16- Training

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Of cause, the second Hawks jumped out of the window with me trapped in his arms made my heart stop. I didn't scream, I didn't really have time.

Hawks divebombed down, snapping his wings out at the last second just before we hit the ground. We immediately started soaring upwards, the pro hero flapping his wings too gain more height until we were miles above the school.

The view was breathtaking.

I could see the entire city, with people and cars looking like ants.

We were soaring in the clouds, the cool mist setting on top of us.

I cast my gaze over to the training rooms, there were 4 of them. They all either had very tall ceilings with glass or no ceiling at all. I could currently see that 2 of the rooms were occupied, one by my class and the other by All Might, Midoriya, Aizawa and Hitoshi. That meant that Todoroki and Bakugou must be out in the city with their mentors.

"Good view hey kid?" Hawks shouted over the wind. I nodded, still unable to speak, "I'll catch you, don't worry."

Before my mind could register what he just said, I was falling.

Hawks had dropped me.

I quickly span around so that I was pointing straight down and could see where I was headed.

My heart rate sped up as we neared the ground.

I could use one of my knives, possibly dig it into a wall to slow my momentum so that I actually have a chance to survive.

I was getting very close now, UA becoming bigger by the second.

It was now that I noticed Hawks had dropped me right above the training room my class was using.

Was he hoping I'd find a way to survive?

Was this a test?

Was he just trying to scare me?

The training room my class was using had no roof, so I could still slow my momentum by dragging a knife through one of the walls.

I could make out all of my class mates, and unfortunately they had now seen me and Hawks, who was probably somewhere above me.

I reached into the inside of my coat and pulled out one of my daggers. Absolutely no one knows this, but I carry quite a few blades in my hero costume just in case, and I knew how to use them.

My eyes locked onto one of the walls and I plunged the knife into into it, immediately feeling the sharp pain from my joints as I hung from it, still falling but a lot slower.

My class were all staring in shock and fear, clearly thinking I was about to die and honestly, I kinda wanted to let go.

I was so tired of life screwing me over.

I had lost so much already.

My little sister and grandmother were dead because of me, electrocuted along with a dozen others in a public pool when my quirk first developed at the age of 5.

My father died due to the alcohol he turned to in order to cover his sorrow at the age of 8.

My mother was never around and she honestly didn't care about me.

Then there was my second family. The one who found me at the age of 10. The family that loved me to bits, until they all died in a villain attack and one of the went missing at the age of 14.

My combat and weapons mentor who disappeared right when I joined UA.

But I knew that if I didn't save myself now, Hawks would, and then he'd know that something was seriously wrong.

I dug the blade in deeper until I came to a stop, pulling it out and leaping from wall to wall until I landed in a crouch on the floor infrount of my class.

I panted heavily, my eyes rapidly blinking in an attempt to wear off the shock coasting through my body.

I looked up just in time to see Hawks land in fount of me and give a loud whistle, "honestly thought I'd have to catch you! Wow, I'm impressed actually, where the hell did you learn how to do that?!" He exclaimed clearly quite surprised.

By now the entire class were gathered around, so I stood up, flicked my dagger a couple of times and put it back inside my jacket, "fancy knife moves aswell! Wait knife? Since when have you been able to use knives?" He asked.

"Have you seen my hero costume design?" I asked and Hawks nodded,

"I swung by the workshop files to see if you had any support gear and stuff. I saw your costume design and I guess it makes sense that you asked for blade slots all over now. Did not know you could use them though. Cool!" Hawks smiled,

After a moments pause he continued, "right!" He clapped and I flinched slightly, which made my mentor gave me an apologetic look, stupid jumpiness!

"Let's go to a free training room." Before anyone in my class could ask anything he began walking towards the exit, his scarlet wings folded on his back.

I quickly followed, keen yet weary.

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