You Are The Only Exception:Ch 23 {Teacher/Student Relationship}

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~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 23


I threw my school tote on my bed, and pulled out the empty suit case that was under my bed and started stuffing some clothes into it.

"In a hurry to leave, aren't you?" I turned to see my Mom leaning against my door.

I grinned. "Not really, but I'm excited."

She sighed, but smiled. "Alright well, pack a lot of clothes, sun tan lotion and make sure you actually put it on, oh and also I bought you a new Bikini yesterday. Not that you noticed." She pursed her lips.

I smiled when I remembered her coming into my room yesterday night, but I paid no attention to her voice, but only to Everett's voice, even on the phone, sounded musical and beautiful as it filled one of my ears.

"I'm sorry, but he's coming to get me in a bit Mom." I grabbed my bag of toiletries and shoved it into my suit case.

"I know, I talk to him already,... you guys are spending almost the whole week up there." she sighed. "So you come home next Saturday ... You got that?" Her voice serious.

I turned fully to look at her. "Yes, I understand." I sighed.

"Alright, well, I'm going to my room real quick." and she walked off.

I continued filling my suit case, found my ipod and its charger, and then I saw my laptop. I stopped, and started thinking if it was a good idea to take it.

"Bring it." Someone whispered in my ear.

I jumped, and was about to move away, when strong, muscular arms wrapped around my waist. I twisted in their arms to face them. I looked up at him, and saw him smirking down at me. I grinned, threw my arms around his waist, and breathed in his scent. "I love you." I murmured into his T-shirt.

He chuckled. "I love you too."

I pulled my face away from his chest, and slightly tilted my head. "Did you pack?"

He brushed his lips against mine. "Unlike you, I packed yesterday."

I pursed my lips, and pulled away from him to pack my laptop. "So, you know where the spare key is?" I heard my Mom ask Everett. I turned just in time to see Everett smirking, while he was shrugging his shoulders. "I guess that's okay." she murmured more to herself.

"Mom,... where are those shorts I bought from Hollister yesterday at?" I turned slowly in a circle to see if I could find them laying around in my room somewhere.

"I think those are in your bathroom?" she told me, not fully sure, then she snapped her fingers and smiled. "They are, remember you told me since school gets out early today, when you get home you were going to shower real quick, and wear them."

"Yeah, okay, well I'm going to shower really quick. Is that okay?" I turned to look at Everett.

He smiled."Of course."

I walked quickly into my bathroom, and shredded off my school clothes. I jumped in the shower quickly, and I soon found myself blow drying my hair. I slipped on my undergarments, then my new jean shorts. I parted my hair to one side, and grabbed a hair clip and clipped some back. I brushed my teeth, and rinsed.

I looked on the counter for a shirt, but then remembered I didn't grab one. I sighed, and stepped out into my room. I saw a coral color tank top on my bed, and started walking towards it.

"Hmm, very interesting."

I jumped, and let out a small scream. "Oh my god." I whispered, and put a hand over my heart and closed my eyes.

I opened them and jumped again when I saw that Everett was standing in from of me. I feel my cheeks burn and I looked away. I suddenly felt self conscious and folded my arms over my chest, trying to cover as much as possible.

Everett lifted my chin with one of his fingers, but I still didn't look at him, until he lips were over mine. With one of his hands he gently pushed my arms down. His kisses soon went to my neck, then my collar bone. "I missed you." he whispered against my skin. His lips trailed down to my chest, and I felt my heart beat quicken, and it suddenly got extremely warm. I closed my eyes and placed one of my hands on his shoulder, and the other on the side of his neck. I felt him gently placing kisses all over my chest, never pulling on, or kissing over my bra,... just my skin.

He let out a small groan, and pulled away from me. I grabbed his shoulders before he moved out of my reach, and pulled myself towards him. "No, don't stop." I breathed into his neck. I moved my face so I could get a look at his face, only to see that his jaw was clenched, and his eyes were tightly shut. "Please." I whispered. He groaned again, and kissed my neck.

I grabbed his face, and our lips found each other. My hands slide down his chest, while his hands cupped my cheeks gently. I pulled away to see his brows furrowed, and his jaw clenched again. I stepped back, and massaged the sides of his neck with my hands. He slowly opened his eyes, and smiled down at me.

