Chapter 1 - The Beginning...

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Mark P.O.V.

A bright light pierced through the lids as I opened my eyes. I rubbed my head as I got a slight headache when Carl dropped us into the new world that he said. I sat up while rubbing my eyes to get comfortable with the brightness that the sun gives to the world.

While rubbing my head, I looked around to see that I was under a tree with birds chirping above me, "Ughh... where the hell am I?" he said to himself while looking around.

As I looked around, my jaw dropped to the ground comically as the beauty presented in front of me, "Wow... " I said with awe as I look at the landscape with disbelief.

The landscape is really beautiful like in any anime shows, the grass is very green and healthy, butterflies slurping to the flowers to their small heart's content, bunnies running around and playing with each other, and even the sky is cleaner and brighter. This feels like civilization has untouched this place for a very long time.

While I admired the view, I then remembered someone, "Wheres Cynthia!" I said in a panic tone, I franticly looked around to find my girlfriend. However, my panic state was cut short when I saw my GF on the grass next to me while sleeping. This made me sigh in relief, good thing we didn't get separated when we were dropped off by Carl.

My girlfriend begins to squirm around as she begins to wake-up. While that happened, I moved to her side to help her get up, "You good Cynth?" I asked Cynthia as we both stood up while holding her for support.

Cynthia was about to answer but her legs got wobbly, making her hold on to me as she supports herself, "My legs are still wobbly for a minute, but I'm alright." she answered with a sigh in relief.

She then looked around to see the landscape, "Where are we?" she asked me while holding onto me, looking quite confused about the situation.

"Maybe this is the world that Carl said before he dropped us in," I said to her. Her legs didn't wobble anymore as she stood on her own while stretching, showing her... ahem, "Figure" to me. This made me blush a bit with her beauty, while my mind was making fantasies about her.

(Goddamit its too early for that shit! get your goddam hormones checked!)

Ow... somehow, my mind got hurt for a second, like someone is yelling at my mind.

I mentally shrugged at that as it was probably not that important to notice.

Anyways, where was I? Oh right! our current location. I observed the surroundings to see where we are as Cynthia was doing the same thing.

"Well, we're in another world alright, the landscape is too blue and cleaner than Earth." she clarified as she observed the distance, seemingly tranced by the beauty of nature in this world, I hummed in agreement. She then looked at me, "Oh, remember when Carl gave us powers?" she asked me.

I nodded in confirmation.

"How do we use it?"

Huh, she's right about that one. While we just received our powers from Carl earlier, how the hell do we use it with no guides or anything to help us? This could be a problem, how the hell do we even activate it in the first place?!

[ And this is where I come in... ]


"The heck was that!"

The two yelped by the sudden voice that said into their head, the two looked around to find the person who made that voice. However, they didn't find anyone or anybody who made that sentence.

"Who said that!" I shouted threateningly to someone who talked from nowhere, I made a stance to prepare for who the hell said that to us unnoticed and so suddenly. Cynthia looked around while scooting closer to me.

Rise of The Aether Empire!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang