You Are The Only Exception:Ch 33 {Teacher/Student Relationship}

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A/N: Those of you who are fans of Everett&Michelle. I would like to dedicate this chapter to you guys :')
Well the big scene of them in it. :)

~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 33


It's been six weeks already. Since school ended. Since graduation. Summer was more than half-way over already.

I passed all my exams. Not with 'A's, but with high 'C's, and 'B's. But hey, I was still glad I passed the exams I needed to take. The last week of school was short, since I was exempt from more than half of them.

I rememebered my Mom, Dad, and his wife being there to congradulate me, along with Riley, and Miles. As soon as my Dad, and Step-Mom left, well, my Mom decided to throw a dinner party at our house after, since she had already prepared dinner, and the desserts.

I decided not to go to any parties, for one, it was risky, and two Rikki, Derek, and Sam were leaving tonight with their families, for the whole summer.

So, as soon as I turned in my graduation gown I made my way to the parking lot, and to my mom's car. I soon found Everett's car parked next to hers. As soon as I reached them, including Riley, and Miles, Everett enveloped me in a hug, and lifted me off the ground. I was so glad I still didn't have a baby bump yet, otherwise Everett would have felt it, and would have-... Even I don't know what he would do. Flip out again? But anyway, damn me, and my small-ish body. My mom said I would get one sooner or later. And I guess I was looking forward to it, kinda.

"I'm so proud of you." he whispered in my ear.

My arms tighten around his neck, and I kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

"Now your free of school."

"I know!" I laughed.

Dinner had been was amazing. They all loved my moms cooking. And desserts I might add. And they even got to take home the extras. And after all of that was over with I went up to my room.

I remembered staring up at my ceiling, and started thinking about my life. I was going to be a teen mom. Something I told myself, would never... ever happen. But look at me now. I fell in love with an amazing guy, and somewhere along the way in our relationship, it screwed up.

And somewhere deep inside of me, or my brain. I think Everett would have acted differently when he found out about the miscarriage. I guess he was just too stress about the would Coach Amy Jane thing, relationship, or fling, whatever you want to call it, to think straight.

And now here I am. Ten weeks pregnant. No print out of the ultrasound yet. The nurse wanted to give it a few more weeks. Or something along those line. Something about the right positioning.

And it's been a total of six weeks since I've seen Everett. He left the day after graduation. I still remember that day vividly. Or should I say morning... Night...?

He came to my house at six in the morning. Or I should say my room. He still remembered about the key under the flower pot. I woke up, from someone stroking my hair softly. I opened my eyes to see Everett smiling down at me. I frowned, not because he was here, but to as why he was here.

"Everett?" I whispered, and sat up in bed.

"Hey." He said, the smile still not leaving his face.

But there was something different about this smile. It was small, sad. "What?" I felt myself begin to panic, but Everett heard it in my voice.

He chuckled slightly, and grabbed my hand. "Shh, every things fine. I just wanted to say goodbye to you, before I left to Corpus."

I felt my heart sink. He was leaving. Leaving Riley, and Miles. Leaving me. I felt my eyes begin to water. I'm guessing it's the hormones. Or I'm just blaming them. "Your leaving." I whispered.

His eyes softened, "Well,..."

"Your leaving me." I looked down at my bed comforter, my hands, the hem of the shirt I was wearing, anywhere but his face.

"Look at me." he asked.

I shook my head, refusing to meet his eyes. Those mesmerising eyes. Dazzling green orbs, that I was so fond of.

"Michelle." His index finger went under my chin, lifting my face.

I looked into his twinkling eyes. I blinked, but the twinkling was still there. The moon light shining down only made his eyes more irresistible.

I finally started to noticed he was leaning down, I felt his breath carress my cheek. Then his lips brushed against my ear.

"Tell me you lied to me about dating Miles. That it was fake." He whispered, it sent a shiver down my spine.

"It was a lie." I whispered, and leaned my forehead on his shoulder. But I still felt some feelings for Miles. These feeling might not be as strong, as to what I feel for Everett. But there's something there.

I felt Everett's chest vibrate from his chuckling. "Good, because I've been wanting to do this for awhile."

