You Are The Only Exception:Ch 22 {Teacher/Student Relationship}

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~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 22


A smile was plastered on my face as I walked down the hall in the morning towards my locker. I started turning the dial on the padlock, which I found it hard to remember my combination, until it unlocked. I unhooked it, and looped the hook through one of my belt-loops to hold it. My smile grew as I started thinking of the past few weeks I spent with Everett.

I thought about the Zoo, and the rare moments we get to spend after school together. I thought about the days he would lock his classroom door, so we could be alone for a couple of hours, and I would watch him grade his papers. I also watched him put smiley faces, or hearts, or some little message saying he loved me, somewhere on my work, but to where only I could see it. I also thought about the most recent night I spent with him watching movies, until three in the morning.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard someone calling me. "Hey Michelle!" I heard Sam yell. I looked passed my locker door to see her grinning at me, and Derek hot on her trail. I looked passed them to see Rikki smiling sheepishly at me, while he rubbed the back of his neck with one of his hands.

"Hey." I smiled back at them. I grabbed one of my many books that were stuffed in my locker, and closed the locker door, and put the lock back on.

"So, I found out something, that was probably one of your deepest secrets." Sam wagged her eyebrows at me.

I felt my eyes widened, and I looked at Rikki, who looked up at the ceiling. "You didn't." I whispered.

"Aw, come on, she forced it out of me." Rikki whined, and pointed at Sam.

I felt my jaw drop, and I looked back at Derek, and Sam to see them smiling at me. "I can freaking explain."

"Oh no need, we also got that out of Rikki as well." Derek smirked towards me, and then at Rikki whose cheeks had turned pink already.

"We're so happy for you!" Sam claimed.

"You are?" I asked.

"Of course, " Derek added. " why wouldn't we be? It makes us happy, well, to see you happy." he stated, and smiled at me.

Sam nodded her head, and smiled. "Yeah, and we could tell something was up, by how brightly, and shiny you looked the past weeks, and you were always smiling... which is very rare for you." and the boys chuckled at the last comment she made.

"Oh, thanks." It felt good, to have all my best friends approve of our relationship. "This really does mean a lot to me, you know." I finished, and sighed in relief.

"Of course we do." Rikki stated, but I also noticed he stopped calling me his little pet name, that he gave me.

It seems Sam had noticed too since she asked him. "Hey, what ever happened to calling her 'Love' , and stuff?" She smirked at him, and he looked at her, and smirked back.

"Well, let's say someone paid me to stop that, and I accepted." He switched his smirk to me.

"You didn't?" I questioned him.

"I'm joking." Rikki laughed. "I just felt it was appropriate." he finished, and pursed his lips.

I looked around the hall to make sure no one was listening to us, and good thing it was still too early in the morning. "So, how about we go eat something, my stomach says it's time for breakfast." I stated and smiled.

"No one's even here right now, Michelle, It's like seven in the morning. Do you really think that we would just talk slash whisper this kind of thing in the hallway silly." Sam laughed, and grabbed my arm, and I sighed.

"Alright, " Derek said, while rubbing his hands together. " breakfast time."

We began walking towards the cafeteria, and I smiled as I saw Rikki, and Derek talking, and shoving each other around in front of Sam, and me. That is until she interrupted my thoughts again. "Oh, and by the way. Do you know what today is?" I turned to look at Sam, at the same time Derek, and Rikki turned around to look at me, and began walking backwards.

"No." I finally said.

All three of them grinned at me. "Oh Michelle, your in for one shocking surprise." Sam shook her head, and sighed, while the other two looked at each other, and began laughing.

"Why are you laughing at me?" I stared at them curiously, but they continued to laugh.


My cheeks felt like they were burning through all my classes, and even during lunch. I walked slowly down the hall towards Physics.

"Aw come on Michelle, at that pace your sure to be late." Rikki said from behind me. I turned around and looked at him. "There is always a chance he didn't give you anything for Valentine's today, or he doesn't want you as his Valentine, and then I could be your Valentine." he stated and smirked.

Sam punched him in his arm. "Shut up, stupid." she whispered to him, then turned her attention towards me. "Well, you haven't seen him all day, so I bet he has something special planned, you know." a smile came across her face.

I sighed. "Come on let just get to class."

