Chapter 4

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Three Weeks Later . . .


" Will that be all for you"

" yes, pretty little lady" this old man said licking his lips.

I quickly rolled my eyes wanting to switch tables with someone else.

" girl why is that man acting like he want to be your sugar daddy" my coworker Christian said.

She notice it as well.

" he better stop, for this pepper spray be in his face"

She laughed at me but I was serious.

I yawned for the umpteenth time.

I've been super tired like I don't want to do anything but binge watch and eat junk food.

Which I have been doing.

" girl you okay"

" yea just sleepy" I said sitting on the stool my back start to hurt a little.

" I see" She said staring at me strangely.

" What ?"

" Nothing" she quickly said shaking her head.

Finally 9:00pm hit and I was off the clock.

I stop by Taco Bell to get something to eat before making my way home.

At home.

I finally made it to my apartment door just when I was looking for the key my door open.

Ices behind open up the door scaring the mess out of me.

It was Mal and Ices in my apartment to be exact.

" The keys are for emergencies people" I said annoyed.

" oh girl hush, you know your lonely ass want us over here anyway"

I really hate them sometimes.

" whats with all the food"

" it's for me" I said to them shrugging my shoulders.

I sat it on the table taking out four tacos with extra sour cream for me to eat. I was super hungry.

It almost as if I haven't ate all day, but that wasn't the case since I had 2 burgers at work with a milkshake.

" since when you started eating tacos ma'am.

" yea I could of sworn you hate them" Mal added.

They both were looking at me funny.

" ok what is going on with everyone looking at me funny today"

First Christian and now them.

Mal and Ices both looked at each other then me. I didn't care though since I was hungry.

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