Chapter 7 - The Unexpected, but Awaited Encounter...

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Timeskip: 2 Months Later

3rd P.O.V.

The day was typical for the people in the Aether Empire. People walking around, minding their own business with no problems whatsoever, while others are still doing their jobs in their respective professions, like teachers, accountants, investors, and many more that they love to do.

It was a sunny day for them to experience, the bright sky and clear clouds shine on the tall buildings they built, reflecting the light back to the sky, and showing the engineering marvels they did to the world. Plants bask in the sun, harnessing the sun's rays for their survival, and letting out fresh oxygen for the inhabitants to use.

The noise of cars driving around the core territories of the Aether Empire. Whether they transport people to their locations, deliver goods for the people to buy and use, or just flaunt their wealth if may be.

It's been two months since their encounter with the Lizardmen from a small town called Korn and rescued the inhabitants with it, since then, the couple worked day and night in their office to improvise and expand the standard of living for its people and set elsewhere to build a new town or city, as well as expanding and strengthening their military in case if they were found from other monster nations.

After days of debating between the couple and the other officials of the Empire, they thought that it was the right time to expand their territory to find new resources for their economy and establish new food sources for their ever-growing population, so finding these crucial locations are vital for the economy and the nation as a whole.

And that, two months of expansion and improvisation happened in a breeze, once a singular city in the Empire turned to a dozen towns and cities, the latter which is far fewer than towns, but nonetheless numerous.

Thousands of workers and hundreds of heavy equipment were used for this behemoth of a project for the Empire, and tens of thousands of tons of materials were used to build the planned settlements that were laid down by President Mark. Although most of the equipment and workers were used for minor construction, mining operations, farming, or any other labor-intensive jobs.

The former citizens in Town Korn were integrated into the Empire, they were baffled and amazed by the sheer technological advances the small nation has, far more advanced than their Kingdom, they were confused about how to use their appliances since they were too advanced to use.

From a simple stove where you put wood inside and light it up on fire to a stove that has buttons that confuses the shit out of the new settlers, even the basic stoves gave them a hard to grasp.

Of course, there are people who are happy to help new people to familiarize themselves with the things that are not common in their town or kingdom.

Mark made sure to give these new people a new life in his nation and live a happy life rather than sorrow and misery from the loss of their hometown, so he gave them a big enough cash to buy a home for them to live in and instructed his officials to help them getting jobs for themselves.

In two months, the people from Town Korn now work within the Republic, taking jobs as office workers, policemen, firefighters, and other professions that are available to them.

But of course, they were still loyal to the Kingdom despite all of these presented to them, they are happy that the Aethers welcomed them in open arms and let them stay, but they are still loyal to the Kingdom. Despite this, Mark and Cynthia acknowledged their loyalty and still welcomed them. They even said that they can apply to be an official citizen of the Empire if they wish so.

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