"Aw, look, her cheeks are bright red. Now you can really tell that this is you first Valentine's spent with someone." Rikki teased.

"I said, shut up." and this time Sam kicked his leg.

I made my way to our usual table, which was in the very back. I slide into my chair, and Sam made sat next to me. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and took it out, as Everett wasn't in the classroom.

'I'll be caught up at work today, find a ride home sweetie, Love Mom.'

I smiled knowing I would get a ride from Everett, but then it faded. I felt nervous, ... I never had a valentine before, all this is so new to me. Was I suppose to give him a gift too? I felt my eternal body temperature soar, when he walked into the room. These feelings, Valentines day, all this boyfriend slash relationship thing, was all new to me.

His eyes caught mine, and I saw the smallest smirk cross his lips, before he turned away. "Alright class," he began as he leaned against his desk, with his arms crossed over his chest. " today we will be getting ready to starts something new. I have a list of research topics, " he held up a packet, and waved it. " and each one of you will be required to do one, also you get to choose your own topic. There will be one person per topic, since I would not like to read the same thing twice." a few of my classmates laughed. "I'll call you up one at a time, so you will have time to choose more wisely, then picking a random subject you would probably know nothing about." he walked around his desk, and sat in his chair. "Also this research paper will be fifty-five percent of your final grade in this class."

"When will be doing this? Today?" Someone asked.

"No, today you will just pick your topic, and when the last six-weeks of school begins, then this research project is what you'll be doing, for five out of those six weeks. Then, of course, you get your multiple choice exam the last week of school, and then you would have finished everything in my class."

"So after we pick our topic... what do we do? Can we have a chill day?" Rikki asked.

"Yes, since I'm sure that the topic will take the rest of the class." he stated. "Alright, so Mikayla, your first." she walked to the front of the room, and sat in the chair in front of his desk, and began scanning the list. "Oh, and Michelle, could you go to the back room, and bring a video, and put it on. Thanks."

I looked up at Everett, and cocked my head. I sighed. "Jerk." I mumbled as I stood up.

"Yeah, go get a good one!" Someone yelled, as I walked into the back room, and flipped the light switch.

"Finding Nemo!" another voice yelled, which sounded a lot like Sam's. I spotted that movie at the exact same time, and grabbed it. I walked towards the front of the room, and popped the dvd into the player, and went to sit back in my chair.

"Oh please tell me it's Finding Nemo." Sam whispered.

When the first scene of the movie appeared, half of the class cheer, while a few stayed silent, and a couple mumbled.

"Oh yeah, Mr. Thompson?" A girl asked.

"Yes?" he looked up at her.

"Will every one of your classes be doing this research paper? If they are, don't you think that's a lot of reading?"

"No, I actually picked this class since it's the fullest, and one more class. My other classes are quite small so they'll be doing something different, but it will still requires them to write." he replied, and nodded at her, while she nodded back.

I turned my attention back towards the television. Someone knocked at the door, and then opened it, coming in with a cart full of roses. "Hi, Mr. Thompson, I'm delivering all the roses that were ordered by the students today." I looked at the boy to see it was Derek, and someone else.

"Oh, that's right, you can just go ahead, and pass them out. Mikayla can you turn the lights on." he asked her, and soon light flooded the room.

Derek smirked when he saw us sitting in the back. He whispered something to the other boy, and he began passing out the roses, but before Derek moved away from the cart, he started reading the tags, on the roses, until he found one, and pulled it out. He sat down next to Rikki, and placed the rose in front of me on the table.

"Thanks?" I looked at him curiously.

He chuckled "It's not from me, you should read the tag that's attached to the stem."

I picked the rose up, grabbed the tag, and read it.

'You hold the key to my heart'

I flipped the tag over, and read the other side.

'I love you, Angel. ~E'

I blushed, and smiled. "Pretty cool, huh?" I looked up at Derek to see him smirking. "It was kind of a secret order."

"How did he..." I trailed off, smiled, and started shaking my head.

"Secret." I looked up at Derek, who just kept on smirking. "He ordered it this morning." he finally stated.

I looked down at the rose in my hand, that was in full bloom. I smiled, bit my lip, and smelled it. It smelled so lovely, and fresh. "Michelle." I heard a voice call, I looked up to see Everett calling me over. I placed my rose, on the table, and stood up.

