Chapter 12

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" Mama ?"

" why are women so hard"

" boy what are you talking about"

After the situation between me and Sierra.

We are too much of odds. What woman goes to another man while she pregnant by another man.

That shit don't add up. It's trifling if you ask me.

" nothing Mama" I said regretting this conversation.

" let me guess it's about that pregnant girl"

I just stayed quiet not even correcting her.

" what happened" she said giving me a serious look.

That black mama look you wouldn't dare look away from.

I quickly cleared my throat.

" some things happen she got mad and basically told me the babies weren't mine and now I don't know what to believe"

" Now I know my son, boy what did you say to that girl"

" mama what are you saying" I said raising my eyebrow.

" She is pregnant for God sake, her hormones are on 10, you say or do anything she is bound to go off on you. Pregnant women are like delicate flowers you have to be careful around them. now I'm not gone ask you again what did you say"

I let out a sigh thinking of what happen two days ago.

" I kind of told her that everything was a mistake which in fact it was"

" hm a mistake that you help cause. Son what gives you the right to say that to her"

" would you have been okay with your father telling me that you was mistake ?"

I couldn't even say nothing.

" Exactly, if you truthfully feel like these are not your babies then ask her for a test" My mother said.

" what if she don't want to ?"

" well you may have bigger fish to fry"

" But if those results come back, then what Ju ?"

" Imma man up"

" I hate to say this but I honestly don't know if I believe that."

" Mama I'm serious, I'm just want us the to be on same page"

" mhmn"

" you can't just keep having these lashes out on her when you two get in a argument"

" okay mama" I said throughly listening to her.


It was quiet

Just the way I like it.

" So Sierra how does your mother feel that you slept with a married man"

I guess I spoke to soon.

" for the uptenth time I did not know he was married, we were both drunk"

" So your were being careless, Sierra I thought I have taught you better than that"

"Let's face it dad she learn from her mother"

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