Chapter 34

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I moved around the bed trying to make myself comfortable when I felt an empty spot.

It was cold too.

I popped my eyes open seeing Ju wasn't there. I called for him thinking he was in the bathroom still nothing.

Where did this man go?

I slowly sat up checking the bathroom, the kids room.

All the damn rooms.

" Lord I'm really trying to trust this man"

Even though I was tired I couldn't sleep without my teddy bear in human form.

I have honestly gotten use to him.

After 30 minutes of waiting on the couch I heard the keys turning to open up the door.

The look on his face showed tiredness.

" Was it worth it ?" I said standing up crossing my arms.

He was taken back but realize it was me.

" Sierra . . . ba-"

" don't baby me Julian . . . See this is what I'm talking about"

I said walking closer up to him noticing his red eyes.

" Did you kill him" I said scrunching up my face.

I knew it wasn't any female. He ain't that crazy.

He dropped his head down.

" look at me"

" I . . . I didn't Sierra on my life I left" he said blinking his eyes back from tears.

" I thought about you and our kids . . . Phil took the gun out my hand baby I swear"

" Julian don't let this happen again"

He nodded his head before I quickly slapped it.

Afterwards I softly rubbed it.

" You promise me"

" on my life" he says

" Good make yourself comfortable on the couch" I said before walking back upstairs to the room.

His smacked his teeth but I didn't care.

Christmas Day

Today was indeed about to be long and not only that my morning sickness was not helping.

I flush the toilet standing to my full height for the up-tenth time. I have been puking on and off every since I woke up.

" You sure you gone be okay. I can kick all they asses out"

I laughed a little at his face expression

He was very serious

" I'll be fine Ju"

" Aight just give me the okay you know I gotcha "

" Besides that aren't you excited to see your baby brother and sister"

I said rinsing my mouth out with Listerine one.

After some serious encouragement. Julian took it upon himself to see if his mother could contact his father about seeing his siblings.

I was so happy for him.

" Yea I guess" he said looking down.

" I just wanna make sure he doing what he suppose to be doing for them"

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