"Ready?" he asked.

I looked down at my chest, and laughed sheepishly. "Almost." I pulled on the tank top, and smiled. "Okay, ready."

"Lets get going then, I put your suitcase, and laptop in my car already." I nodded, and he grabbed my hand, and pulled me out of my room, and down the stairs.

"You better take care of her." My Mom said once we reached the bottom of the stair case.

"I will Shannon." He stated, then smiled.

"Use protection too." she stated as we walked onto the porch.

I turned to look at her. "Mom!" I yelled.

"What? I want grand children, just wait until after high school."

"Mom!" I yelled again.

Everett laughed which caused my cheeks to turn red. I tried to pull my hand from his, but he held to it firm. "Have a safe trip. I love you Michelle."

I turned my gaze from the ground, and smiled at my Mom. "I love you too, bye." I gave her one last wave, as we drove off, and hit the road.


"How long until we get there?" I asked after about thirty minutes in the car.

"About two hours."

I sighed, and leaned back against the seat. I heard him chuckle, and I smiled. I looked out the window, and as the we passed car after car.

"Why don't you take a nap?" I turned to look at him, and felt his hand on my thigh, massaging it. He looked at me, and smiled.

"I don't want to."

His hand stopped, and his smile faltered a little from his lips. "Why not?"

"Because, if I do fall asleep, what happens when I wake up, and your not there, and I just dreamt everything."

He laughed, and his hand started massaging again. "This isn't a dream, Angel. I promise." He pulled his hand away, and placed it back on the steering wheel.

I leaned my head against the head rest, and stared at him. "Kiss me." I whispered, but somehow, even over the radio,... he heard me. He turned his face to look at me, and his eyes slightly widened in surprise.

As if on cue, we pulled up at a red light. He grabbed my chin with his thumb, and index finger, and pulled my face towards his. I closed my and felt his lips brush against mine, and then he gave me a quick peck. "Now sleep." He turned back to face forward again, and waited for the light to change, but I could still see a smirk on his face from my angle of view.

"Fine." I sighed, and closed my eyes again. I felt the car starting to move again, and smiled.


I smelled salt water. I opened my eyes in time to see that we were passing through The Harbor Bridge.

"Oh wow." I gasped. I stared out the car window, and was shocked at the vast amount of water there was. "Oh my god, that's amazing."

I heard Everett chuckle. "Wait until you go to the beach."

"This is amazing! That you so much!" I leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Where are we going first?" I asked, still gazing out the window.

"Find a hotel."

As soon as we exited the bridge I turned to look at him. "Somewhere cheap right?" when he didn't answer I grabbed his arm. "Everett?"

He looked at me from the corner of my eye. "Yes?"

"Cheap hotel?" He still didn't answer. "Everett." I sighed, and ran my free hand through my hair.

"Your Mom just gave me the hotel name. I guess we'll see when we get there. Okay?"

"Well, how long until we get there?"

"We're here." I looked out the window to see a huge hotel, which didn't look cheap at all.

"The Omni?" I said as I read the name. "How is that cheap!" I groaned.

He parked his car behind another that was infront of the lobby, and turned it off. I stayed in the car not wanting to get off, and face how much this hotel would cost. I looked back at Everett only to find that he wasn't there. My door opened, and I jumped.

Everett smirked, and held out one of his hands for me. "Come on."

"No." I said, and folded my arms across my chest.

He sighed, and reached over me to undo my seat belt. "Please." he whispered in my ear.


I felt one of his hands grasp mine, and he kissed my neck. "Please babe."

"Nope." I whispered.

"Babe, ... please." he asked once more, and kissed my neck again, and let his lips linger there a little longer then nessasary.

I groaned. "Fine." and he pulled me out of the car, and through the lobby doors.

We walked up to the front desk. "Welcome to the Marina Tower, how may I help you?" The young woman behind the desk asked.

"Yes, we'd like a room." as she was typing, he looked down at me and smiled.

"Alright sir, one deluxe room with a king size bed. Does that sound alright?" She asked looking up from the computer, and gave us both a smile.


