eyes and stood back up, taking a deep breath. I look and the dueled wielder and was surprised to see his face racked with concern. 

Why would he- ah. 

I did just have an anxiety attack right in frount of him- nope scratch that. 

Infrout of two entire squads and probably infrount of the ungodly amount of teachers watching though the three cameras in this corridor alone.

My quirk can sense the location of other electrical objects and can track electrical signals such as phone locations, of cause no one knows this, but oh well its for the best. 

Fingers snapped infrount of my face, making me reel back my head and take a step back, blinking rapidly until I realized that it was just Todoroki. I had unknowingly been staring at him as I had zoned out once again.

Jesus this day really couldn't get any worse.

Being the only two students still conscious, we kinda stuck to each other as various people came in and picked up our unconscious classmates, one of them telling us that we could leave. Todoroki nodded and began to follow me as I was already walking to the nearest exit, being about to hear the sound level differences and being able to pick up the sound of the teachers. 

Todoroki was fairly silent the whole way back, being more of a comforting force rather than a questioning frenzy that the rest of the class surely would be once we watched the replay of our training exercise. 

That was not going to be fun.

I sighed and ran my hands though my hair as we walked, catching the attention of the ever-vigilant Todoroki, 

"You ok?" he asked, I attempted to form words, but ultimately failed. Reverting to a sigh before mumbling under my breath in Greek,

"I really am screwed once we get to the teachers." 

Todoroki gave a small smile, having heard me, and patted my shoulder, but good lord, I didn't flinch this time. We both returned our hands to our sides and walked in silence for a few seconds until Todoroki broke it, "Do you know where we are headed?" 

I nodded, and he continued 

"May I ask how you know? Considering the fact that none of the squad started here." I merely tapped my ear and kept on walking, hoping he wouldn't ask anymore questions, which he didn't.

Before long we came across a door, it was fairly well hidden, but I could sense the electric magnet holding it in place like a lock. I placed my hand on the side where the magnet was and sent a pulse of electricity, unlocking it,

"You know, I think you have a lot better control over your quirk than you let on." Todoroki said as I pushed open the door, making me look back at him, still holding the door open,

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now