You Are The Only Exception:Ch 14 {Teacher/Student Relationship}

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~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

~Chapter 14~

ooh yeah!

I worked hard on this haha (:

I hope you enjoy this! (:


I put my hand over my heart, and took long, deep breaths, trying to suck
in air. It wasn't working. I put my head between my knees, and very
slowly oxygen started to fill my body.

"Michelle are you okay?" I heard my Mom ask with concern.

I nodded weakly, and looked up at her.
"This is some sort of joke, right?"

"No sweetie, I'm sorry I just couldn't leave you here alone...." She said.

"When am I leaving? Today?"

"Yes, I told him to come get you at seven..... It's four-thirty now, you have
time to pack, shower, and get ready." She said while trying to smile.

"You know,... this is crazy idea, and it really sucks." I said with a
sighed, and got up off the floor.

"In a way, but I have to get going now." She looked at me sadly. "I'll
be calling to check on you."

I nodded my head, and watched as she zipped up her suitcase, and
turned to look at me.

"I'll be back before you know it." She said, and kissed me on my
forehead. "Bye, sweetie." She hugged me tightly, and began wheeling
her luggage downstairs. I heard the front door open, and close.

I sat down on her bed, and pulled my knees to my chest. I shut my
eyes tightly, 'This is really sucks. Am I dreaming?' I told myself,
and pinched my elbow. I opened my eyes, 'It's not,.. it's real'. My
Mom had left me with the person, I tried so hard to avoid these pass

I felt my phone vibrate, and jumped. I fished my phone out of my pocket
and looked at the caller ID. 'Everett', it read. I walked downstairs, and
tossed it on the couch. I went to the front door and made sure it was
locked properly.

I went to my room and shower, savoring how the hot water washed
away all my worries.

I finally finished, and changed into some dark blue sweat-pants, and
a dark blue muscle shirt. I walked back downstairs and heard a vibrating
noise. I finally pin-pointed what it was, and saw my phone flashing. I
picked it up to see that it was Everett for the third time. I quickly texted

Me: Just leave me alone. I won't answer... ever.

I threw my phone on the couch again. I went to go grab myself a V-8
fruits and vegetable drink out of the fridge.

I glanced at the clock above the counter, and saw that it was now
half-past six. I looked on the counter and saw a plain envelope with my
name on the front. I opened it and saw five-hundred dollars in it, with
a small note.


I knew you wouldn't take it if I gave it to you myself, so I left it here
right before I left. Spend it well. I'll miss you, sweetie.


I grabbed the money, and whispered "Thanks Mom."
I was about to run to my room and put the money in my wallet, when
I heard my phone go off again. Annoyed, I walked towards the couch
and picked up my phone, and answered it.

"What!?" I said annoyed.

"Michelle, I thought you weren't going to answer,... ever." He said,
but I could tell there was a smirk on this guys face.

I hated him for rubbing it in, and that I was eating my own words.
"Leave me alone." I said, and sighed.

"No. I'm heading over to your house in..... ten minutes." he said,
and I opened my mouth to say something, but I hear a click. I
pulled the phone away from my ear, and stared at the screen
realizing that the jerk had hung up on me.

I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, and answered it without looking
to see who it was.

"What!" I yelled.

"Michelle?" I heard the familiar voice say.

"Oh, hi Mom... I--I... I gotta go." I said nervously, not knowing what
to say after my outburst.

"Wait, Michelle, just promise me that you'll go with Everett,
please. I just need to know that your with him, and not home alone.
Please, just do this for me."

I sighed and frowned. "Fine. I'm going to pack now, I guess."

"Alright sweetie, thank you." and with that she hung up.

I sighed again, ran to my room and found my backpack. I considered
not going, but I had promised my Mom. I shook my head in frustration,
and began packing.

I finished packing within eight minutes, I went to my closet and spotted
a black bag in the corner on the floor. I picked it up, and immediately
recognized it. I opened it, and spotted an air horn in it. I smirked, and
grabbed it and placed it in my backpack.
'I might need that.' I thought to myself.

I heard the door bell ring and sighed. I shouldered my backpack, and
started walking down the stairs. I made sure everything was off before I
opened the door revealing a smirking Mr. Thompson.

"Hi, Mr. Thompson." I said slightly annoyed, and sighed.

I saw his smirk fade away instantly. "God, were out of school, and you
still call me that." he said annoyed.

I sighed and shook my head. "Alright." I said, while fishing out my keys
from my pocket. I stepped outside and turned towards the door to close,
and lock it. I turned around and stared at him.

"Let's go." He said irritated, and turned and walk to his Land Rover.

I pursed my lips and shrugged. I opened the passenger's door and
climbed in, putting my backpack between my legs, then closed the door.
We rode in silence, until the luxurious looking apartments came into view.

"Here we are." He said while pulling into a parking space.

He opened his door first, and climbed out. I raised an eyebrow, I turned
my head, and look at the mileage numbers, and saw that we drove only
seven or so miles down the road from my house. I quickly climbed out,
shoulder my backpack, and closed the door. I walked towards the back
of the jeep and saw him leaning against it, he saw me and began
walking towards one of the side doors, and I quickly followed.

"Are you sure your girlfriend won't mind?" I asked, while raising my

He looked back at me, and smirked. "I don't have one." We reached the
door and he pulled out his wallet, and pulled out a key-card, and inserted
it into the key-card lock. I watched as a light flash green, and heard a
click, signaling the door was unlocked. He opened the door for me, and
I walked passed him, and into a hallway. "I dated girls, but I haven't had
a girlfriend in two years." I heard him say from behind me.

