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Salam has been staying with us for a week now. Leen takes her to school everyday and they come together and Leen hardly ever leaves the house for any other reason. I've had a trip to the USA during this week and so I asked Mariam to come stay with the two girls because both of them are not really in their right minds now.

On the weekend we decide to call everyone over for dinner so Salam can get a little distracted from her thoughts and grief.
"Did you call your parents yet?" I ask Leen as she's reading a book before she sleeps.
"Yes," she says turning the page. "I also already prepared the food we'll be cooking tomorrow with Salam's help."
"I'm glad she found something to keep her from crying."
"She may keep it in all day long and get lost in whatever we do, but she sure cries herself to sleep every night."
"I know people don't quite become okay after such incidents, they just learn to live with the pain."
"Haven't you healed yet?" she asks closing the book and turning her head to face me.
"I don't think I have the power or ability to lose anyone else," I smile brokenly. "I wish I don't."
"I wish that all the time," she says. "Now I'm wishing it for both of us."

The next day I go to the kitchen to find Leen and Salam drowning in work.
"Good morning girls," I smile at them.
"Good morning," they say at the same time.
"I won't bother you," I tease them. "I'll just have breakfast and get lost so you can spend time together."
"You make it sound like I came here to kick you out of your house," Salam jokes shyly.
"You do whatever you want. You're my wife's best friend and I can never complain," I laugh.
"Good for you to know that yubo," Leen smiles mischievously.
Salam laughs, "Oh am I causing any problem here?"
"This is your home," Leen says.
"You can stay as much as you want, we'll never get tired of you," I complete for her. Leen smiles warmly at me.

Salam's mobile rings but she doesn't pick up.
"Answer your phone Salam," Leen tells her. "You haven't been answering for a whole week, people must be concerned."
"There no one left to be concerned," she says making her mobile silent and putting it away. "They're either dead or staying with me," she goes on. "I don't have other people that would care about me, or I would care about them."
"Fine let me answer okay?" Leen suggests. "You can't just disappear from the world. Also no one except your parents knew that you are here in Egypt. Your colleagues and far relatives will be concerned, especially after what happened."
"Answer if you want, but don't make me talk to anyone."
Leen sighs and answers the phone. "Asslamu'alikom?" she says. "Yes this is her number, who's this?" Her eyes go wide and she glances at Salam. "Ah, it's me Leen. Alhamdulillah. Yes, she's fine alhamdulillah. Umm she can't actually talk right now. I'll tell her you called. Thank you. Okay. Asslamu'alikom."
She hangs up then looks at Salam, "Don't you wanna know who was that?"
Salam looks carelessly at her. "Who?"
"Hazem," Leen says. "He said he's called you four times already."
"Does he know?"
"Yes, he even asked how you're doing now."

I look at Leen suspiciously and she shakes her head slightly.

Leen makes me a sandwich, I eat it quickly and leave to pray Al Jum'a with Ahmed, Omar and Malek.

After prayer, Omar and Malek leave while Ahmed and I decide to go for a walk.
"We haven't had time to talk properly for a while," I say.
"I know," he says. "How's everything going with you?"
"I'm great alhamdulillah, it's you whom I'm worried about."
"Because of Reham?" he smiles. "I'm perfectly fine."
"Are you sure?" I ask suspiciously.
"Hmm," he replies with a brief smile.
"Isn't there anyone else yet? It's been over a year."
He squints at the sun, "I'll just hate girls for a while." I chuckle.

I get home in the afternoon to find Leen and Salam still cooking.
"Aren't you tired?" I ask them after knocking on the door and going in. "Why are you cooking so much food? Not like we're inviting any strangers."
"Well inviting my family including Zeyad, and your family and Ahmed and his family is the reason we're cooking so much food. Otherwise we'll need supply which will only be leftovers from the fridge," Leen laughs.
I laugh too. "Do you need any help then?"
"Yes, set up the table," Leen orders.
"Okay," I say getting out.
"Also order some fruit, Adam!" she calls out after me.
"Okay!" I call back.

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