"Yes, almost my turn." Sam sighed. "Hurry, and tell me if there's any good ones left." She whispered, as I started to walk off.

I looked over my shoulder, smiled, and nodded. I made my way to his desk, and sat in the chair in front of him. I picked up the packet, that was full of topics, and began to scan the first page.

I felt eyes on me, and I looked up from the page to see him staring at me. I shifted in the chair, and raised an eyebrow.

"I actually already have a topic for you." he whispered.

I looked up from the paper. "Really?"

He nodded his head, and took the packet from me. He flipped through a few pages, and placed the packet back down in from of me, and pointed to a topic with his finger. I looked down, and read, 'Physics of Tsunamis'.

"It's easy." he whispered.

I looked back up at him, and sighed. I grabbed the pen from his hand. "This doesn't sound like it has anything to do with Physics."

"Maybe, I know that. This is suppose to be an easy grade." he said, and let out a small chuckle.

I signed my name next to the topic. "And how do you know it's easy? Have you written about it before?" I asked.

He ignored my question. "Can I have my pen back?" he asked, and smirked. I sighed, and handed it back, and stood up.

I smiled at Sam, who eagerly stood up, and almost ran to the front of the rooms. I walked back to my seat, and sat down. I admired my rose, and watched the movie, I glanced up every now and then to see Everett looking at me, as if he was longing to hold me, but from even where I was sitting I saw one corner of his lip curl up. I blushed, and quickly turned my attention back towards the television. I repeated everything, from looking at my rose, to the movie, and then back at Everett, until the bell began to ring. By that time, almost the whole class were given roses, including Sam. Derek, and his cart buddy had already left, a few minutes before the bell.

I stood up, and grabbed my tote, shouldering it. "Hey, I'm catching a ride with Derek, I'll see you Monday!" She yelled as she went through the classroom door.

"Bye!" I yelled back, as I grabbed my rose. I headed towards the door, with Rikki trailing behind me.

"So, do you have a ride home?" he asked.

I stopped, and turned around. "Uh, yeah, well, I think I do. Thank you though." I said, and let out a small laugh.

"Hm, let me guess." he chuckled, and cocked his head sideways, I let out a sheepish laugh.

I turned back around, and started walking again. I let a few people go in front of me, and I turned my head slightly to look at Everett, to see him looking at me confused. It was quite amusing to see, and I mentally laughed.

I'm going to my locker. I mouthed to him. He nodded, and leaned against his desk. I made my way out the door, and towards my locker.


I opened the door, and saw Everett already grading paper. I quietly made my way to a lab table in front of his, and sat down. I placed my rose to the side, and pulled out my English homework, and began working on the multiple choice first.

I looked up, but only to find that Everett wasn't there. 'How long has he been gone?' I thought. I cocked my head sideways, and pursed my lips. I looked towards the door, to see him leaning against it, and smirking at me, with a stack full of freshly copies papers in one of his hands.

I heard him laugh through his nose. He pushed off the door, and started walking towards me. I shifted in my chair, and looked down at my rose. He planted a kiss on my temple as soon as he reached me. "Miss me, Angel." He breathed into my ear.

A slow shiver made its way down my spine, and I slightly tilted my head to the side. He kissed my cheek, and went back to his desk, setting the stack of paper off to the side. "Thank you," I started quietly. " for the rose." I sighed, and finally looked up to see him staring at me curiously. "I've never been given a rose. I actually, never had a valentine before. Wait, unless you don't want-" I stopped, blushed, stood up, and went to look out of the window, but the blinds we shut.

I turned around, and was caught off guard, when his lips brushed against mine. I took a step back, and looked at him shocked. He took a step forward, and I felt my lower back press against the window sill, as I tried to step back again. "Be mine." he breathed quietly, as one of his hands caressed one of my cheeks, only a few inches separating our bodies.

"I-I don't even get anything for you..." I whispered, and stared down at my feet.

He laughed through his nose. "I don't want anything. I only want you, and that's everything I need,  could want, and have. So be mine valentine."

"I kind of thought I was yours already." I looked up to see him smiling down at me.