"Wait, this doesn't mean I forgiv-"

His lips cut me off. His soft, pink lips. My eyes fluttered shut, and I could feel all his love, and passion in this kiss. He was putting everything he had into this kiss.

Realization hit me, and put my hands against his chest, and pushed. "What the hel-"

Again he cut me off. He cupped one of my cheeks with his hand. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that," He smiled. "and I couldn't help it." he added.

He started to stand up, but I grabbed his arm, slipping out of my comforter, and pulled him back down to sit on my bed. "No, not yet." I whispered. The way his lips felt on my felt like it satisfied some deep hunger of mine. And I wanted more. It's been awhile since he kissed me like this, and I missed it. Someday I will forgive him, I know that, and I wish my heart healed faster. But I knew it couldn't, and it would be a slow process.

"But I-"

I cut him off just like he did to me in the beginning. I kissed him urgently, and he soon return it. I pulled him down with me on the bed. He hovered over me, both his hands on either side of my head, as he straddled my hips. My hands instinctively went under his shirt, and he instantly shivered from my touch.

He pulled away from me, breaking the kiss. "Michelle." His husky voice sent tingle all over my body. "I don't want you regretting..." he trailed off.

I ran my hands through his hair, and he sighed. "I won't."

He smirked down at me. "What about your mom?"

"What about her?" I buried my face in his neck, since I had a feeling he was going to say something totally embarrassing.

"I wouldn't wanna wake her up with our love making."

I knew it. He pulled away from me. My face burned bright red, causing my hands to instantly cover my face. "Why do you do that?" I asked.

I knew he was smirking still. "Do what?"

"Ruin the moment." I whispered.

I heard, and felt him chuckle. "Well, I wouldn't want to wake her up. You know how loud you are."

I glared at him. "Says the man that snorted instead of grunted." I smirked.

"Hey, it's not my fault, I blame you for headbutting me."

My hands still covered my face. "She isn't here, by the way." I whispered again, as I turned my head.

"And?" he questioned.

I groaned. "Everett." How irritating could he get. "Get up." I began pushing against his chest.

And of course he didn't budge. "I'm very comfortable in this position, thank you."

"Everett." I pursed my lips.

"Yes, my love?" He smirked.

"Up now." I snapped my fingers, and pointed to the floor.

"That won't work on me."

I raised an eyebrow. "What won't."

"That whole 'girlfriend' snapping fingers thing."

"What?" I laughed.

"Girlfriend, please." he snapped his fingers in a 'z' formation.

"Oh please." I grabbed his hand. "Don't do that again."

He laughed. "Okay."

"Now, up."

He stared at me, hovering over me again. "No."

"Everett." I bit my lower lips, my hands now resting on my stomach. His still on either side of my head. I felt his hot breath caressing my face.

I heard him let out a small groan. "And when you do that with your lips, I can't help but kiss you." And the second he finished, his lips crashed on mine, and my hands instantly went back under his shirt.

He broke the kiss again, and pulled back, putting some of his weight on my hips, and thighs. He pulled his shirt over his head, and threw it somewhere on my cold hard wood floor. "Since you wanted it off so badly." He whispered in my ear, and began placing butterfly kisses on my neck.

Even though he was doing this, it didn't stop the blush from coming onto my face. I let my hands go back to his stomach, or should I say abs. I started tracing his muscles, and I felt his breathing quicken as I traced up, and down his stomach.

He pulled away yet again, and started push my muscle shirt up. His eyes held mine, as if waiting for me to tell him to stop. Or either waiting for me to yell at him. Soon I pulled the shirt the rest of the way up, and over my head. I tossed it just like he had, and soon his lips made contact with my collar bone.

"Michelle." He whispered against my skin. "I have to go."

My hand made their way behind his head, and pressed his lips back to my skin. "No." I sighed.

He pulled away, and sighed against my throat, causing goosebumps to run throughout my body. "Alright, I'll-" A phone began to ring. I knew it wasn't mine from the start, because of the ringtone. Everett cursed under his breath, he pulled away from me, and sat on the edge of my bed. He pulled his phone from his pocket, and answered. "Hey mom." he answered.

