Chapter 31

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" Ki-Ki you ready to see grandma" I said putting on her dress

" mommy"

" yes baby" I said smiling

Nothing came out.

Ki-Ki has have this new thing of calling my name for no reason at all like what girl .

After 5 minutes of putting on her Ugg boots we were all ready to go.

Of course Julian wasn't too fond of the dinner but I keep reminding him that everything is going to be fine.

We all got in getting  buckled before leaving to Mama Janice house.

" I can't believe you got me doing this" He said shaking his head keeping his eyes on the road.

" Julian I don't know your whole life story but I believe in second chances and I know this is definitely none of my business but I can see that it still bothers that he wasn't there like he should have been"

" Obviously he knows that and is willing to work things out"

" Remember Im here for you" I said touching his shoulder.

He stared at me for bit.

" You lucky I love you" he said leaning over to peck my lips.

That actually made me blush. He cute when he wanna be.

" Boy go the light is green" I said flustered

" hey I'm just trying to show you some appreciation"

" mhmm" I said shaking my head.

After 20 minutes of driving we finally pulled into Mama Janice drive way where another car was parked.

" You got this" I said to him.

The look on his face said it all. He was not ready

We got out the car getting the kids out.

I had Sincere while he held Kianna hand who was anxious to go inside.

Before Ju could knock on the door it was already open.

" Hey my babies" Mama Janice said happily.

I quickly engulfed her in a hug before she took Sincere out my arm giving him all the kisses.

We walked in where their was an older version of Julian sitting in the living room.

Height just like him. This man was definitely his dad. Only difference is that he is not as build and sported a couple gray streaks in his hair.

" James I would like for you to meet Sierra" Mama Janice said.

I watched as he stood up extending his hand to me.

" Nice to meet you, such a pretty young lady" he said with a genuine smile.

" Thank you"

It got quiet amongst besides Ki-Ki talking.

" um dinner will be ready in a few minutes" Mama Janice said breaking the silence.

" Sierra baby you can come in the kitchen and help if you want"

" Sure of course"

I was ready to get away from the tension that was radiating off of Julian.

Hopefully things work out for the best.

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