𝐈𝐈. 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫

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𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲, she puts on her usual intimidating blank face.

The Volturi's we're still stiff, as if they we're frozen. But, Aro being as the utmost leader, he broke the frozen silence.

"Immortality becomes you also, Young Eleanor."

Eleanor stood in silence. Not uttering a word nor facing Caius, who was staring at her ever since she jumped out of the tree.

Once again, the silence was cut. But, not from Aro. But, from Didyme.

"How.. How did this happen to you?.."

Eleanor's body began stiff. Reviewing her tragic accident. The time the deer ran on the slippery road.

"Accident.." Was the only word her mouth can say..

Once again, the Volturi stood in shock. But, with the other covens in the Cullens coven and so, are the Wolves.

Eleanor has a brother-sister relationship with the pack and shockingly as it is, they've accepted her still.

The pack wasn't informed of what happened to her nor the other covens. They just saw her by stairs inside the Cullens house, thinking she was a cousin or a friend from far places.

Didyme began asking her a few questions more, just as how eager the others are to.

"How did it happen?"

Eleanor stood there again, in silence. She took a glance at Caius. Then, turned to the woman beside him, holding his right hand. A sudden anger filled her. Not because of her hold, but because of her ring. She noticed a similar ring Caius has.

It's.. A wedding ring..

We're they married while we were courting?.. She thought.

Not knowing, Edward can hear her thoughts. Forgoting to shield her mind away from him.

"Yes, they are Eleanor." Edward answered her thoughts, out loud.

Edward received confused gaze from everyone. But, soon then, Aro and Carlisle catches up.

Aro stood there, nervous. And Carlisle stood there, ready to restrain Eleanor if she lets out a sudden outburst.

Due to her calm state, there's a possibility she will still let out a sudden outburst.

But, to Carlisle's suprise, she remain calm and collected. Not knowing the fire flaming from within her.

"I'll tell you what happen.." Eleanor said, finally saying a sentence from all the the events that occurred. But, that venomous tone stay with her. And is her intimidating expression.

"I was going to the Cullens house for 2nd Christmas celebration since why not? I was still alive back that time.." she stopped. And sighed before continuing.

"I was driving on that Slippery cold road, but a deer came running out. And guess what? I fucking swerve to a tree and that.. Is where my life as a human ended.." She glared at Caius.

And to Caius, he seemed pained by his mate's accident.. But, he turned confused of her tone and the glare she sents him.

Eleanor stepped aside, allowing Edward to take the lead. And she stood beside Renéesme who was holding Jacobs hand. She placed her hand in her small back and smiled at her goddaughter.

The talk was long until Aro wanted to see Renéesme. And her thoughts.

Bella motioned Renéesme to walk forward with her. And Edward motioned Eleanor to stay on guard.

Eleanors stare was scaring the Volturi guards. She looked as if she became a new person, yes she stayed the same other than her figure turned fair. But, the different thing that changed her was that intimidating stare and that blank expression. Looking like she took no care of what's about to happen nor if someone will die.

As soon as Renéesme took her hand back, she ran towards Eleanor, hugging her tight as if she will lose her.

Caius grown annoyed by the childs movement towards her. The report of her being an Immortal child stayed in him.

Caius and Eleanor had a stare off, both annoyed and angry. But, with different reasons.

It was cut when Irina lets out a scream.

"The Cullens are innocent. I take full responsibility for my mistake. I'm sorry." she said.

Eleanor saw a glimpse.. She saw Irina's dead frail body on the ground lit in fire as her head was separated from the rest.

As soon as Eleanor was snapped out if the vision she had, she shouted a protests, "Wait! Don't hurt her.."

The Volturi's stopped and stared at Eleanor asking why.

"She's.. She didn't do anything wrong.." Eleanor said, earning shocked faces from her sister and the Cullens.

"She did the right thing. She reported something illegal to you, as her loyalty. But, it seems she mistook it."

She continues and said, "Don't you think it's enough killing? She just proved her loyalty."

"We don't take second chances." Caius said.

"Then, why did you gave me one before?" Eleanor asked, earning gasps from witnesses.

Caius froze. He did gave them a second chance. He wanted to remain defeat, but his pride saids 'no'.

"I was pitiful by that time." He said.

"No, you weren't. Pity is a word out of your dictionary. You said that yourself before, didn't you?" Eleanor responded, tilting her head with her arms crossed around her chest.

The other covens stood there still in shock of the scene unfolding before them. And the girl who stood there arguing with the ruthless vampire King.

It was like seeing married couples fighting on who gets to change their child's diaper.

Anger is one thing that is always used within a person's feelings. It can let out the truth they've been hiding in a unexpected way.

But, anger mixed with sadness is difficult to control. Your thoughts can betray you at any time. And you can feel regret afterwards, which makes things more complicated.

Shockingly true

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