"Your too cute." He rubbed his nose against mine, and barely touched his lips with mine. I smiled, and I closed my eyes. I felt his lips press against mine, grabbed my waist, and he lifted me up and sat me on the window sill. He forced his tongue into my mouth, and I gasped, causing mine to open more, allowing him to put more of his tongue in my mouth. I put my hands on his chest, and he pulled away. "I'm sorry." he breathed.

I nodded my head, and gave him a small smile. I concentrated on slowing my breathing, He kissed my cheek, and moved back towards his desk, and sat down in his chair. I noticed him sigh, and he continued grading. "Do you need hel-" I was cut off by a knock at the door. I looked at the door, and turned back to look at him with wide eyes. He frowned, and stood up.

He unlocked the door, and was suddenly pushed aside, and Riley rushed in with his hands behind his back. A huge grin was plastered on his face. "Happy Valentine's Day." he said, and suddenly a huge heart came into view.

"Wow, uh, thanks." I smiled and took the heart, which I knew was filled with chocolate.

"Your welcome." he grinned. "Oh, hey Everett." he smirked, and gave him a small wave. "So, what are you doing with her today?"

"Why would I tell you?" he smirked.

"Pshh, because we're best friends, duh. Well I have to go, I'll see you soon, Michelle." he said, as he opened the door.

Everett sighed, and moved towards his desk, and grabbed the stack of papers he needed to grade, and shoved them in his laptop bag. He opened one of his desk drawer and grabbed his cell phone. "Ready babe?"

I was in the middle of shoving my English papers in my bag. I stopped, slowly tilted my head to look at him, and bit my lower lip to try to keep myself from smiling, but failed. I covered my face with one of my hands, and started shaking my head. "Oh my god." I mumbled to myself, and smiled.

"Babe, you ready?" he asked again, and I finally noticed I haven't answer him.

I shouldered my tote, grabbed the heart, Riley gave me, and finally my rose. "Uh, yeah." I turned to see Everett grabbing his keys off the desk.

"Alright, let's go." he rested one of his hands on my lower back.

"Wait, isn't there still people here? What if they see us?" I asked as I opened the door, and stepped into the hallway. I rubbed my sweaty palms on my jeans.

"Angel it's fine, okay?" he said, and kissed my cheek. Once we were in the parking lot, only a couple of cars were there, which were probably the janitors. "See."

I quickly jumped into his car, and pulled my seat belt on, and we soon drove off.


We parked in my driveway. "I need to call your Mom, Angel, I'll be inside in a bit." I smiled, and nodded. He dialed her number. "Hello, yes I have her Shannon." he turned, and smiled at me.

I grabbed my stuff, and leaned over to his side, and placed a kiss on his cheek. He looked surprised at first, then finally smirked.

I ran up the steps of my porch, unlocked the door, and opened it. I ran upstairs to my room, and opened the door, I gasped when I saw what was on my desk.

It was a dozen roses in a vase. There were pink, and coral, and of course red. Tiny blue flowers surrounded the roses.

I dropped my tote, and placed my rose from today with the others, and set my heart beside the vase. No one has ever did anything like this for me, and it made me feel special to be given flowers. I smiled, and admired the beautiful bouquet.

"Do you like them?"

I turned to look at Everett, and nodded."I love them."

A look of concern made its way on his face, and he made his way towards me. He cupped my cheeks with his hands, and wiped away the tears that ran down my face, with his thumbs. "Why are you crying?"

Instead of answering him, I threw my arms around his neck, stood up on my tiptoes, and hugged him. His arms automatically went around my waist. "I love you, so much." I whispered into his ear. He lifted me off the ground, and slowly, turned us in a small circle.

He placed me back on the ground, and kissed me. I felt his hands on my lower back massaging small circles into my back. He broke the kiss, and my hand had a mind of its own, it made its way to the back of his head, and I pressed his lips back to mine. I felt him smile into my lips, and I instantly did the same. Finally I pulled away, and rested my head on his chest. The only sound was our heavy breathing. I smiled as I listened to his heart beating.

Until finally he spoke. "Come on, go get some clothes, and then we can go to my place." He kissed my forehead, and went to sit on my bed.

I grabbed a gym bag, and began filling it with clothes. The last things I put inside was my toiletry bag, and my hair straightener. "I think I'm finished." I said, while turning around, and looking at my room to see if I missed anything. "Did I forget anything?" I whispered.

