Chapter 6

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On the other side of town.

1 in the morning.


I was still up craving for some chips,Oreos, and some strawberries.

I didn't have any food in my refrigerator and needed to go shopping. I know it was wrong to be going out late, but I was hungry and my cravings wasn't having it.

While driving, I thought about the events that took place earlier.

I cried so much that it made my head hurt. Sadly I should have expect it.

Dudes have sex with different women and leave them in the dust because they know they can.

Sad part about it is, the babies will be hurt by this.

Growing up I watched how hard my mom had to work to take care of me.

I had said to myself that I would never go through that because I'll marry first and then have kids.

Thinking about it all now, life doesn't work out the way you plan it.

Guess I was wrong for talking to Ices the way I did.

One thing for sure, I was going to take care of mine. I have mentally been preparing myself to face obstacles that may come my way.

I finally made it to the grocery store grabbing a basket to put my items in.

I walked in the snack ile where the chips were when I heard the sounds of baby screams.

Them little lungs where loud.

Thank God it wasn't a lot if people in the store, cause they would be completely annoyed.

I walked over the next ile since I needed some more Tylenol. I looked over to the sound of the noise.

The guy had his back turn with his daughter in his arms.

It was cute if you ask me.

That was until he turn around facing me.

Once again our eyes met. All the emotions from earlier came back.

All of a sudden I wasnt craving anything anymore.

I put down my basket leaving the ile.

Sadly I didn't get far, I felt a strong hand touch me.

Of course it was him. I yanked away from him.

" nigga are you crazy ! I have mase" I said about to pull it out on him.

" Wait look I'm sorry for grabbing you like that, I need your help . . . with her please"

I looked up at him seeing the crease on his forehead and tired eyes with a pair of strong lungs who didn't  let up one bit.

It made my heart soften.

Just a little.

" give me her"

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