"Can I have your name?"

"Everett Thompson."

"Thank you-. Oh, sir it looks like you have a reservation already."


"Yes, and the room is paid in full. So let me just go get your keys." She smiled, and went to the back.

"Did you know about that?" I asked.

He looked down at me. "No."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and saw that I had a new message from my Mom. I read it, basicly saying she paid for the hotel. "My Mom." I sighed.

"She paid?" but there was something in his voice, like he somehow knew.

"Yes." I sighed again.

"Here you are, your room is on the tenth floor." I looked up to see our key cards on the counter. "Enjoy you stay."

"Thank you." Everett and I said at the same time, while he grabbed the keys.

"I can't believe her." I said, while shaking my head

"She just probably wanted to get you something."

"You knew didn't you." I whispered.

He sighed heavily as we climbed in his car. "Yes, I did."

"Your a jerk." I pulled my phone out and called my Mom.

"I just wanted to buy something for you, even if it was just the hotel." My Mom rushed out when she picked up.

"Mom." I whined.

"See, that's is exactly why I didn't' tell you. I told Everett not to tell you,... more like made him promise me."

"Mom I-" I started, but she cut me off.

"Sweetie just thank me, okay?"

"Thank you." I said quickly. I looked out the window to see we were in the parking garage of the hotel.

"Now have a good time, and just enjoy yourself. I have to go now cause I think I have a meeting. I love you sweetie."

"Love you too. Bye." and I hung up.

We had parked, and I jumped out of his car, and grabbed my luggage that was in the back seat of the car.

I felt Everett standing behind me. "Are you mad at me?"

I turned to look at him, and smiled while shaking my head. "No, I'm not mad."

"Good." he cupped one of my cheeks with his hands.

"Can we go now, I really want to see this room." I said and grinned.

His chuckled. "Yes, let's go. The elevator is right there."

I extended the handle on my luggage, and grabbed his hand. He shouldered his gym bag, and my laptop bag, and we began walking towards the elevator, and pushed the button.

"Did you lock the car doors?"

"Uh, yeah. I think."

"I think doesn't cut it." I pursed my lips at him. "Where are the car keys?"

"Back pocket." since his arms were full with this huge bag he had brought, I decided to lock the doors myself.

"Don't you move." I warned, as I reached in his back pocket to fish the keys out. I should have expected it, cause he pushed his bottom into the palm of my hand. "Hey!" I yelled as Everett just laughed, and grabbed the keys, and pulled my hand out quickly. I locked the doors, and turned to look at him.

"What?" he said with a smirk on his face. My cheeks were burning, and I couldn't help but smile. "And she smiled."

"Shut up." I said, as we stepped into the elevator, and nudged him in his side.

We made it to our room, and it was amazing. One king size bed in the middle of the room, and a huge picture was hanging behind the head board. I was too distracted by what the balcony view looked like, but I told myself I would check the room out later. I rolled my luggage to the side of the bed, and opened the balcony door. It was a view that was facing into the Corpus Christi Bay.

"Oh wow." I gasped.

Strong arms wrapped around my shoulders, and I leaned back into his chest. "Are you glad your here with me?"

"Yes, this is amazing. I didn't know the ocean could be this beautiful." I turned in his arms, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He looked down at me, and smiled. "My friends actually have a party down at the beach tonight, and asked me if I could go. So, do you want to go?"

"Yeah!" I smiled. "Can I wear this." I asked staring down at my clothes I was already wearing.

"Of course. Let's get going then, it shouldn't be that far away."


We parked in a parking lot that was somewhat cover in sand. In the distance I saw a small fire burning. I got out of the car, and walked towards the front of it. The sky was already darkening, and the stars had barely started coming out.

I took in the sea breeze, and the smell of the salt water. As soon as Everett was by my side he grabbed my hand, and squeezed it. "Thank you." I smiled at him.

"Your welcome." and he returned my smile.

"Hey Everett! You made it!" I turned to see someone running towards us.

"Is that...?"

"Riley." Everett finished for me.

"Hey guys. Well come on, the party is this way." he gestured with his hands behind him where he had just ran from.