"Maybe these." I turned to see Everett holding up a pair of black bikini style underwear.

I tried to snatch them out of his hand, but he placed them back in the drawer he opened. He stood still for awhile before grabbing the underwear again, and stuffed them in my gym bag I was holding. "That's so embarrassing." I mumbled.

He chuckled. "Come on." He grabbed my gym bag from me, and grabbed my hand.

I grabbed my tote that I had dropped on the floor when I came in earlier. "Wait, can I bring my flowers?" I asked.

He turned to look at me and smirked. "Of, course."

I went to my desk, and wrapped my hands around the vase firmly, and carefully made my way down stairs. I gave my keys to Everett so he could locked the door to my house. We made our way to his car and climbed in, and drove off.


Once I stepped into his apartment, or suite, I should say, I felt at home. I smiled, and breathed in his scent that linger all over. He planted a kiss on my cheek. "Go make yourself at home, I have to go get something." He carried my gym bag to his room, and disappeared.

After I placed my flowers on the coffee table, and I did as he said, and went to sit on his couch. I sat there and thought about the last time I came her. It was the day my heart shattered to pieces. I sighed, and untied my shoes, and placed them under the coffee table. I pulled a loose strand of hair behind my ears, when I saw Everett sit down on his coffee table. I cocked my head, and smirked. "So, what did you get?" I asked when, I didn't see anything.

He sighed heavily. "Angel, I'm sorry,... but I don't really have anything special planned for today, but I have this." he pulled a small gift bag from behind him, and handed it to me.

I opened it cautiously, and saw a brochure to a hotel inside. I smiled, and cocked my head again. "A hotel brochure?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Well, did you see where that hotel is located?"

I looked back down at the brochure, to see it read Corpus Christi. I hand went over my mouth. "The beach!" I squeaked.

He laughed. "Yes, I was thinking maybe during Spring Break, you would like to take a vacation down there, with me?" he asked, then looked down at the floor, and then back up at me.

I smiled, and bit my lower lip. "Yes! Of course I'll go with you!"

"But this time it's just going to be you, and me... No Riley... well unless he-" he stopped, and chuckled, but continued "Well if your okay with just going with me?" I nodded, and he sighed in relief. "Have you ever been to the beach?" he grinned.

I smiled. "I've never really been anywhere, except here,... this small town." I shrugged. "So, no I haven't."

He stared at me, until he finally broke the silence. "Good." He pushed the same strand of hair, that fallen back into my face, behind my ear. I turned my attention to my flowers, and smiled. "Do you know what they mean?" he asked.

"No, well the red roses mean True Love."

He nodded. "The pink mean Grace, the coral mean Desire. The Forget-me-nots also mean True Love." as he was explained all this, he sat down next to me on the edge of the couch. He turned to look at me, and stared down at the floor.

Even out of the corner of my eye, I could tell he wanted to tell me something, or ask. "What?"

I saw a small tint of pink cross both of his cheeks, as he looked at me. "It's not important right now." he smiled, and kissed my cheek. He handed me the remote, after he turned the TV on. "Babe, what do you want to eat?" he asked as he stood.


"Alright, I'll go order-"

I cut him off. "Were not eating at the rest-" I stopped, and bit the inside of my cheek.

He turned to stare at me for a second before he smiled. "Sure we can eat there. I know this amazing Chinese Buffet restaurant a few towns over. Do you want to go eat there?"

"If you don't mind." I stared down at the ground.

"Of course not, go shower, or do you want to go like that?"

I shook my head, and headed for the bathroom. I grabbed my gym bag, and hauled it with me into the bathroom.

I rubbed my hair with the towel to dry it, then wrapped it around my body. I grabbed a comb from the side pocket of my bag, and parted my hair to the right. I put on my underwear, and bra, and re-wrapped the towel around my body, and stepped out into his bedroom.

I saw him sitting on his bed, and when he saw what I came out in, he just smiled. Once he stepped inside the bathroom, I dug through my bag and pulled out my red sundress I packed. I pulled it over my head, and tied the string that was attached to the dress behind my back, and I finally looked down at the hem of my dress where red and white hearts were printed on. The hem of the dress came to the middle of my thighs, I checked to see if it had any wrinkles anywhere. I straightened up, I looked down at my chest, and sighed in relief when the dress cover my cleavage. I put on the necklace Everett had given me, and I smiled.

