You Are The Only Exception:Ch 34 {Teacher/Student Relationship}

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~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 34


“Oh, you guys kissed.” Riley teased, and pointed at me, and then Miles. Miles didn’t have a blush or anything unlike me, instead he had a poker face going on. Sort of, since I could see a smirk, or was it smile, playing on his lips. And here I am looking like a cherry tomato.

I swatted Riley’s hands away. “Would you shut up.” my cheeks puffed out.

“Hmm, ” He began to think, or pretend, as he stroked his chin with his thumb, and pointer finger. “I was just thinking, ” ‘Liar.’ I thought, and I mentally laughed. “You‘ve kiss Everett, and now Miles.” He then looked down at me, and smirked. “Am I next on your list?”

I spit the water I was drinking, out. I looked like some bad impression of Triple H, from wrestling. I mentally laughed at that thought.

“What?” I laughed, as I wiped off the water dripping down my chin.

“’Cause you know, I liked to be asked out at least.” He went on.

“Riley.” I forced out between my laughter.

“I would also like you to know, I like girls that wear lips stick.” he stopped, and thought about it, and soon was shaking his head. “Nah, I think you should wear lip gloss.” He thought it over again. “Too messy, just stick with chap stick.” He nodded with his eyes closed.

“Miles.” I looked at him, asking for help.

“No.” He smirked while shaking his head.

After about ten minutes he left. I couldn’t help but sigh with relief. And Riley reminding me of what happened yesterday at the mall, I just couldn’t get it out.

His kiss from yesterday, still lingered in my head like a slow movie scene. I mentally laughed at myself, ’how girly-ish of me daydreaming of a kiss.’ I thought. The way Miles’ soft pink-. Grr, No, Michelle, stop thinking of Miles, jeez.

I stood up, and stood next to Miles who was putting away books. He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes, and chuckled.

“What, Michelle?” He smiled.

I blushed. “Uh, nothing. Why?”

He crouched down, and put away some books. “Well, it looks like you want something.” He chuckled again. “So, ” he stood up, and leaned against the bookcase. “what do you want?”

My blush deepened. “Er, I don‘t know what you‘re talking about.”

I didn‘t notice he gotten closer, until I felt his breath on my cheek. “I think I know what you want.” he whispered.

His lips grazed my cheek. “And what do I want?”

“I‘ll show you.” His lips on my jaw, leaving a hot trail as they moved towards my lips. I couldn’t help but moan against his lips.

He smirked against my lips, and pulled away. After we heard a voice clear in the distance. We both turned to see, an elder women smiling at us, and shaking here head.

After she left, he turned his attention back to me. “There.” he sighed, and leaned his forehead against mine.

After a few seconds, he went back to stocking books.

"Hey, Miles. Can I ask you something?" I chewed on my lower lip, as I sat on the floor in the bookstore. And to make myself look occupied I had a book open in my lap, and another off on the side that I was thinking of buying called 'Possession'.

"Yeah, sure." He glanced at me, and quickly nodded before going back to stocking the books in the teen section.

"I... I think I've been seeing Jared around." I felt both of my palms begin to sweat, and I shakily rubbed them on my shorts.

I also noticed Miles tense up. His whole body just stiffened, like a brick wall. He turned towards me as he finished shelving the last book that was in his hand. “W-what do you mean?” he seemed nervous. “I mean, ” he cleared his throat. “how do you know you saw him. I mean you don‘t know what he looks like, right?”

I stood up, letting the book that was in my lap fall to the ground. ”No, I don‘t, but I mean I have a good idea on how he looks since, I think since, I saw him at the mall, the other day, and he came to my house also. And only God knows where else he‘s seen me at.” Oh god, I felt my breathing pick up.

“Hey, hey. Look at me.” I heard Miles whisper. He grabbed my face forcing me to look at him. “You need to calm down.”

I looked up at him with wide eyes. “How can I be calm, when there‘s someone fucking stalking me.” I whispered loudly. It seems like everything about this guy was settling in. This guy was probably psycho, or crazy.

A couple of people passed by looking at us oddly. “Hey, shh.” he whispered softly. He looked at his watch quickly, and cursed under his breath. “Look, I got to go clock out right now, just sit back on the floor, and read your book.”

I glared at him. “I am not a child.”

He chuckled, and as he did, his warm breath caressed my face. “When you read, it‘s like you‘re in another world, and you‘re at peace. So, pick up your book, and breathe.” He whispered the last words in my ear. His lips lightly brushed mine. “I‘ll be back soon.”

