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Dedicated to my bro <3 (we're both girls, anyway :D). The writer friend of mine, and that kind of person who will always tell you to be strong because you are something, and she's someone who'll always inspire you. I'm happy I got to know you, bro. :* #YourBiggestFan #BrosForever #AuhtorsFriendYay #WellNeverStopThisHashtagThingy




This is the millionth time mom asks me to have breakfast before leaving to work and I don’t listen. Now I’m sitting in the teachers’ room waiting for my class to start and writing cards we’ll be using today, suddenly I have a terrible stomachache and my head is spinning so bad I can’t keep myself straight.

I have a terrible urge to puke but there’s nothing inside to be even ejected. I get up to get myself something to eat from the cafeteria, but when I reach the door, I feel the room spinning around me and I lose control over my body. I collapse to the floor.

I wake up later to find myself in a hospital bed. I see Dina, a friend of mine who’s also my colleague, and Madam Nadia. There’s also another beautiful girl behind them, and. . .

And that guy I’ve slammed into. "Alhamdulillah!” Dina exclaims. “Welcome back, missy. You scared us.”

“I’m sorry,” I smile sheepishly. “What did the doctor say?”

“He said you’re suffering anemia,” she frowns. “I’ll no more envy you for your slimness.” She sees me looking at the girl behind them–the guy has walked away.

“This is Mariam,” Dina says. “We’ve brought you here in their car.” Mariam smiles at me politely.

“Thank you,” I smile back at her.

“You’re welcome,” she says. “Alhamdulillah you’re better now, take care,” she smiles again.


“I’ll go pay in the reception,” Dina says, excusing herself to leave.

“Where’s my bag?” I ask.

“Here it is,” Madam Nadia hands me the bag, I look through it and take out my finally fetched phone. I call mom and tell her what happened then ask her please to not panic or ground me at home. .

Mariam approaches me when I’m done and sits on a chair next to the bed, “So, what stages do you teach?” she asks.

“Grades four and five,” I say. “Sometimes I help in the Kindergarten activity sessions.”

“Really?” she gasps. “My nephew is in KG 2,” she says. “His name is Malek.”

“Malek Omar?” I ask. “I know him,” I laugh, “we were just drawing together yesterday. He’s such a sweetheart.”

“Oh, wow!” she says.

“It’s strange we haven’t met before,” I say. “I met almost all of the kid’s parents, or those who drive them.”

“It’s the first time I come with him this year, my brother usually did it. Malek is all crazy about him.”

“His father?” I can’t keep myself from asking.

“The one who’s been here now?” she asks.


“No that’s Adam, his uncle.”

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