I put some deodorant on, and then sprayed on some perfume. I slipped on my black flats, and as soon as I did the bathroom door opened revealing Everett with only some jeans on. They hung dangerously low on his waist, and I saw water drops were still on his chest.

I blushed, and looked down at my dress, and then back up at him, to see him rubbing his hair with his towel, then his chest. "Do I look okay?" I asked quietly.

He walked over towards me, and pulled me into him. My arms automatically went in front of me, and the landed on his chest, or rather his pecs. I felt my face heat up. "You look beautiful." he breathed into my ear. He kissed the skin right behind my ear, and I sighed loudly. He chuckled, and I pulled away from him embarrassed.

He walked towards his closet, and pulled a deep red, long sleeve, button up shirt from its hanger, and put it on. I walked towards the living room, and leaned against a wall. I watched the commercials, that came on, until I finally turned it off. "Everett?" I called, as I walked back towards his room.

"Yes?" It sounds as if he was in the closet.

I saw him stuffing something on the top shelf in the closet. "What are you doing?" I laughed.

"Getting something ready for when we come back." he smirked.

I looked at him confused.


As the waiter sat of at a booth, and brought back out drinks, we stood up and headed for the buffet. I grabbed a plate for myself, and handed one for Everett. He kissed my cheek, and I stood in front of the food, until I found what I was looking for.

I sat back at the booth, and Everett sat beside me. I smiled, I looked around the restaurant to see only a few people here. One was an elderly couple, and another was a husband, and wife with their four kids, another couple walking in, and of course the waiter, and cooks, who came out of the back often to refill the food.

I shoveled a piece of broccoli in my mouth. "Does that taste good?" I turned to nod at Everett. I stabbed another piece of broccoli, and held it in front of his mouth. He smirk and opened, and started chewing. "That is good." he smirked and opened his mouth again, I laughed, but stabbed another piece and gave it to him.

"Now, no more. I love Beef and Broccoli." I started chewing on another piece, and smirked at him.

"Here try this." A egg roll was touching my lips, and I opened, and took a cautious bite.

I cover my mouth with one of my hands. "That's really good. What's it called?"

"A Spring Roll."

We laughed, and it felt so good to be somewhere with him in public. Some place where we didn't have to hide. Some place where we could show each other affection. We grabbed another plate, and he let me try a piece of crab meat he had gotten. That went on for a while, him getting me to try new food.

Everett stood up, and went to go grab a plate of dessert. What I wasn't expecting was one of everything. He brought cookies, cheesecake, carrot cake, raspberry cake, and finally pudding. I stared down at the plate, and licked my lips.

As we were eating dessert, I told him how Sam, and Derek found about our little secret, to which he just laughed at, and how excited I was to finally be able to go to a beach. I told him how I always wanted a kitten inside the house, which made him smile. He listened to everything, it didn't matter if it wasn't important because he still listened. That was now another thing I could  add, to the list of things I loved about him, ... a great listener.

I listened to him, as he talked about Riley, and how he enjoyed the Zoo. He even told me how hard it was for him to pick out the flowers. He started talking about the beach, but I found it hard for me to listen. I just watched his lips move, but couldn't concentrate on what he was saying.

Every now and then I felt his leg brush against mine. I started to lean towards him, when he was about to take a sip of his drink, and kissed his neck. I felt his neck tense up, which means his whole body probably did. He stopped, glass almost to his lips, and set it back down on the table. I left my lips hovering over his neck, and I looked around the restaurant quickly to see who was still here, and no one was, except for the waiter sitting behind the counter by the front door.

I pressed my lips back, and lightly licked his neck, and I felt him relax again. His left hand rested on my knee, and I noticed he tilted his head away from me, allowing me more access to his neck. I gently began sucking his skin, and his hand moved up my thigh. I have no idea what was going on in my head, or if it was instinct, but I soon found myself gently biting his neck. I felt his hand squeezing and massaging my thigh, which had reached the hem of my dress. I pulled away, and placed my hand on his, and rested my head on his shoulder.

I planted a small kiss to the area already darkening skin. "I love you." I whispered in his ear.

He turned his head. "I love you too, Angel." he whispered into my ear. "Are you ready?"