“Okay.” I sighed. As soon as he was out of the aisle, and my eye view, I sat down. Until I felt eyes on me, I looked up, and down the aisles, and the lines of books on the shelves,  to see that same man. I gasped slightly, and started standing up slowly. I noticed he had a grin on his face, as if he knew that I knew who he was. I started to freak out when he started to walk towards me. I began walking backwards, and soon I found myself jogging toward the entrance of the store, and soon I was outside. I cursed under my breath when I remember what time it was. Closing time for all stores on a Sunday, or most stores.

I looked at the clock on my phone to see it was eleven, and weirdly enough this bookstore closed late. “Shit.” I began pacing outside, when I remembered that I didn’t have my car today. I came with Miles, since I wanted to spend time with him, while he was at work, and also to see if I could find any new books.

I should have listened to Riley. I started shaking my head, next time I’m definitely listening to him from now on. I debated whether to go back inside, or stay out here like the stupid girl I am. I might get raped, or mugged..

I tried to stop thinking of the worse, and groaned. “I‘m so dumb.” I whispered to myself.

“Yes, you are. Actually, more of incredible stupid.” A deep voice said from behind me.

I turned around, to see he was only a few feet away from me. I took this time to take in his appearance. He wasn’t very muscular, but not to scrawny either. He did have muscle though. His hair was slightly shaggy, but clean. And his dark brown eyes made me so very uncomfortable.

I opened my mouth to scream, but stopped when he grabbed my left upper arm quickly.

“Don’t do it doll. Otherwise, I‘ll make a phone call, and you’ll never see, a certain someone again. Now would you like that?” he whispered to me.

My eyes widened in shock. I slightly shook my head, not sure if my voice would work, at this moment. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

“Good girl.” He whispered. He looked over my shoulder at something, and nodded.

“Are you Jared?” My voice cracked. That was my brilliant question? God I was stupid… more thank I thought.

The man threw his head back, and laughed. I’m taking that as a ‘no’? “That‘s my brother. Twin, actually. But I‘m just doing what he would do, if he were alive.”

“If.” I whispered.

“Yeah, if. He died. Some kind of prison brawl.” I noticed his eyes showed some compassion, and as if he really didn’t want to hurt me.

Of course, I wouldn’t know how he feels, but I have noticed that twins are like a whole. It must have hurt him to lose his other half. “Let me go.” I asked softly.

His eyes softened, the slightest. Or a fraction. “I can’t. Everyone back home expects me to take my brothers place.”

“Like who?” I felt myself asking.

He glared at me. “My Dad, and friends mostly. They expect me to wear his shoes. And Jared would also want me to finish what he wanted done. Which was to make Everett pay.”

“Pay for what?”

His eyes hardened. “It‘s his fault you know. He‘s the reason why my brother was caught. And that ass Miles.” he gritted out. “Thinking he could go to the cops. If my brother were alive, he would have Everett‘s ass by now. Years ago. And that ass Miles.” His voice was so cold. Full of anger. 

I winced, as his grip tightened. “But what did Everett do?” My voice came out pained, from his grip.

“He smoked Jared’s weed. If I knew anything about my brother, it was that you sell the shit he gave you, you don’t keep it for yourself. And if I remember correctly it was thousands of dollars that he smoked up. He has quite a debt to pay.” He let go of my arm, and I rubbed it to make the pain go away.

“Grab her, and put her in the car. It‘s time to leave.” He walked away, and as soon as I thought to run, and arm engulfed my other upper arm tightly. I looked over my shoulder, and the face that I saw made my face pale.

“Riley.” I croaked out.

He looked down at me, his eyes hard, his jaw set, and his grip tightened. “Move.” And to add to the list, his voice was hard, more of pained.

“My names Jason, by the way.” I looked back to the guy in front of me, to see him smirking. “You can drive this time Miles.” Jason reached into his pocket, and pulled out his key, and threw them behind Riley, and me.

I felt like I was going to puke. We stood next to a black SUV, which had tinted window on all the back windows, and I was quickly shoved into the back seat. I glanced back at Riley, as I shuffled to sit right, to see a look of pain cross his eyes, but it was soon gone. He slammed the door shut, and climbed into the front.

“Aw, don‘t looked so shocked babe.” I flinched at the word ‘babe’. “You must have thought something was wrong when you met Miles.”

I looked at Miles, who soon started the car, and shifted the gears. He looked in the rearview mirror but his eyes held no emotion, as his face was hard to read, unlike Riley who had his forehead creased, as if he was thinking hard about something.

