Chapter 13

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" mommy"

I felt someone touching my face. I open my eyes to the most beautiful little girl.

Super puffy  hair and eyes like me.

This little one was gorgeous with chubby cheeks.

" yes baby" I said to her.

I realize we were out on open land laying on a blanket.

Everything around us seem so peaceful and relaxing.

I watched as she played in the grass.

Out of no where I hear laughter. I look to my side seeing a man playing as well with his back turned.

It was like he was playing with someone.

I realize things started to get lighter.

I blink my eyes realizing I was in the hospital hooked to an IV and a monitor on my stomach.

Just when I was about to speak I started coughing.

The dry ones.

I see Julian mother get up.

What the hell she doing here.

I watched as she quickly fixed some water.

" here you go sweetie"

I nodded my head thanking her since I couldn't speak.

Sooo many things were going through my mind.

What was I doing here ?

Are my babies okay ?

" Sweetie I know you are wondering what's going on"  she said reading my mind.

Before she could get the next words out.

My own mom was coming in.

" Mom ?"

It looks like she haven't been sleep in days .

" Hey baby I'm so glad you are awake" she said coming up to me.

" what's going on ?" I said wanting to get to the bottom of it.

Both ladies looked at each other.

Before any one could speak the door open again to Ju and Kianna who was in his arms.

A shocked looked went on his face seeing me.

" Julian me and Ms. Tanya are gonna leave you two to talk"

He nodded his head slowly while still staring at me.

I still sat on the bed with my arms crossed looking  confused.

Julian waited till they both were out including Kianna. Who looked half tired.

I miss my baby.

I watched as he put his hand in his pocket.

" So umm I  guess I should start talking, After getting the DNA test done, we had a little um argument . . . things got heated and then you start breathing heavily eventually you passed out, due to the high risk pregnancy with twins. One of them has a high chance of not making it through

" How long have I been in here" I said afraid of his answer.

" for almost a month"

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