"And how do you feel about that?" I said, and rolled my eyes. "This isn't
a therapy session," I looked at him over my shoulder. "but thanks for
sharing." I smiled, and he smirked.

He was now walking in front of me. We took a left, and four elevators
came into view. He pushed the 'up' button, it lit up, and we waited. I felt
him staring at me, and looked at him using my peripheral vision. He
wasn't looking at my face, but my neck.
'Weird.' I thought. A ding, finally filled the hallway, and we stepped inside
the elevator, I saw a poster on one of the walls, and quickly read it.

Welcome to our hotel, and thank you for choosing us.

'Hotel?' I thought, and read on.

Whether you plan to stay a few nights, or are choosing stay in one of our
extend-stay suites, we hope you enjoy your room and our services.
Have a nice stay.

I saw fine-print on the bottom of the poster, and quickly read it.

Extend-stay is similar to renting an apartment, but with no fixed
contracts and occupants can 'check-out' whenever they wish.

'Oh.' I thought. I glanced at the button panel, and saw that there were
fifteen floors in total in this hotel.

"Floor fourteen." I heard him say, and I turned to looked at him, and saw
him leaning against the wall. I raised an eyebrow, and he gestured with
his chin for me to push the button. The door closed, I bit the inside of
my cheek, and shooked my head. I sighed, and walked over to the panel
and pressed fourteen.

"So what about you?" I heard him say, as I leaned against the wall across
from him.

"Huh?" I said, while looking at the floor.

"How many boyfriends?"

I looked up at him. "I never really had one." I said, in a serious tone, and
looked away. I looked above the elevator door, and saw floor six light up.


I narrowed my eyes at the number seven, as it lit up. I turned my head
to look at him, and bit my cheek harder. "Really." I said, in an irritated

"So you never had se--"

I felt my face warm up. "No." I said, and looked at him in astonishment.

"So why haven't you had a boyfriend?"

I sighed, and closed my eyes. "I don't believe in love." I looked up and saw
him staring at me with curiosity."I wonder why people bother with love when
it never lasts." I looked away, smirked and shook my head. '..I'm scared.' I
said to myself.

"Why do you think that?"

"What is this twenty questions?" I said, while lifting my arms and gesturing
between us. "Are you the question king?" I said, and crossed my arms over
my chest, and shooked my head. I heard a ding, and knew we reached our
floor, and the doors opened, and I walked out quickly.

"You amaze me, Michelle." he said, and I felt his shoulder, graze mine. I
followed him, and that's when I actually noticed him. He was wearing a
black,red, and white plaid shirt, and dark jeans.

We finally reached the last door of the hall, and he began pulling his wallet
out again to get his key-card. I heard him insert the key-card, and then a

"Here we are." He said while opening the door for me.

I walked in and saw an elegant looking living room with a flat screen TV,
to my left a kitchen and dining room. I looked forward and saw three doors
guessing that one was a bedroom, another a bathroom, and a guestroom.

"There's one problem though." I turned to looked at him, and he had on
a sheepish grin on his face.

"What?" I asked, curiously.

"There's only one bedroom." he said, with that grin still on his face.

"Then what's that one." I said pointing to the door near the living room.

"Oh that's kind of like my study. My computers in there along with several
bookshelves. You like to read, right?"

I nodded, and yawned, while dropping my backpack near the door. I looked
to my right and saw a clock, and noticed it was a quarter til nine.

"You must be tired. You'll sleep in the bed, and I'll take the couch."

"No. I'll take the couch." I said, and started towards the couch.

"No your not. Let me go change, and then you can sleep on the bed." I
heard him say. I sat on the couch and took off my shoes, and I slowly lay
on the couch, and fell asleep.


I woke up to the sun hitting my eyes through the window blinds. I blinked
a few time to get them to focus, and I looked around noticing I was on the
couch, or the living room. I was in a bed, a nice, and cozy bed.

I sat up, and leaned back against the head board. I looked at the alarm
clock on the night stand to my right and saw that it was ten in the morning.
I shooked my head, and came to the conclusion that he carried me to this
bed, after I told him I was sleeping on the couch. I pushed the covers off
of me, and saw my backpack on the floor near the bed.

I opened my bag, and immediately saw my air horn. I grinned, grabbed
it, and walked toward the slightly open door, and opened it wider, so I
could slip into the hallway. I looked towards the couch, and saw that he
was still sleeping. I smirked, and walk to the edge of the hallway, and held
the air horn an arm length away from me. I cover my ear with my free hand
and pressed down on the button.

I saw Everett bolt up straight, eyes wide open, searching the room, and
fell off the couch. He sat up quickly, and looked over the couch and saw

I had a smirk on my face and said. "I thought it was air freshener." I said
while looking at the can in disbelief.

I looked up again, and my smirk faded instantly, I felt my eye's widen. When
I saw that he was no longer on the floor, but standing right in front of me with
a smirk on his face.



Sorry it took so long. =/

I just wanted to get in a lot of detail about the
apartment and stuff!? haha

and I read through it to fix my mistakes. (:

I hoped you all enjoyed this!
Because I know I had fun writing it (:

Please leave comments!! and vote!......
Thanks in advance for
anyone who does! (:

Oh, and I'm still working on that new book cover! =D

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