I nodded, and pulled away from him. That's when I finally processed what I did to him, and my face immediately flame up, and I kept my gaze on my lap. Once he slide out of the booth, I scooted over, and was about to stand up, when a hand came into my view. I looked up at Everett, and hesitantly placed my hand in his. He smiled, and pulled me to stand up. He intertwined our finger, and we made our way to the counter, and he paid.


As we stood in the elevator, I couldn't help but notice the love bite I gave him. It was a deeper red, almost purple, which I'm sure it would be that color by tomorrow. I looked away when the elevator door opened. I covered my yawn once he got his door open, and he lightly pushed me inside.

I read the clock that was near me on the wall which read almost eleven. I kicked my shoes off, and placed them neatly by the door. I felt a hand on my back, and looked over my shoulder. "Go change." he whispered.

"Alright." I nodded, and went to change into some shorts, and a muscle shirt from Hollister. I sat on the bed, and soon enough I feel back on the bed.

I jumped when Everett came out of his closet wearing sweats, and a V-neck. I saw that one of his arms was behind his back, and I stared at him cautiously. "I have something." he smirked looking down at me. He leaned down and pecked my lips.

I smiled, and shook my head. He pulled another small bag from behind his back, and placed it on the night stand. He pulled something out of it, but I couldn't see what it was. "What do you have?" I laughed.

"Secret, for now." His hand rested on my stomach, and he leaned back down to kiss me. I felt my shirt being pulled up, and he pulled away, and stared down at me watching my reaction. I felt him pull my shirt over my belly button, and he stopped.

He turned his head, and started fumbling with whatever was in his hand. I saw his love bite, and gently traced it with my fingers. He turned back around, and smiled down at me. "Is it going to turn darker tomorrow?" I felt silly for asking, but I wanted to know. I dropped my hand back down on the bed.

He smirked. "Yes. Now stay very, still for me, okay?" I did as I was told, and felt something press against my belly button hole. He slipped the ring inside slowly, making sure he wasn't hurting me and his other hand came around and he tightened the ball to the belly button ring. He stepped away, and I sat up. I stared down at my stomach, and noticed a red long stem rose charm dangling from the ring. The leaves attached to the rose, were actually green gems.

"That's so beautiful. Thank you so much." I smiled up at him.

"There's others in the bag." He nodded towards it.

I grabbed the bag, and looked inside to see four more rings inside. "Oh my god." I murmured. I pulled each one out, one was a heart and peace sign, another had a music note, another was a mood ring, and I pulled another music note out. I looked up at Everett to see him staring down at me. I grabbed his forearm, and pulled him towards me, and hugged him. "Thank you." I whispered. He wrapped his arms around me.

He gently placed me back on the bed, and stared down at me, and then his gaze shifted to my stomach staring at my ring. His gaze again shifted to my lips, and he kissed the side of my mouth. He was about to place one on my cheek, but I turned my head. I smiled, and pulled him on top of me.

He kept his weight off me, and he kissed down my jaw line, I closed my eyes. I felt his breath on my stomach, and shifted uncomfortable. I felt him kiss the skin on the side of my navel, and he gently began to suck the skin.

It felt as if butterflies weren't just fluttering around in my stomach. I also felt tingling, and I shivered, while a soft moan left my mouth. One of his hands started massaging my hip. He pulled away and looked up at me. He smirked, when he saw the blush on my cheeks. He gave one last kiss on my stomach, and rolled over to his side.

I stood up, and turned off the light, and then went back to bed. I crawled under the covers, and sighed, with my back facing him. Everett wrapped an arm around my stomach, and I turned around, and snuggled into his chest.

"Thank you so much for today, and everything."

"Your welcome." he said and kissed my forehead.

"I love you." I yawned.

I heard him chuckle. "I love you,.. always, Angel." he whispered in my ear.


A/N: and CUT! :)
I really enjoyed this chapter, but I think I'm going to have a ton of fun
writing the next one.... Spring Break! :D
I have a couple of ideas in my head already, oh and I'll be getting started on
my new story too. Not really much to say :P
Super excited about the next chapter... who else is!? :)

Also, no video today D:.... next time for sure! (:

So, oh yeah wait I do have something to say............



If I get lots of comments, and votes, I promise I'll upload sooner! ;)

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