As we walked back I noticed a few girls staring at me, but they smiled. I grabbed onto Everett's arm with both of my hands and squeezed. He seemed to notice, and grabbed one of my hands. "Come here." he said, and pulled me towards him. I felt comfortable with his arm around my waist, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey pretty lady, and Everett." A guy with short brown hair said.

"Hi." I said, and smiled.

"Hey dude this is Michelle." the guy smiled, and nodded. "Michelle this is Rick."

I smiled again, and turned to looked at the group of girls that were sitting in the sand by the fire. "Why don't you, Michelle, go sit next to those girls, while I and a couple of other guys talk to Everett." he said and winked.

"Uh, sure." I said, and looked at the girls again.

"Great!" he yelled, and rubbed his hands together.

"Are you going to be okay?" Everett whispered in my ear.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Of course." I smiled, and started to walk away towards the fire.

"Hey." one of the girls yelled and smiled.

"Hi." I smiled.

"So your Everett's new girlfriend?" I nodded shyly, and grabbed a handful of sand. "Well your so much pretty than his last one."

"Yeah!" another girl yelled. "She was, well put nicely, a bitch."

I couldn't help but laugh. "and she laughed!" another yelled, which had everyone laughing.

We talked and laughed for what seemed like hours. It probably was though, but I didn't mind. "Hey Michelle can you play guitar." I turned to see one of the girls holding a guitar, and soon it ended up in my lap.

"Yeah, kinda." I played a few tunes, which the girls sang too. "I was sitting on a beach, and needing something to drink," I randomly sang. "I really am thirsty though." I smiled. "I'll be back." and I stood up shaking and brushing off some of the sand.

A lot of the girls groaned. "Hurry back!" Some sang, and I knew they were drunk. So I nodded my head, and looked up to see Everett staring at me, a smirk on his face, and with a beer in his hand.

I sighed and walked in his direction. "It's a good thing the hotel isn't far." I murmured to myself.

"Don't worry babe, Everett here." Rick said gesturing toward Everett. "Is a super heavy weigh, it takes a lot of alcohol to get his ass drunk." and the circle of guys around them began laughing, and Everett just smiled at me. "He's only had two so far, but I think we can get him to drink plenty more."

"No way dude." Everett laughed.

I smiled, and stood in front of him. "Can I try some?" I asked tilting my head to look at his face.

He turned his attention back to me, and his brows furrowed. "Your not going to like it." he stated, but handed it over to me.

I took a quick sip, while I felt all the boys eyes on me. I swallowed, licked my lips, and pulled a sour face. "It's okay." I said, and laughed.

Everett chuckled along with the rest of the guys, and he took back the beer as I yawned. "Ready to go?" he whispered in my ear.

I nodded, and smiled. "Alright, well guys-"

"Don't tell me your leaving?" Riley questioned.

"Yeah I am, or I should say we are." and Everett smiled down at me. "I'll see you guys another time." he said while taking one last sip of his beer then throwing it away.

We waved goodbye to everyone, and I went to hug the girls. We finally made it to the car, and drove back to the hotel.

As we were walking down the hall towards our room, I pulled on Everett's arm so he would stop. "Thank you for taking me, I really did have fun."

He chuckled. "I know you did, and I would have taken you either way." he said, and leaned down to kiss my forehead, but I tilted my head back a little more so he would get my lips instead.

"I love you." I murmured against his lips.

He pulled me towards his chest as he broke the kiss, and grabbed my hand, and pulled me towards our room.

He opened the door quickly, and pulled me through. He pushed me against the door, and his lips crashed down on my. "I love you too, " he murmured, and his lips trailed down my jaw to my neck. "so much."

My hands went from his hair, to his chest, and then finally to the hem of his shirt. I guess my hands had a mind of there own because before I knew they had slide under his shirt, and were now touching, and massaging his stomach, or rather his abs.

I head a small moan escape his lips, and he pulled away and pulled off his shirt. My hands went to the back of his neck, and pulled him down to kiss me again. I felt his arms go to my waist massaging my hip bones with his thumbs, while his tongue brushed against my lower lip probing for entry. So I slowly parted my lips, and allowed him to deepen the kiss. He tasted so good, but I still tasted a hint of beer.