“Didn‘t your mother tell you not to talk to strangers?” I heard Jason chuckle.

“But-… Miles why?” I whispered.

He looked straight ahead, as he began to drive off.

“Miles dealed for me, a couple of weeks before he met you. Didn‘t you Miles?” I saw Jason smirk.

“You‘re lying.” I found myself whispering.

Jason looked at me. “Oh, ” he pretended to act shocked. “am I?” I saw Jason scoot forward toward Miles, and started to pull up his right sleeve.

Miles shrugged him off quickly, and I saw that he was tense, by the death grip he had on the steering wheel. Probably trying not to slap his hand away.

“Ah, ah. Don‘t move.” Jason chuckled.

Soon his sleeve was pushed up farther. And I finally saw a scar. Or was it a burn mark?

It definitely was a burn mark. In the shape of an ’x’. I soon remembered Miles word from the café.

 "-it was and 'X' meaning crossed out. A rather large 'X'. I don't know how he went through one that big..." he trailed off.

He dealed too. I stared at Miles.

Jason patted Miles arm. “Someone needed money, and I gladly gave it to him. You have to off bill somehow, right?”

I gulped, and looked at Miles through the rearview mirror.

“It wasn’t for bills.” Miles spat out. “It was for…” he stared at me, and then back at the road.

“Ah, for Michelle?” Jason smirked at me. “Does someone have a crush?”

I saw Miles’ jaw set.

“She‘s taken you know.” Jason laughed.

Miles‘ grip tighten, on the steering wheel. “I know.” He growled.

I pushed all the thoughts that were in my head aside for now, and thought about Everett. Was he okay? What was he doing to pay back, whatever he owed? Was he dealing again? “Where‘s Everett?” I found myself whispering.

“Well, I bet he‘s at my house enjoying his time dealing, and doing whatever Amy Jane asks him to do.” Jason shrugged.

My stomach turned, just at the thought of him being with her.

“Why?” I whispered to Riley, and Miles who seem to know the question was for them. Jason on the other hand looked amused. “Why!” I screamed. They both flinched.

Miles glanced at me from the mirror again. “Michelle, calm down.” He whispered.

“No, fuck you.” I said threw my gritted teeth.

“Feisty one.” I heard Jason chuckle.

“I hate you! Both of you!”

This time Miles turned around to look at me, as soon as he was at a stoplight. “Michelle, calm down.” I saw his arm stretch to touch me, but I slapped it away.

“Don’t‘ fucking touch me. Any of you.” I spat out.

Hurt crossed his eyes. I looked at Riley who didn‘t move at all. “Alright enough.” Jason chuckled, as if all my screaming was amusing him.

“I trusted both of you.” I whispered. “And,… And… This has to be a joke, right? I‘m being fucking punked, or something, right?” I looked at all three of them, and nothing.

Both Riley, and Miles said nothing. But the silence ended once Jason started laughing.

I glared at him. “Shut the hell up.”

His eyes hardened. “That‘s enough of that. You sound like a bitch when you talk like that.”

“Fuck you.” I whispered to him harshly, before I spat on his face.

He wiped his face. “You little bitch.” I saw him fumbling with something in his hands, that I didn’t notice was there before. How long was he -

My thought got cut off short.

Before I could process what was happening, he pulled me towards him, and threw a wet cloth over my face. Holding it against my nose, and mouth with his hand. I grabbed his arm trying to pull it off me, but to no avail., if only my other arm wasn’t pinned against me.

I tried kicking, but it wasn’t helping either. I soon noticed the tears streaming down my face. I felt my head getting lighter, and lighter. And my eyes started to drop.

I saw Riley turn in his seat finally. “What the fuck man stop!” he yelled, as he tried prying Jason’s hand off my face.

“Quit your shit Jason!” Miles yelled.

“Shut the fuck up, both of you! If you don‘t I‘ll just kill her right here!”

I remembered reaching toward Riley. His eyes showed panic. “Shit, Michelle! For fucks sake stop, she‘s pregnant!” He yelled.

My world went black. Mumbling, and movement was muffled by the darkness that now consumed me, until after awhile, it stopped, and all there was, … was silence.

I felt like I was drowning in darkness, and no one was there to save me. Not Everett. The only person I knew that could save me now. All I hope is that, some miracle happen.



Also... if any of you readers make book covers... I would love, love, love you millions if you could make me one for this story! Please! *begs on knees* :)

~Stephanie. <3

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