I soon froze agaisnt my headboard. Everett looked up at me, and smirked. A wave of nervousness flooded over me.

"No, I haven't left yet." He paused, as she talked. "I'm at Michelle's right now." He turned to looked at me again, a smirk still stood out on his lips, and picked up a strand of my hair, and started twirling it around his finger. "No, mom were not shaking the bed." He laughed. And on the other end of the phone I heard his mom laughing. That jerk, she didn't even ask a question, referring to sex.

I felt myself blush once against, and I pulled on my blanket so it was covering my face.

"She's blushing like mad." he chuckled. "No, she's not coming with me this time." he frowned slightly. "Because mom, I promise I'll bring her next time to meet you, and Father." I touched his face, and he soon relaxed, and pressed his face into my palm. "No, she's very much awake." He opened his eyes to looked at me, and he smile. "Sure, I'll ask."

He pulled the phone from his ears, and faced me. "What?" I asked quietly.

"She wants to talk to you." His smile widened.

While his smile widened slowly, my eyes did. I shook my head, and soon my hands started to sweat.

He leaned forward. "Aw, come on baby-girl." He whispered.

"I can't." I shook my head again. "I don't want to say something moronic."

"Please, Michelle? It would mean the world to me. And you won't say something moronic, you never do." A smirk played at his lips.

I ignored it. "What if she hates me?" I whispered.

"Hey, she doesn't hate you. I call her almost every week, and talk about you. She loves you even though she hasn't met you yet." He caressed my cheek, and kissed my forehead.


"She really wants to talk to you." he whispered.

I groaned, and he knew all too well, that means yes. I soon noticed his cell phone in front of me. I hesitated, but eventually grabbed it. I looked at him, and took a deep breath. "Hello?" My voice slightly shaky.

"Hello darling." A sweet voice answered. "Don't sound so nervous, that makes me feel sad." she laughed.

And I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Sorry, I'm just, well like you already know, nervous." I felt Everett's hand on my thigh, and he started massaging. I glared up at him, and swatted his hand away.

"So, are you two back together yet?" I knew I couldn't see her face, but I could feel her smiling.

"Um, no sorry. It's sort of hard for me to forgive him, if you know what I mean." Everett frowned, and gestured for the phone back.

I heard her sigh. "I know, that other girl. I spent a whole week yelling at him for that, you know. For doing that to you, such a sweet girl you are. And if I was there, boy would he get a beating from his Momma."

I started laughing. "I'd pay to watch that." I smiled innocently at Everett, who was mouthing  'what are you talking about' to me. I shook my head, and returned my attention to his mother's voice.

"Oh his father would too. So, sweetie is it true that you were pregnant?"

I froze. "I, uh," I sighed. " yes."

"Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Everett didn't want it anyway." I whispered, and turned my attention to my hand that way in my lap. I felt Everett's burning gaze on me.

"I'm pretty sure he did, you should talk to him about it." I guess it was time to talk, and what should I say. Oh yeah, I'm pregnant again. "I'll be so happy to meet you soon."

"Same here." I laughed sheepishly.

"Your pregnant again, aren't you." She whispered. My eyes widened, what is it about moms! They know everything, like, they feel everything. When I lose something, how is it that, I can't find it, and it suddenly appears for my mom, when I ask her to help me. Mom's have magic.

"I-I, uh. " I started thinking again, about mom's and their magic.

"You are." an excited whisper broke my train of thought.

I don't want to lie. "Yes." I whispered, and pulled my blanket to my face once again.

An excited scream came from the other side of the phone, causing me to wince, and pulled the phone away from my ear. "How exciting! How far are you? Are you eating well? Do you know what
it's going to be? I need to start buying diapers." She trailed off.

"Uh, I'm ten." I through out a fake cough when I saw Everett looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "I'm good, and no I don't." I tried my best to answer her questions discreetly.

"Oh, I see. He doesn't know. Well, in a way he doesn't deserve you, but that is my grandchild you're carrying so I really do want to be apart of the babies life, if you don't mine."