He picked me up by my waist, and carried me towards the bed, and gently sat me down on it. I hesitantly lifted my arms in the air, and he slowly pulled my shirt over my head. I felt a little nervous, and I guess he sensed that. "You don't need to be nervous. Don't worry about a thing." he whispered.

When it was finally off he stared at me waiting to protest. I wrapped my arms around him, and he quickly turned my kiss into a french one. I slipped off my flip flops I was wearing, and I felt a little bolder as my hands went to the front of his shorts, and I unbuttoned them.

He broked the kiss, and gently pushed me to lay down on the bed. I saw him step out of his shorts, and my hands went to the button on my shorts, and I quickly unbutton, and unzipped them. Everett tugged them down, and again, he pulled them down slowly, and gently. "Is this alright?" I nodded and closed my eyes, and I felt his breath on my stomach, which made me squirm and I bit my lower lip.

I felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled, and one of his fingers traced my upper lips. He was now hovering over me, and we were both in our underwear. One of his hands went behind my back, and I felt my bra loosen. Everett stared down at me waiting for my reaction. His hand then went to my underwear, and he tugged them down, while still staring at me again not wanting to scare me for moving too fast.

I concentrated on breathing, and I smiled up at him. I moved away from him so my head was now on the pillow. I slipped off my bra, and I heard Everett's breath catch. When he didn't say anything, I suddenly felt self-conscious and put my arms over my chest, and looked away.

"Don't. Your so beautiful." I heard Everett's raspy voice. I felt one of his hands pull my arms down, and I turned back to look up at him. He kissed the skin around my collar bone, pulled back and stared back down at me. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he whispered, and I felt one of his fingers trace my collar bone, and then to my mid chest. I moaned a little, ... his finger was so close to my...

"Yes...  I'm sure." I whispered back while my eyes were close, and stroked his long hair.

He stared down at me as he positioned himself between my legs. "Are you sure this is what you really want?" he asked softly, and kissed my lips.

I stared up at him, and smiled. "Everett, I love you." I bit my lower lip, and couldn't help the smile that slipped back on my face.

"I'll be as gentle as I can be." he whispered.

He smiled down, and I don't know when he removed his boxers, but they were gone. I grabbed onto his upper arms as he pushed himself inside me slowly, he buried his face into my neck as he moaned at the same time as me. I felt his breathing began to quicken, and so did mine. The sweat from his body, and mine mixed as we brushed against each other. I felt like I was being torn in half with each small push he gave, but it felt amazing at the same time. I moved my hands to his back, and leaned my forehead on his shoulder. Then finally, he broke through my barrier, my nails dug into his back, and I felt tears run down my now flushed cheeks. "I'm sorry." he whispered hoarsely in my neck.

Everett just whispered sweet nothings into my ear, and held very still, letting me against to this new experience. He pulled away a little to wipe away my tears with one of his thumbs. "I love you." he repeated to me over, and over. As soon as the aching, and hurting was over, I moved my hips. He took that as his cue that I was ready.

It felt like every where he touched me set every single part of my body on edge, all my muscles would tighten slightly, aching desperately for more. I felt his hand grip my waist, and hips tightly but I didn't pay attention to that. His lips found mine, and they felt so perfect. It was a slow dance between our bodies. His lips never left my body as he made sweet love to me.

The moon shined on us through the balcony window, and all I knew at that point was, and would always know, is that I loved him, and he loved me.

I closed my eyes, and smiled. This reminded me of some song lyrics I had heard from a song I had bought recently.

Love like this, may come once. Baby it's fate, like a soul mate. He's your penguin.

'He's my penguin.' I thought and smiled again.


A/N: So, I finally uploaded :)

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, and that it wasn't.... too much detail at the end,
I guess is what I'm trying to say.

I would really love feedback from that, actually.


I love that song.... I thought it was a perfect choice. :D

Also, I have a new story out, and I hope that everyone of you will give
it a chance! Pretty please!!! :)

Please! :D

And also,



If I get lots of comments, and votes, I promise I'll upload sooner! ;)
I really do promise this time!

Hugs to each and every one of you that still read this! :)

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