You Are The Only Exception:Ch 19 {Teacher/Student Relationship}

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~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 19


A few student were already in the classroom, and I let out a sigh of relief. My hands were already clammy, and I finally noticed the desks were arranged like they were last year, or I should say lab

"Hey Michelle." I jumped, and turned around to see Rikki standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Rikki you better get to class."

"I am in class." He stated.

"I mean your class."

"I am in my class."

"He changed his schedule. So he's in our class now. Yay." I heard Sam say from behind him.

"No sarcasm in that sentence." I joked, and laughed. I walked towards the back of the room and sat down at the last lab table. Rikki quickly took the seat next to me, and Sam groaned at him. She sat in front of us, and turned around.

"So, why are we sitting in the back." She questioned.

"I like it in the back." I started.

"That's what she said." Rikki said, and smiled at me, and I rolled my eyes.

"For one, you can fall asleep back here, two you can text,... secretly, and three you can listen to your ipod." I said, as I counted each one on my fingers.

"Touché" She said, and turned around.

I reached in my tote for my ipod, put my hood up, and put one headphone in my ear. I shuffled my music, and waited for a song to play. A guitar, and drums soon filled my ears, and I groaned inwardly when I knew what the song was. "That What Your Get by Paramore"

I groaned quietly, and shook my head slightly. 'Perfect time for this song. I know Paramore isn't the only band on this ipod.' I thought, but kept it on the song.

I heard the bell ring, and avoided looking at the front of the classroom.

"Welcome back, I hope everyone had a good break." My breath caught when I heard him talk. I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat, and took a deep breath. "Tomorrow I was thinking of doing a lab experiment, since we haven't done many." I tuned him out,and started going through the songs on my ipod.

I felt my hood being pulled down, and looked at Rikki. I gave him a quizzical look, and a smirk was playing on his lips, and I finally noticed someone standing next to me.

"Miss Martinez, you know the rules." and suddenly a hand was in front of me. He wants me ipod, and I felt my hand tighten around it. I kept my gaze on the table, and he retracted his hand. "Please put it away then." I shoved my ipod in my tote, and he began to walk away."As I was saying, I'll be putting on a movie since it's just the first day back. Expect to work tomorrow, or
rather expect an experiment"

The light's suddenly went out, and I waited until everyone was settled, and I heard the movie playing, before I finally looked up. It was one of those funny video's.

"Way to go." I heard Rikki whisper, and he nudged my with his elbow.

I nudged him harder, making sure I hit his ribs. "Shut up." I heard him groan, and turned to look at him, and gave him a small smile. I turned back towards the front, and started to yawn, but grimanced when I felt my ear hurt. My hand instantly went up to my right ear, and I opened my mouth a few time to noticed whenever I moved my jaw, my inner ear, and part of my outer ear throbbed. I felt around my ear from my ear lobe, to the top of my ear. I finally decided, to see if there was any pain inside my ear, and I slowly stuck my index finger inside my ear.

I pulled it out quickly when the pain increased, and let out a small gasp. "Are you okay?" Rikki asked concerned.

"I think I'm getting an ear infection." I turned towards him, and furrowed my brows.

"I'm sorry, love. Would you like me to kiss it?" I arched, an eyebrow, and stared at him.

"No, I would rather you not."

"Why not?" he asked.

"I don't want your lips anywhere near my ear."

"Do you want me to kiss your cheek instead?"

I opened my mouth to say something, but stopped when Rikki grabbed my chin bringing my face closer to his, and I felt his lips on my cheek. "Rikki." I whispered.

I felt him hook his finger under my chair, and he pulled me closer to him, my chair scraping across the tile floor. His other hand still had my chin. I felt my face heat up, and was hoping that no one was watching us. "Hayley." he whispered back.

A small gasp escaped my lips. "You remember. You remember my middle name."

He pulled back a little, and looked me in the eyes. "How could I forget such a gorgeous name."

I felt my face heat up more, and I looked down at the lab table. I heard Rikki chuckle, but I felt another pair of eyes on me. I looked up, straight towards the teachers desk, and sure enough he was looking at me. Or rather us. I could see he jaw was clenched, and he narrowed his eyes at Rikki. His gaze met mine, and I looked away, afraid I would get lost in his mesmerizing gaze.

"Michelle." I heard Rikki say, and I shook my head.


I felt his hand on my knee. "Go out with me, Michelle."

I stared at his hand. "Rikki, stop."

He chuckled, and removed his hand. "Well, it was worth a shot." he sighed.

"Would you break my heart?" I wondered.

I saw his face turn towards me quickly. "What?" He questioned.

"Would you break my heart?" I repeated.

He stared at me for awhile before answering. "Never." he simply said.

I turned to face him. "Do you mean that? Do you really mean that?"

"Michelle, " he started. "Whoever broke your heart has to be the most,..." He seemed to be trying to find the right word, and I waited for him to continue. "retarded, dumbest, brainless, complete moron on this planet. He should actually get his brain checked." he explained. I let my gaze fall to the lab table again. "Michelle,... Who broke your heart." He whispered.

"No one." I assured, and gave him a small smile.

"Liar. Tell me."

I lifted my head, and my eyes instantly went to the teachers desk again. I saw Rikki follow my gaze. "Rikki, really, no one did. I promise."

"Michelle,... sometimes when a heart breaks... it can grow back crooked, and twisted. I don't want that happening to you."

I reached for his hand, and gave it a small squeeze. I let it go, and started watching the video again.

Time seemed to go by fast when your not paying any mind to the time. The bell rang, and the video was over. I grabbed my tote, and stood up, and noticed I dropped my spiral. I bent to pick it up, and started walking towards the door.

I stopped walking when someone stood in my way, and I tilted my head to see who it was. I felt a lump form in my throat when Mr. Thompson was standing there.

I averted my gazed, and tried to side-step, but he moved in my way again. I decided to go around the table, but he was in my way again. I bit the inside of my cheek. "Stop." I said, through gritted teeth.

"Michelle,... Angel, look at me." He said softly.

I clenched my fists, at the nickname he gave me. "Don't call me that."

"Please..." I saw his hand moving towards my face. I moved out of reach, and looked up at him.

"No,..." I said, through gritted teeth. I looked around and saw no one in the classroom. "I'm tired of listening to your excuses. I gave you my heart, and what do you do,... you break it. You left it there on the ground,... for it to bleed" I felt my mouth go dry, and my vision started to blur. "I don't want to hear it if it's something that you don't mean. I loathe you." I brushed passed him, but he caught my wrist.

"Don't say that." He said, softly. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see him looking at me.

I pulled my wrist free. "Leave me alone." I whispered, and walked out towards the door. He grabbed my wrist again, and pulled me towards him. I bumped into his chest, and tilted my head to look
at him.

His lips came crashing down on mine, and I couldn't think straight. I felt one of his hands moved to the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. I felt my eyes slowly closing, and I got caught in the

My eyes widened at what I was doing, and I pushed against his chest with all my strength. I raised my hand, and touched my lips. I turned to look through the window that was in the door, but the
hall was empty. I immediately felt relieved.

I turned back to him, and saw him staring at me. "You know you should really stop staring
at me all the time. People might get the wrong idea, or think your some pedophile, or something. At least do that for me... Since you can't keep your promises." I told him, and saw hurt flash across his eyes, and walked out the door.

"That's impossible." was the last thing I heard him say.

I walked towards the parking lot, and saw Rikki's car was still parked in the parking lot.
I walked to his car, but didn't see him inside. The doors suddenly unlocked, and I jumped,
and I heard chuckling from behind me.

I spun around, and saw Rikki smirking at me. I leaned against his car, and looked up
towards the sky, and took a deep breath, and shook my head. I looked towards Rikki
to see him spinning his key around his finger.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yeah,... definitely." I said, and gave a small smile.

"Lets go then."

I opened the passenger door, and climbed in, and put my tote on the floor of the car.

"Yeah, whatever." he smirked, and started the car. "So, what's up with not wanting to
sing?" he asked as we started driving off.

I shrugged my shoulder. "Haven't really felt like singing."

"But you'll listen to it."

I nodded. "Yeah." I looked out of the corner of my eye, and saw Rikki shaking his
head. "What?"

"Nothing. You just... 'Lost your muchness' I guess." he answered, doing a English accent.

"My muchness? You want me to do something crazy?" I questioned.

His smirk grew wider. "Maybe. I'd do it with you, you know."

I nodded my head. "Yeah. You would." I said, and laughed.

"How about we give Mr. Thompson,... a crazy day tomorrow."

I pretended to think about it. "Sure."

"Alright. We'll talk about this tonight."


Once I was home, I immediately saw my Mom in the dining room. It looked like she barely
came home.

"Hi Mom." I said, and sat down in one of the chairs, and placed my tote on the table.

"Oh hello, Michelle. Oh, we received a engagement invitation today." She said, and smiled
at me. "You'll never guess who it is."

I took the envelope from her hand, and pulled out the invitation. The card was a cream color,
and a Cherry Blossom was printed on it. I took a deep breath, and began to reading the
elegant cursive printed writing.

Once in awhile,
right in the middle of an ordinary life,
love gives us a fairy tale...

There's nothing quite
as wonderful
As a garden in full bloom.
Except, perhaps,
a blushing bride
Glancing at her dashing groom!

Introducing the future
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson
Please join us for an
engagement party honoring
Everett and Jesse
on January 7th at 6 p.m.

I dropped the invitation on the table, and stood up. My mouth was dry, a lump in my throat
formed, and my stomach was churning.

I cleared my voice. "Uh... I have homework." and grabbed my tote of the table, and started
walking towards the stairs. 'That's in three days.'

"Oh, wait Michelle. You know were going right?"

"What? Why?" I questioned.

"Well we did get an invitation. It's only polite to attend to this." I looked down to the envelope
the invitation was in. I noticed it was too elegant to be Mr. Thompson's.

"I'm not going." and started to walk off.

"Yes you are. I don't care what you say Michelle."

I turned towards her. "Why?"

"Because Michelle. We have an invitation, and it only polite to go to the party. Besides It's the
least I can do for Everett since I didn't go with you two on New Years Eve."

I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it. This was an argument I would never win. "Fine." I said, through my teeth.

"You'll need to buy a dress. Or find one in your closet." was the last thing I heard when I reached the top of the stairs. I sighed heavily, and began to rubbed my temples with my palms, once I sat down on the edge of my bed. I felt a tear run down my left cheek.

My door suddenly opened, and I groaned inwardly. Rikki's head popped in, and he grinned.
"Hey." he said excitedly.

I smiled, and gave him a small wave. "Hey,... I thought you were going to call, not come over."
I turned my head, and wiped the tear off my cheek.

"Yeah I was, " he started, as he began walking towards me. " but I decided to come see your
beautiful face in person." he said, and smirked.

I smirked back, and shook my head. "No comment."

He was now crouching in front of me, and pursed his lips. "So,... I was thinking that you.... would
sing, or at least pull a prank last period?"

"That sound-" I stopped when I heard my Mom yelling something to me.

"Michelle, someones here for you." She yelled.

"I'll be right back." I furrowed my brows, and ran down stairs. I saw my Mom in the kitchen and she gestured towards the front door. "Wait." she reached into a brown bag, and pulled out two kinds of ear drops, and some Ibuprofen, and another pill called oxycodone. I sighed, and grabbed the pills she had in her hands, shoved them in my mouth, and drank the water from the cup in her other hand. "The second pill might make you dizzy."

"Oh great Mom, that would have been nice to know before I took it. " I stated, and started towards the door.

"Nice house." I heard the familiar voice say.

I spun around, and looked towards the stair case to see Riley sitting on the stairs.

My eyes widened. "What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"I wanted to see you,..."

"Riley, I don't want to see you. Please leave."

It look like hurt flashed in his eyes. "I'm sorry. Michelle I just came here to tell you that Everett-"

"I don't want to hear it." I snapped.

"What did he do?"

"Riley!" I yelled.

"If you went into the room then, that musky smell was this new cologne I had." he continued, and stood up, and began walking towards me. "I dropped the cologne bottle in Everett's room."

"Get out." I told him through gritted teeth, and my vision began to blur.

He was now standing in front of me. He grabbed my wrist.The tears were now streaming down my face. I pulled my wrist from his grasp, and started walking up stairs. I made it to the top before I felt a hand grab my wrist again.

"Michelle, what's wrong?"

I started sobbing, and I slide to the floor, and Riley kneels down next to me. He was giving me a worried look, and before long I heard my bedroom door open.

"Hey! Michelle are you alright!" I heard Rikki yell.

I heard him running towards me, and then I heard Riley. "Michelle, you have to tell me what's wrong?"

"What did you do to her?" Rikki demanded.

"Me?" Riley questioned. "I didn't do anything! What did you do?" Riley demanded, and I sobbed harder.

I heard Riley swear under his breath, as if he finally understood why. "What?" Rikki questioned.

"Was it him, Michelle." Riley questioned.

I opened my eyes a bit, and took deep breaths, and nodded toward Riley.

"Who?" Rikki question.

"God! Did you see them in bed, and thought-" He trailed off.

I felt Rikki's hand moving up and down my back trying to calm me down, but what Riley said made my sobbing come back.

"Michelle, I..."

"Would you please tell me who the fuck did this to her, and I'll kick their ass myself." Rikki yelled.

My teeth were chattering, and I was shaking.

Riley sighed, and looked at me before speaking. "Everett."

"Thompson." Rikki finished.


"Shit. Your kidding, right?" When Riley shook his head, Rikki turned towards me. "Michelle?" he questioned.

"I'm sorry." I tried to say as best I could through my chattering teeth.

"Well,... I'm kicking his ass tomorrow." he stated.

"Rikki you can't." I mumbled.

"Oh yes I can."

"Just stop." I cried. "I don't care anymore." I whispered.

"I'm leaving now." I heard Riley whisper in my ear, and kissed my forehead. "I'll kick his ass." Riley stated, and looked towards Rikki. "At his engagement party." He said, and gave me a small smile before, walking down the stairs.

"Michelle." Rikki whispered.

"I want to go to sleep." I sniffled, and stood up, and walked back towards my bedroom, and curled up on my bed.

"Good night Michelle." Rikki said, and kissed my cheek. "Bye." he whispered in my ear.

"No!" I cried. "Please stay,... Please." I pleaded.

His eyes widened, and he gave me a small smile. I moved over on my twin size bed, enough so he could fit. He curled up next to me on my bed.

"Just stay until I fall asleep. Please." I said, and closed my eyes.

"Anything." he whispered.

I opened my eyes to see him staring at me. I smiled, and leaned in toward him. I rested my forehead against his. I heard him sigh, "Rikki." I murmured.


"I love you."

I felt him tense up. I smiled, and started to feel dizzy. 'Must be the medicine kicking in.' I groaned, and closed my eyes.

I heard him chuckled. "I love you too, Michelle."

I started laughing. "Oh Rikki."

"So,... I'm guessing it's still a no, then."

"Yeah, it's still a no, but Rikki..." I said, sleepily.


"My ear hurts."

"I'm sorry, love. Sleep, you'll feel better."

"Okay." I said, and snuggled closer to his chest, and I felt his arms wrap around me.


I felt someone shaking me lightly, and groaned. I instantly felt my ear throbbing, and I sat up quickly in my bed.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" my Mom asked.

"My ear is killing me." I groaned.

"Alright, well, do you think you can go to school?"

I groaned again but nodded. "Yeah, sure."

"If you feel worse, or if the pain doesn't go away, just call me, and I'll come pick up my beautiful daughter."

I laughed. "Okay." I slide out of bed, and went to my closet. I grabbed some dark blue jeans, and a T-shirt. I groaned again, went my ear throbbed. It felt like someone was poking a needle inside my ear. 'Today is going to be a long day.'


My ear was killing me, my head was hurting, but at least it was lunch time already.
"Hey Michelle, I'll see you at lunch alright." I heard Derek say.

I nodded. "Alright, I'm going to the nurses office, hopefully she hasn't left for lunch."

"Alright, I'll tell the others then." he smiled at me, and started for the cafeteria.

I closed my locker, and shoved my physics book into my tote. I started towards the nurse's office, and kept my head down. I smelt a familiar cologne, and looked up slightly, and saw a familiar looking body built. My gaze slowly made it's way to their face, and I felt my throat tighten when I saw who it was.

Their gaze met mine, and widened the slightest and his mouth opened slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but closed it.

I let my gaze fall to the the tile floor, and walked passed, and walked passed the office, and towards the nurses. I turned the door knob. 'Damn.' I thought.

"Do you need something from there?" the familiar voice asked.

I turned, but kept my gaze anyway, but his face. "Uh, no I'll wait." I said, and walked passed him.

I ran down the hall, and towards the cafeteria doors. I rushed through the doors, and hurried towards our usual table. I sat down, and took a deep breath.

"Did you get your medicine?" Sam asked.

"No." I sighed. "She wasn't there."

"Aw, Michelle, are you in pain?" Derek asked.

I looked up towards him, and snorted. "Of course not, I just like groaning in pain, cause it fun."

He smirked, and Rikki laughed. "Well, I have some Ibuprofen. Here."

Rikki stuck his hand, and I opened mine to recieve the pill. "Thanks." I smiled.

"It's not much, but it should help a little."

"Hey, since when do you carry Ibuprofen in your pocket." Sam pointed out, and Rikki blushed.

"Hm, well I think he did it for Michelle. Trying to get some brownie points." Derek teased.

"Shut up dude. At least I'm not like Michelle, whose been seeing- " He stopped, and looked towards me, with wide eyes.

I felt my eyes widened also. "Wait, what?" Sam asked.

"Michelle, whose been seeing me secretly." he said, and grinned sheepishly.

"Rikki!" I complained.

"What?" he questioned.

I heard everyone around our table laughing. "That's a lie!" Sam yelled.

I heard Rikki sigh heavily. "Well it was worth a try."

I laughed. "I still love you Rikki."

"We all do!" Sam, and our friends yelled in unison.


My ear was killing me by the end of the day, and I started to feel light-headed. I walked into Physics feeling like a zombie. I sunk down in my chair, as if I was the titanic, crossed my arms on the table, and rested my head on my arms.

"Michelle, are you okay?" Rikki said.

I groaned, and shook my head.

"Well, did you go to the nurse's office last period?"

"She still wasn't back yet. How much does she eat." I complained.

"Is everything alright Miss Martinez?" I heard him ask.

When I didn't answer, Rikki spoke up. "She has an ear infection, and her medicine is in the nurses office. I'm guessing she still not back yet."

"Alright, Miss Martinez come with me."

I groaned again. "Man, if I keep on groaning... aw never mind."

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned my head to see him next to me. I sighed, and stood up. "Alright, class I'll be right back so, if you would, grab the lab paper that is on the corner of my desk. Get into groups of three."

"Your with us Michelle!" I heard Sam yell.

I gave her and enthusiastic thumbs up, and walked out the door. "How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm in pain jerk."

He let out a small chuckle. "I can see that."

We made it to the nurse's office, and I noticed the lights were still off. "She still isn't here."

I heard keys jingle, and the door opened. I slipped inside, and turned the lights on. I went to the cabinet were she always keep my medicine, and sure enough it was there. I took the antibiotics, drank a small cup of water to wash it down, and turned to see him leaning against the wall. He was looking at the ceiling, and seemed to be in deep thought.

I exhaled slowly, and started towards the door. I opened the door, and began walking back to class. I heard keys jingle again, and I turned to look behind me. He was staring at me, like he wanted to say something. I pushed the urge I had of wanting to hear him speak to me again aside.

I opened the door to Physics, and noticed a couple of student blowing bubbles on the lab desk. I quickly made my way to Rikki, and Sam. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Some bubble lab, asking if dish soap, or bar soap, makes bigger bubbles." Rikki stated.

"I'm guessing that the dish soap makes bigger bubbles." I said.


"And were done!" I exclaimed holding up our lab paper. "You guys clean up, and I'll write our names on this, and turn it in." I stood in front of the teacher desk, and grabbed the stapler.

"Finished?" he questioned.

"Yeah, here." I said quietly.

I felt his fingers brush mine, how I longed to hold his hand. I shook the though out of my head, and handed him the paper. The bell rang, and I grabbed my tote, and ran out of the room.

I ran towards my Mom's car, and climbed in. "How are you feeling?"

"I just took my medicine not long ago, so for now, my ear doesn't hurt to bad."

When we reached home, I ran up stair, and curled up in my bed.


It's Friday. The day of his engagement party, and he doesn't even know that I received an invitation. I asked my Mom if I could stay home today, and she caved in without to much of a hassle. My reason, the one I told her, was my ear still throbbed, and I should rest so I could be rested up for the party tonight.

My dress was a simply burgundy dress, with wide straps, and the length went to my knees. It was layered underneath, but not too much. I had a small black jacket, to go with it. I shook my head, and smiled.

"I don't think I'm ready for tonight." I mumbled to myself, and smiled.


Alright I'm so happy when I saw all the comments on my last chapter,
and I wanted to thank everyone who commented. So in return I answered
back to all your comments. If I didn't answer back to yours I probably missed
it and I'm sorry. I think I took longer on this chapter because I just didn't want
to feel okay with it,... I wanted to feel satisfied with it.(Which I think I do.)
And also I had a terrible ear infection, but it went away, but now It came back
and it's now in my other ear.

And if you can tell I put it in this chapter! I love answer back to all
your lovely comments.



I'll love you so much! :)


Maybe I could hit a 1,000 votes! :D

buuut I doubt it.... *Sigh*

A girl can dream right! :D

The preview never came up so I have no idea how it looks.

I love the music video! :D

You Are The Only Exception {Teacher/Student Relationship}Where stories live. Discover now