"No, I love for you to be in it." I smiled.

"Thank you so much sweetie. And don't worry your secret is safe with me. Also, don't let that son of mine back in your life without some sort of fight."

I chuckled. "Oh I won't, and thank you. Do you want to talk to Everett?"

"Uh, no. I had too much of his voice already. Good night sweetie, or should I say good morning." She laughed.

"Good night slash morning to you too." I smiled, and hung up the phone.

I placed the phone in Everett's waiting hand. He stared down at it with a frown. "She didn't want to talk to me?"

"Nope, she said something about you being annoying." I smiled.

He smirked. "That's my mom." He leaned closer to me, his lips inches from mine.

I placed my hand over his mouth, his eyes opened, and he looked at me with curiosity. "We need to talk." I whispered.

He leaned back. "Alright, let's talk." He smiled.

"About what happened at the hospital." I bit my lower lips, and stood up.

He frowned slightly. "Alright, what about it?"

I narrowed my eyes slightly at him. "Everett."

He laughed through his nose. "How can I take you serious, looking like that?" he gestured to my shirtless body.

I rolled my eyes, and finally found my muscle shirt, and slipped it back on. "Better?"

He nodded. "Much."

My mouth fell open. "You jer-"

His eyes widened, as if just realizing how that sounded. "No, no, no, not like that. Your beautiful."

I sighed, and rubbed my temples. "So about the hospital. What did your mind scream when you found out about the miscarriage?"

He sighed, and tilted his head back, giving me a perfect view of his chest, and stomach muscles. The moon was bright tonight so, there was no need to light the room up. "You first."

I groaned inwardly. "At first I thought. 'oh god my mom's going to kill me', and then after all of that sunk in after a week I knew if I was still pregnant I would keep it, with or without you by my side."

"If it wasn't for Amy Jane bothering me all week, I would've had a whole different reaction, trust me."

"Oh so you took your anger out on me."

"Michelle, I'm sorry. Dick move of me. But after I left, and sat on my bed for hours I knew, that I should have been there for you."

"Damn right you should have. I needed you Everett. I needed you so bad." I choked back a sob.

"Michelle, I'm sorry." His voice was small, and I barely heard it.

"I-I n-n-needed you there for me Everett. B-But y-you weren't." I started sobbing uncontrollably.

I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders, and he pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I know, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He pulled me down to sit on his lap, as he rocked me back and forth. As we both cried in each others arms. He kept repeated those three words to me, until he finally realized I wasn't going to stop crying anytime soon. "Shh, I'm here now." he whispered.

"But you're leaving." I hiccuped.

"I'll come back." he promised.

I remembered nodding my head, and falling asleep in his arms. I also remember waking up in the morning, again, and him not being there. Only a note, and his shirt that he was wearing was there. And then I remembered saying aloud. "Shit! I forgot to tell him again! Ugh!"

Now here I am sitting on my window seat, staring out the window, waiting for Miles to come pick me up, or was it Riley? I couldn't remember. I told them I wanted to go shopping, so they both offered to go with me.

There wasn't a day that I didn't stare down at my phone, only a push away from calling Everett, and telling him. I thought it would be better to tell him in person. I called him probably three times over the six weeks, and he never picked up, and he never called back. I told myself he was busy with his friends, and his family, and whatever else he had to do.

I pushed all that aside, and I decided to wear my blue dress with white polka dots, that came up to about my mid thigh.

I sighed, and looked down at my lap to see Everett's letter. His elegant writing looked so beautiful, I always tried not to crinkle it. I would always but it in my journal that I kept under the window seat cushion.

My love,

I love you so much, and I hope you know that. It hurts me to leave you. But I'll come back to you, as soon as I can. Til then, just wait for me.

I love you, Everett.

P.S. since you wanted my shirt so bad, I left it for you.

Every time I read this note, I couldn't help but crack a smile. I heard a knock on my door.

"Michelle, I hope you're ready." Riley opened the door, a grin on his face.

"Hi." I gave him a small wave.

He sighed, and came towards me. "I know it's been a while-"

"It's been six weeks Riley."

His eyes widened. "You've been counting." he nodded his head. "Okay it's been a very long time. Come on let's go have fun."

He grabbed my hand, and dragged me all the way out to his car. "Did you lock the door?"

"Yeah." He smirked. "I even double checked."

"Okay, and if you didn't, I'll make sure to double slap you." I winked, and put on my seat belt. "Oh right, where's Miles?"

"He said he was going to meet us there, he had a shift at the bookstore to do."

"Ah, okay." I nodded.

As soon as we meet up with Miles inside the mall, it was like they wanted to buy me anything, and of course I told them 'no' the whole time.

Both had already gotten their gifts for Everett, and I haven't. Even Miles had one. And here am am with no idea of what to get him. I knew we weren't together for one. He hadn't even asked me out properly. I sighed, and leaned against the railing.

"Hey guys, I really need to go to the bathroom, so yeah." and with that being said Riley ran off.

"So, what are you going to get him?"

I groaned. "I have no idea Miles." He leaned next to me, to let some elder women pass by.

I heard Miles chuckle, and then I started noticing the two elder women who passed us, and are now sitting on the bench near us, are whispering about me.

"Oh, look another single teenage mother." One whispered.

I looked down at my stomach, and saw that it did look like I had a baby bump, but I was sure I didn't have one, yet. I think it was because the fabric of the dress didn't lay flat on my stomach. So it looked like I had a baby bump.

"Yes, another one. What a shame." the second whispered back.

"I agree. I wonder if he's the father of the child."

"Knowing girls these day, she probably doesn't even know." I felt my fists curl, and my nails digging into my palms. Was this how it was going to be when I was finally showing? People judging me all the time?

"She looks so young too."

All of a sudden Miles moved in front of me, and cupped my cheeks with his hands. The next move he did stunned me. He kissed me. I heard the elder women gasp, and say. "Oh, my."

It was a swift kiss, but I felt something in it. Maybe it was the tingling sensation I felt on my lips from his. It wasn't as good as Everett's, I smiled inwardly. Why am I comparing him to Everett. He was Miles, and he's been there for me since the hospital.

"Sorry about that." he whispered, and turned to the two women who have already gotten up, and were walking away. I heard there small apologies as they walked by. "I just couldn't take what they were saying about you."

I gave him a small smile, and caressed one of his cheeks. "Kiss me." I whispered, and I noticed his gaze flickered to my lips.


"Why not?" I smirked. "We aren't fake dating anymore. So kiss me."

"Fine, if that's what you want." He smirked back.

But deep down I know he was thrilled, and so was I. He gently pressed his lips back to mine, and I couldn't help but smile into the kiss. I felt him chuckle, and pull back.

"Your hungry." As soon as he said that my stomach rumble.

I groaned. "Didn't I just eat? I'm going to be huge, and fat, and did I mention huge."

I heard Riley laugh. "You won't be huge, or fat, you'd be pregnant."

"Great, so can we go eat now." I smiled sweetly, and then finally both nodded.

As we headed for the food court, I knew one thing. I was going to find a way to get down to Corpus, and find Everett. I wonder if I would ever see that guy that delivered my mail again? I would have told Miles, and Riley about that, but that would just freak them out, and they'll jump to conclusions, and what not.

"Michelle?" I snapped my head in Miles' direction. "Are you okay?" he smiled.

I nodded, and smiled back. "Yeah." That's when something over Miles' shoulder caught my attention.

There he was. That guy, smiling at me. He gave me a small wave, when he was finished throwing away his trash. I gave him a small one back. I turned back to Riley who was asking for what I wanted. But I ignored him, and turned back in the direction of that guy, but he wasn't there. I pursed my lips, and scanned the area he was at, but nope, nothing.



I cleared somethings up, and I hope the next chapter has a little bit more action, because it's coming!.. Bring on Jared, right? ;D

Let's get about 50 votes, and 50 comment this time, shall we? ;)

Add my story even!
Also, my True Blood fans! Ahhhh... Poor Jason... And Eric, I love Eric :') ... there's so much happening in this season.

~Stephanie. <3

You Are The Only Exception {Teacher/Student Relationship}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz